Randy GillenwaterRod Olguin

Randy FeltmanSue St. George

Jeff Killion


Chris Qualls


President, Randy Gillenwater called the meeting to order at 10:10am.


The following items were discussed in Executive Session:

  1. Litigation matters
  2. Member discipline
  3. Personnel matters

Motion:Jeff Killion

Second:Steve Gasperson

Background: The Board approved the open session minutes for May 2014.

The motion was passed unanimously

  1. 2014 Financials

Motion: Jeff Killion

Second: Steve Gasperson

Background:The Board approved the May 2014 financials

The motion was passed unanimously

  1. Reserve Expense

Motion: Randy Gillenwater

Second: Steve Gasperson

Background: The Board approved spending the $10,684.00 for the new gate system at the community pool with $6,730.00 coming out of reserves and $3,954.00 from contingency.

The motion was passed unanimously

  1. Recording Secretary

Motion: Randy Feltman

Second: Randy Gillenwater

Background: The Board approved having the manager and the assistant manager be the recording secretary for the Board meetings

The motion was passed unanimously

  1. Selection of Inspector of Election

Motion: Jeff Killion

Second: Steve Gasperson

Background:The Board approved the nomination of Jim Rice as Inspector of Election for the 2014 Election.

The motion was passed unanimously

  1. Annual Meeting of the Members

Motion: Chris Qualls

Second: Steve Gasperson

Background: The Board approved setting the date of September 20, 2014 as the date for the Annual Meeting of the Members.

The motion was passed unanimously

  1. Policy on Issuing Owner Stickers

Motion: Randy Gillenwater

Second: Jeff Killion

Background: The Board approved the policy for company vehicles being issued owner stickers for vehicles not owned by the home owner under the follow condition:

The home owner must provide a letter from the company that owns the vehicle granting him permission to receive an owners sticker,

A deposit must be received for the issued sticker to insure that if the vehicle is no longer being used by the home owner that the sticker will be returned to the Association.

  1. Certification of 2007 Restated By Laws

Motion: Randy Feltman

Second: Chris Qualls

Background: The Board approved the Certification of the 2007 Restated By Laws,

The motion was passed unanimously




Secretary Date
