Daily Lesson Plans

Subject: 3rd Grade Reading Teacher: Gunter Date:10/27-10/31

3rd grade ELA Lesson Plan Marie Gunter 10/27-10/31

9:15-10:45 Reading/Writing

10:45-11:15 Reading/Writing Intervention



RL.3.1-Answer questions about key details in the text.

RL.3.2-Determine the main idea, recount key details and explain how they support the main idea

R.L. 3.5-Refer to parts of a story when writing about a text.

3RF3a. Prefixes un-, re-, mis-, dis-

RL.3.9-Compare and contrast themes, settings, and plots.

3W3a-d Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.

3L4d. Use glossaries/dictionaries


Monday / Materials / Instructional Strategies
(7minutes) Take AR notes
(10 minutes)
What kinds of notes should I take when I read? / How does determining the main idea help me to better understand the text?
Work Period
(70 minutes)
((30 minutes) Narrative writing / Field Trip- Generating main idea in writing. Supporting the main idea with details describing the experience.
Complete performance task- narrative writing.
Field Trip to the Augusta Canal
Narrative Writing-3L3b.
Choose words and phrases for effect
How can I improve my narrative writingby adding descriptive language and questions? View student examples.
Write field trip narrative writing piece.
(10 minutes)
Practice identifying the main idea and explain how the details support the main idea. / Students will writing and record.
Intervention / Individual Assistance
Homework / Workbook pages
Tuesday / Materials / Instructional Strategies
(7 minutes)Prefix pretest / paper / Independent –review/practice
(10 minutes)
Main Idea
Writing- review of strategies to use in narrative writing / Students will practice prefix word patterns.
Performance task- final draft. Radio show narratives.
Work Period
(70 minutes)
(10 minutes) Small word pattern practice-prefixes
(15 minutes) Comprehension practice
(15 minutes) Small group teacher station.
(30 minutes) Narrative writing / 3RI2. Determine the main idea, recount key detailsand explain how they support the main idea.What strategies can I use to help meidentify the main idea?
(view video link)
Practice identifying the main idea and take notesof details that support it.
How is finding the main idea of a chapter differentfrom finding the main idea of a paragraph?
If you have multiple events within a chapter or a story ,keep track of each main idea and the details that support them. How to analyze to determine the main idea and identify details that support it.
Narrative Writing- 3L3b.
Share examples of strategies used to engage your reader.
I can engage my reader by using strategies I know.
Performance task rough draft/final draft.
(10 minutes)
Practice close reading strategies. / Students will share the main ideas they identified and details that supported them.
(30 minutes)
Small group reading to identify main ideas within passages. / What strategies should I use while reading to help me to comprehend what I read?
Homework / Workbook pages
Wednesday / Materials / Instructional Strategies
(7 minutes)Prefix quiz / paper / Generate the definition of words with added prefixes. How does a prefix change the meaning of a word?
(10 minutes)
3RF3A. I can use my knowledge of prefixes un, re, mis, and dis to decipher the meanings of words.
How do these prefixes change the meanings of words?
Video about the prefix un-
Flocabulary Prefixes
Narrative Writing- Editing
Writing COPS
What should I look for when I
edit my writing? / Students will generate examples of how a prefix changes the meaning of a word.
(Students may view additional links in word work station.)
Editing process. How to edit your paper. How to edit a partner paper. How to analyze using a rubric. – Show Videos. COPS strategy
Work Period
(70 minutes)
(10 minutes) Small group comprehension practice
(30 minutes) Comprehension practice-main idea
(30 minutes) Narrative writing / Small group instruction: Closed Reading
Teacher Station: 3RI2. Determine the main idea, recount key detailsand explain how they support themain idea.What is the main idea? (flocabulary)
Independent Station: Read chapter 4 of The Best Christmas PageantEver.What is the main idea of this chapter?What details should you cite from the textthat support this main idea?
Computer Station: Main idea
Word Work: Prefixes and Suffixes
3L3b. Narrative Writing- performance task
/Class Newspaper
Dictionary Excerpt
Writing COPS
What should I look for when Iedit my writing?
(10 minutes)
Practice close reading strategies. / Students will share their main ideas from chapter 4.
(30 minutes)
Small group practice reading comprehension strategies. / (30 minutes) Comprehension strategy: Main Idea/ review of strategies
Homework / Workbook pages
Thursday / Materials / Instructional Strategies
(7 minutes)Prefix quiz / paper / Students will generate definitions of words with added prefixes.
(10 minutes)
3RF3A. I can use my knowledge of prefixes un, re, mis, and dis to decipher the meanings of words.
How do these prefixes change the meanings of words?
Flocabulary Prefixes
Narrative Writing / Watch Flocabulary video and answer quiz questions related to the video.
Review COPS editing method/ What does it mean to revise?
Work Period
(70 minutes)
(10 minutes) Small group syllable practice
(15 minutes) Comprehension practice
(15 minutes) Small group teacher station.
(30 minutes) Narrative writing / Small group instruction:Main Idea practice
Complete weekly comprehension practice passages- closed reading/ identify the main idea.
Teacher Stations: 3RI2. Determine the main idea, recount key detailsand explain how they support themain idea.
Computer Station: What is the main idea? (flocabulary)
Independent :Read chapter 5 of The Best Christmas PageantEver.What is the main idea of this chapter?What details should you cite from the textto support this main idea?
3L3b. Narrative Writing-Class Newspaper
Understanding how to generate main ideas when writing
(10 minutes)
Practice generating definitions for prefixes and suffixes. / Students will practice determining vocabulary definition based on textual context
(30 minutes)
Closed Reading Practice. / (30 minutes) Comprehension strategy: Main Idea/ Review of strategies.
Homework / Workbook pages
Friday / Materials / Instructional Strategies
(7 minutes)Prefix test / paper
(10 minutes)
Abtract nouns vs: concrete nouns / Students will access website containing information about abstract and concrete nouns. The class will sort examples.
Work Period
(70 minutes)
(10 minutes) Spelling test
(15 minutes) Comprehension test
(45 minutes) Narrative writing final draft. / Focus: Reading to identify the main idea and describe how it is supported by details in the text.
Class newspaper articles- Radio Show Recording
(10 minutes)
Share narrative writing pieces.
(30 minutes)
Closed Reading Strategy: Main Idea / (30 minutes) Comprehension strategy
Homework / Workbook pages

Created by Tonethia Beasley & R.J.