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Fill in the table.

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I Complete the sentences with the verbs in Past Simple or Present Perfect Tense.

In my twenties, I regularly______1 (take) off with my bakpack and my camera to some remote place, for example, I ______2 (spend) a year in India. Since then, I ______3 (backpack) all around Europe and the Middle East.

IComplete the sentences with the verbs in Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect

When the fire broke out during our stay at the Plaza Hotel, we ...... 1(go) back to our room. We ...... 2(just/have) a dinner in a restaurant. While waiting for the firemen, one of the guests ...... 3(take) a fire extinguisher.

II Complete the sentences with either THE or X:

  1. She moved from ….. Belgium to …. Czech Republic and she speaks only ….. French.
  2. My favourite museums are ...... Madam Tissue’s and ...... Louvre

II Fillin the gaps with the verbs from the brackets to express future:

  1. Our train ……………………….. (leave) at 21.05.
  2. This time next month, they ………………………………… (greet) our guests from Japan.

III Match to make phrasal verbs.


  1. Could you ______a minute and I`ll see if she is available.
  2. Few passengers decided on the cruise. The boat trip will be ......

III Put the sentences into passive:

  1. People say this restaurant is the best in town.

This restaurant ......

  1. They think the castle originally belonged to the McDonald family.

The castle ......

IV Choose a noun that can be best combined with the two given adjectives:


low-rise/well-appointed ______

delicious/ hearty ______

indoor/plunge ______

V Supply the words that match the definitions.

  1. An outdoor market selling cheap, second-hand goods ______.
  2. A small railway that goes up and down very fast at a fairground ______.
  3. A journey on foot in the mountainous areas ______.
  4. Some money as a reward for the services of people like waiters or cabbies ______.
  5. Initial part-payment given to a travel agent to make a reservation ______.

VI Circle the correct answer.

  1. ______tourism involves non-residents travelling in the given country.

a)Domestic b) Inbound c) Outbound

  1. Money added to pay, as a reward for good work is ______.

a)bonus b) overtime c) fee

  1. The hotel has three ______buses that operate to and from the airport.

a)valet b) shuttle c) coach

  1. If you decide on staying in a hotel at ______prices you will probably have to count on a bad service.

a) exorbitant b) rock-bottom c) prohibitive

  1. It was a real ______tour. We visited 8 cities in twelve days.

a)tornado b) incentive c) educational

  1. This office tries to orient at luxurious all inclusive and ______resorts.

a) downmarket b) upmarket c) self –catering.

  1. A holiday organized in order to excavate Aztec temples or improvelanguage skills in London is a ______.

a) city break tour b) self –catering holiday c)special interest holiday

8. I’ll______you ______to her extension?

a) put/up b) put/through c) put/off

  1. Spanish tourism industry faced environmental problems during the 1908s because of ______hotels and poor town planning.

a)budget b) luxury c) high-rise

  1. Mass tourism in Goa really ______in the 1990s.

a)took off b) took up c) made off