Lector #1 – Announcements, First Reading, and read Psalm if not being sung

Lector #2 – Second Reading and Prayers of the Faithful. (Book will not be carried up to lectern.)

Eucharistic Minister #1 – Distribute the Body of Christ

Eucharistic Minister #2 & #3 – Carry the gifts to the altar and help clean the vessels after Mass.

4 PM Mass Ministry Schedule

January21stto March19th 2017

Mass Time & Date / Ministers of the Word / Extraordinary Ministers of Communion / Acolytes
Sat Jan. 21st
4 p.m. / #1 / Shelly Baker / Les Foote / Bob Askew
#2 / Doreen Slaunwhite / Wayne Marchand
#3 / Sylvia Logan
Sat. Jan. 28th
4 p.m. / #1 / Carl Logan / Marsha Saunders / David Cunningham
#2 / Donna Goyetche / Maria Gallant
#3 / Madeline Patton
SatFeb. 4th
4 p.m. / #1 / Nora Askew / Wayne Marchand / Bob Askew
#2 / Mona Currans / Nancy J. Ferguson / Alain Godbout
#3 / Les Foote
Sat. Feb. 11th
4 p.m. / #1 / Bernadette LaPierre / Madeline Patton / David Cunningham
#2 / Vincentine Woodbury / Sylvia Logan
#3 / Marsha Saunders
Sat Feb. 18th
4 p.m. / #1 / Doreen Slaunwhite / Nancy J. Ferguson / Bob Askew
#2 / Brett Woodbury / Maria Gallant
#3 / Wayne Marchand
Sat. Feb. 25th
4 p.m. / #1 / Carl Logan / Sylvia Logan / Wayne marchand
#2 / Shelley Baker / Marsha Saunders
#3 / Madeline Patton
SatMarch 4th
4 p.m. / #1 / Vincentine Woodbury / Les Foote / Alain Godbout
#2 / Bernadette LaPierre / Maria Gallant
#3 / Wayne Marchand
Sat March 11th
4 p.m. / #1 / Brett Woodbury / Nancy J. Ferguson / David Cunningham
#2 / Doreen Slaunwhite / Madeline Patton
#3 / Sylvia Logan
Sat. March 18th
4 p.m. / #1 / Donna Goyetche / Marsha Saunders / Wayne Marchand
#2 / Mona Currans / Maria Gallant
#3 / Les Foote