Honors 12 Study Guide Name:______

Final, June 2012

  1. Review your study guide for Frankenstein – most of it is on the final
  2. Review the Introduction to the Anglo Saxon period
  3. Who invaded Great Britain
  4. What happened after the romans left
  5. What are the characteristics of the Celtic religion
  6. What was the dominant force in Anglo-Saxon lives
  7. Why were Anglo saxon poets highly regarded
  8. Beowulf
  9. Why does he slay Grendel
  10. What weapon does Beowulf use and why
  11. How does Beowulf die
  12. What are kennings
  13. Review the Introduction to the Middle ages
  14. What highlights the role of feudalism (what was it, what did it accomplish)
  15. How were women perceived
  16. What was the function of the church
  17. What was the result of the signing of the Magna Carta
  18. What was the Black Death
  19. Where did it come from
  20. What was its legacy
  21. Review the Prologue from the Canterbury Tales
  22. Review your notes on the Pardoner’s Tale
  23. Know the characters and the issues discussed
  24. Review your notes on Wife of Bath
  25. Who was she, what was her story about
  26. Review the introduction to the Renaissance
  27. What is the most obvious change from the Middle Ages?
  28. What was the intellectual environment of the Middle Ages like?
  29. What is humanism
  30. What technological advances occurred and what impact did they have?
  31. What does it mean when someone is called a Renaissance Man
  32. What is the legacy of the English Renaissance (think values – secular vs religious)
  33. Review the introduction to the Rime of the Ancient Mariner
  34. What happens to the mariner after he kills the albatross
  35. How does the crew view the death of the albatross
  36. What is the function of the albatross
  37. What is internal rhyme – find 2 or 3 instances of it in Coleridge’s poem
  38. Review the Introduction to the Modern World – 1900-present
  39. Know the contributions of Darwin, Marx and Freud
  40. Who was James Joyce
  41. What is the primary contribution of the artists at this time
  42. What is the dominant mode of British literature at this time
  43. What can be said about post-WWII Britain – think political activists
  44. Review Araby
  45. Know setting, narrator, characters and their desires
  46. What happens at the bazaar – what is the boy’s experience there
  47. What emotions does the boy reveal -- and at what points in the story
  48. How would you summarize the story – in one sentence
  49. What is an epiphany and what is the boy’s epiphany in the story
  50. Araby is a story of comparison and contrast between what
  51. Review the poems Dulce et Decorum Est and Rear Guard
  52. What is the central idea of Dulce…
  53. What is the central idea of Rear…
  54. What is the “old lie”
  55. How would you describe the soldiers in Dulce…
  56. What is the crucial event in Dulce…
  57. Why do you think Owen wrote Dulce…
  58. How do the Trench poets as a group seem to view war
  59. What does the term trench poetry mean
  60. What is stressed in both poems?
  61. Recognize simile and oxymoron
  62. Review Rocking Horse Winner
  63. What problems are revealed in the opening paragraphs
  64. What is the story’s style
  65. Who does the mother blame for their problems
  66. How does Paul pick horse winners
  67. What is the main idea or them of RHW
  68. What is symbolism and how is it revealed in RHW
  69. Review All of Frankenstein, from Shelley’s introduction through chapter 24
  70. What is the genre of this novel
  71. Review your notes from Gallipoli
  72. Who is Archie’s hero
  73. How do the soldiers spend their money in Cairo
  74. What is Archie’s ritual chant
  75. Know the following vocabulary:
  76. Obscure
  77. Uncanny
  78. Overwrought
  79. Iridescent
  80. Asserted
  81. Pestilence
  82. Contemptuous
  83. Prowess
  84. Reprove
  85. Concede
  86. Irrevocable
  87. Pervade
  88. Emanate
  89. Monotonous
  90. Imperturbable
  91. Somber
  92. Garrulous
  93. Prosaic
  94. Impassive
  95. Tyrannous
  96. Wrenched