Regular Council Meeting October 27, 2014


Recognizing Jerre Lynds for 41 years of service to the Town of Houlton

Introduction of Police Officer Matt Quint and Reserve Officer Alicia Ledger

Public Comments

I.Minutes: Regular and Special Council Meeting of September 22, 2014, Regular and Special Council Meeting of October 14, 2014.

II.Old Business

A.(090214-4)Council accepts the Houlton Fire Department Policy to establish rates for the use/stand-by of fire department equipment, personnel and services effective November 1, 2014. (The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

B.(090214-5)The Town of Houlton ordains that Chapter 12, Streets and Public Ways, Article IV Addressing Ordinance Municipal Streets and Roads be amended with the addition of Athletic Field Road. (old words lined through, new words underlined)

(Public Hearing)

This road goes into the new Houlton Band of Maliseet athletic facilities. Naming of private roads is required for 911 purposes.

C.(S100114-1) The Town of Houlton ordains execution of the easement to Northern Maine Interconnection, LLC for their proposed Northern Maine interconnection project to construct and operate its proposed electrical transmission line on and across the parcel located in Tax Map 33, Lot 3.

(Note: The documents in their entirety are available at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

D.(S100114-2)The Town of Houlton ordains the sale of 4 acres of land located off the Fletcher Road in Monticello, Maine, part of Tax Map 5, Lot41A, to EMERA Maine of Bangor, Maine. (Note: The documents in their entirety are available at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(Public Hearing)

E.(100114-5) The Town of Houlton ordains that Chapter 7 General Assistance Ordinance Appendices B,C,D,E, and F dated October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014, of the Houlton Code, be replaced with Appendices B,C,D,E, and F dated October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015.

Appendix B - Housing Maximums, Appendix C – Housing Maximums, Appendix D - Utilities, Appendix E – Heating Fuel, Appendix F – Personal Care & Household Supplies.

(Note: The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(First Reading)

III.New Business

A. (100214-1)Council approves the application for a Victualer License by Hannaford Bros., Co., LLC located at 33 Ludlow Road.

(Public Hearing)

The application is administratively clear.

B.(100214-2)Council ratifies the General Government 2014-2017 Union Contract and authorizes the Town Manager to sign on behalf of the Town. (Note: The document in its entirety is available for review at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

IV.Discussions and Reports

A.Town Manager’s Reports.

B.Councilors’ Remarks.

V. Adjournment

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