CPOA National Board of Directors Meeting

11-12 May 2017

At 0900 EST, 11 May 2017, National President YNC Kin Lorigan called the meeting to order, followed by pledge to the flag and moment of silence.

Roll Call of CPOA National Board of Directors:

National PresidentYNC Kim Lorigan Present

National Vice PresidentHSCM Tyron AndersonPresent

National SecretaryYNCS Bruce GarrisonPresent

National TreasurerCWO2 Mark TahtinenExcused Absence

Region 1 AdvisorBMCS Jack CrowleyPresent

Region 2 AdvisorMKCM Dave IsherwoodExcused Absence

Region 3 AdvisorCWO2 Amy PoncePresent


CGEA National PresidentDC1 Mike Lewis


1. Motion by National Vice President HSCM Tyron Anderson to discuss National Board of Directors minutes of 18 April 2017. Motion seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Jack Crowley. Motion Carried.

Received notice from Region 2 Advisor MKCM Dave Isherwood that his devoted wife Mary had passed away.

National President YNC Kim Lorigan called up the National Board of Directors for a moment of silence for Mary Isherwood.


1. Motion by National Secretary YNCS Garrison to enter Executive Session. Motion seconded by Region 3 Advisor CWO2 Ponce. Motion Carried.

0911 Entered Executive Session.

0916 Exited Executive Session.

2. Motion by National Vice President HSCM Anderson to accept Executive Director’s performance review with the understanding that it will come with a step increase to GS-11 Step 6. Motion seconded by Region 3 Advisor CWO2 Ponce. Motion Carried.

0919 Entered Executive Session

0945 Exited Executive Session

3. Motion by Nation Vice President HSCM Anderson to set a cap on the Executive Director’s pay at $80,000, retirement at $5,000 and health at $3,000 a year out of concern for future year budgets. Motion seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Jack Crowley. Motion Carried.

0950 Recessed

1018 Reconvened

4. Motion by National Secretary YNCS Garrison to have the Membership Coordinator, Ms. Julie Behre to attend the first two days of this year’s National Convention in Louisville. Motion seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley. Motion Carried.

5. Motion by Region 3 Advisor CWO2 Ponce to increased the Membership Coordinator’s annual leave from 30 to 60 hours a year. Seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley. Motion Carried.

6. Motion by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley to purchase a new computer for the Membership Coordinator not to exceed $1,000. Motion seconded by Region 3 Advisor CWO2 Ponce. Motion Carried.

1050 Recessed

1055 Reconvened

7. Motion by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley to bring the 2018 proposed National Budget to the floor for discussion. Motion seconded by National Secretary YNCS Garrison. Motion Carried.

8. Motion by Region 3 Advisor CWO2 Ponce to send the proposed 2018 National Budget to the 2017 National Convention for approval. Motion seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley. Motion Carried.

1205 Recessed

1354 Reconvened

8. CGEA National President DC1 Mike Lewis presented his 2016 yearly report on the National CGEA.

National CGEA President DC1 Mike Lewis stated that the CGEA had reimbursed the CPOA $950.00 as payment in full for the loan to purchase their 25th anniversary challenge coin.

National CPOA President YNC Lorigan thanked DC1 Lewis for repaying the loan in such a timely manner.

9. Motion by National Secretary YNCS Garrison to accept the National CGEA President’s yearly report as given. Motion seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley. Motion Carried.

10. Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley gave a report on the Retiree Council meeting he attended in Washington DC IN April 2017.

11. Motion by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley to update the CPOA Tri Fold membership form as a recruiting tool. Motion seconded by Region 3 Advisor CWO2 Ponce. Motion carried

1454 Recessed

1500 Reconvened

1516 Recessed until 0900, 12 May 2017

1010 12 May 2017 Reconvened

Roll Call of National Board of Directors

National PresidentYNC Kim LoriganPresent

National Vice PresidentHSCM Tyron AndersonPresent

National SecretaryYNCS Bruce GarrisonPresent

National TreasurerCWO2 Mark TahtinenExcused Absence

Region 1 AdvisorBMCS Jack CrowleyPresent

Region 2 AdvisorMKCM Dave IsherwoodExcused Absence

Region 3 AdvisorCWO2 Amy PoncePresent


National CGEA President DC1 Mike Lewis

12. Discussed 2019 Convention and 50th Anniversary coordination.

13. Discussed 2017 Convention Issues:

MCPOCG to attend Monday Opening Ceremonies

Commandant to attend Thursday Morning

Louisville Derby City Sluggers Chapter to be installed at opening ceremonies

Sunday Evening Presidents reception.

1200 Recessed

1215 Reconvened

14. Discussed Motions to Amend the By Laws and the Operations Manual.

1253 Recessed

1310 Reconvened

15. Discussed statues of CPOA Foundation.

Motion by Region 3 Advisor Ponce for National to provide CPO Foundation with a ½ page ad in the Chief Magazine to advertise their coin and promote the Foundation. Seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley. Motion carried.

National President YNC Kim Lorigan stated that MCPO Forrest Croom is working to find and accountant to conduct the CPO Foundation audit on apro bono basis.

16. Executive Director Randy Reid presented a recruitment package that he would like to provide each member attending the Chief’s Academy with information on the CPOA and an application to join.

Discussed the recruitment package and general consensus was that it may serve as an excellent recruiting tool. A motion by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley to purchase the necessary items to be place in the package and send enough packages to distribute to all attendees of the CPO Academy Classes for one year and re-evaluate the program following the one year anniversary of implementation. Motion seconded by Region 3 Advisor CWO Ponce. Motion carried.

National Board of Directors agreed that the funds needed to purchase the items for the recruiting packages will come from the reserve fund and not out of the current budget.


Region 1 Advisor advised everyone that the 18th of May 2017 will be the 97th Anniversary of the Chief Petty Officer in the Coast Guard.

Discussed possibility of a Resolution to officially name any member who joined the CPOA prior to and during he year 1969 as a Charter Member.

Everyone in attendance wished to send our heartfelt condolences to MKCM Isherwood and his family on the passing of his wife and love of his life Mary.

There being no further business a motion was made by National Secretary YNCS Garrison to adjourn. Motion Seconded by Region 1 Advisor BMCS Crowley. Motion Carried.

1533, 12 May 2017 Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

YNCS Bruce Garrison

National Secretary