Student Plans


Tickler lists or ToDo lists are provided in the system as a way of reminding you what plans have important dates coming up in the near future. They also provide a way of quickly accessing items that need your attention.

You do not need to do anything to create them, but items will appear on My Tickler Lists depending on criteria set up in the system (see the section below on editing your profile for more information).

In the top section of the Menu Bar, click My Tickler Lists. / The My Tickler Lists page is displayed with a list of items that need your attention.
Or you will see symbols on your case docs screen indicating that there are items to be edited on the Tickler list
T=Tickler list
V=Transportation in need of Verification /
Click the Select + next to one of the items on the list. / The document page with the information that needs to be completed will be opened or the document group that contains the document with imminent dates will be displayed.
Select the form you want to edit. Edit the information as necessary. / Refer to the relevant section of this manual for details on completing each type of document.
Click the Submit (Done) button or the Return button. / The My Tickler Lists page is displayed.
The button that is displayed depends on the type of Tickler List item that you clicked initially.

Updating My Profile

1. / On top menu section, click My Profile
2. / If the Update My Profile page was not displayed, in the top section of the Menu Bar, click My Profile. / The Update My Profile page is displayed with the information imported from the district’s other information systems. If this data is not correct, please notify the person that manages the staff data in your district (see the Introduction section of this training guide).
3. / Click in each of the boxes and edit the information as you wish (most of it should be correct as is). / These changes are NOT made in the district’s other systems but will be used within the Student Plans system.
The fields with red text and an asterisk (*) are required.
Tickler days to Plan End/Review Date – sets how many days before a Plan end/Review date an item appears on My Tickler list.
Tickler days to Reevaluation boxes sets how many days after an Evaluation date an item appears on My Tickler list.
4. / Click the Submit button. / The My Active Cases page is displayed with a message that your profile information was changed successfully.
The screen is organized with the menu on the left (Menu Bar), a header at the top showing where you currently are, the main display area showing your data, and a footer with information about the system version.
What you see on the screen may appear somewhat different than what is described here depending on how the system has been customized for your district.
The Menu Bar is dynamic and some of the items will change depending on what you are currently doing in the system.

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