College of Arts and Sciences
223 Maginnes Hall

9 West Packer Avenue

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015-3075

(610) 758-3301 Fax (610) 758-6232

Welcome to Lehigh University'sArts-Engineeringprogram administered by the College of Arts and Sciences. This course of study will lead to two degrees – one in the College of Arts and Sciences and one in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

This letter will get you started preparing for your first year in the program. If you have immediate questions about the program, you can contact the CAS Associate Dean, Frank Davis (). You can also call the College of Arts and Sciences office at 610-758-3301; we can answer a lot of questions and also refer your questions to the right people to get answers.

The typical schedule for first-year students in the Arts-Engineering program is similar to that of a first-year student in the College of Engineering and Applied Science, except for the College Seminar, required of all first-year students in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Typically, an Arts-Engineering student will take Phy 11 and 12 and the Arts and Sciences College Seminar in the fall semester and Chm 30 and Engr 10 in the spring semester.

Variations in the first-year curriculum for an Arts-Engineering student are possible only if the student has AP credit for one of the required courses: English, chemistry, physics, or calculus. If you expect AP credit, make sure that your AP scores are sent to Lehigh. Don’t wait to see your scores before deciding to have them sent. There’s no harm in sending us a low score, and any delay may affect the timely completion of your registration. We will receive and process most AP scores in the first week of July. You may complete a partial course request process – selecting your seminar and other courses not affected by your AP scores – and return to complete the online course request process after you receive your AP scores. However, if we receive AP scores resulting in credit, we can automatically adjust your course selection to reflect those changes. Please see the online course selection process to determine your options.

Our online course request process is designed to help you step by step, with help available as you go. When you get started, you'll find context-appropriate help, general help, and instructions for contacting someone who can help you with your specific questions. You will need to log into the Campus Portal to access information on housing as well as the course request process.

It’s important for you to work on this sooner rather than later – you should set a goal of completing your course selections by mid-June. In particular, you should make your choice of a course that fulfills the College Seminar requirement soon because those courses are enrolled on a first come, first served basis.

The sequences of courses taken to meet the major requirements for a BS degree in the various branches of engineering at Lehigh are fully described in the Lehigh University Catalog under the Arts-Engineering section . The catalog is available online at

You will be expected to declare a major in an area of engineering at the end of your first year. Your selection of a major program in the College of Arts and Sciences may be made at any time, but most students make this selection in the second semester of the second year. You should be aware that the credit requirements for majors in the College of Arts and Sciences vary widely depending on the degree program you select. After declaring each of your majors, you will be assigneda major adviser for each area. You must attend to the requirements for both degrees, the distribution requirements for both colleges, and the total credit requirement of 157-171 credit hours for the two degrees.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions. I look forward to meeting you when you arrive at the start of the fall semester.


Bruce Thomas ()
Director, Arts-Engineering Program