Mackenzie P.T.A Minutes, May 15, 2014

Meeting called to order @7:10 pm

Attendance: 12

1. Motion to approve minutes from the April 2014 meeting

- Motion made by; seconded by

-All in favor; Motion approved

2. Correspondence and Announcements:

Lots of Thank You notes from teachers for the Staff Appreciation Luncheon, June Lombardi (K), Kelly Robertson (1st), Shari Van Hage (1st), Pat McCooey (Volunteer), Zita Yennie (Pre-k), Jessica Davis (K)

3. Treasurer’s Report:

- $392 6th grade graduation t-shirts

- $235 paid out insurance

- $267.55 paid out for staff appreciation

- Earned box tops in the amount of $1,079.16

- Misc. Line = Gertrude Hawk in March, some other things that came in that didn’t have a line item

4. Committee Reports:

a. Teacher Wish List: None

b. Board of Education: None

c. Box Tops: continuing in the Fall

5. Events:


Book Bingo – no one showed up, gift cards being kept for the Fall

Assemblies – finished out today, Bash the Trash, musical instruments made from things found at home, kids really liked it!

Plant Sale – More than enough plants, extras were saved for school beautification

Discount Card – Sold $3,168, profit $1,267.20


BBQ – June 19th

- let Jill Decker in Cafeteria know that Kindergarten won’t be in school that day as they are on their Claws & Paws field trip, so food order won’t include those classroom numbers

- rain date June 20th

- we need to track down our grill

6. Old Business

Eldred Pride Day – PTA magnets & pens

Fall Festival Budget – Bob Murray not in attendance put off to next meeting

7. New Business

- Motion made by Conio Loretto to create a line item for Gertrude Hawk in the 2014-2015 budget; Beth Deyermond seconded

Committee Assignments:

Debbie Jennings wants to do the Gift Card fundraiser in the Fall

-  October 20-31 so that cards are in to hand out at Parent/Teacher conference in November

School Pictures – Lisa Stutz

Book Fair - Judy Kopf/Jennifer Anderson – November 18-21

Discount Cards - Judy Kopf – 4/16-24

School Spirit - Conio Loretto – 9/15-26 - Get in touch with Bonnie Robertson for Mackenzie Bee logo

Assemblies – Conio Loretto

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon – Melissa Mayr

Fall Fundraiser - ?

Box Tops – Stacie Brischler


Vote for new officers

Slate of officers for the 2014-2015 school year: Beth Deyermond, President

Suzanne Sosnowski, Vice President

Danielle Warming, Secretary

Kezie Labuda , Treasure (2 year of 2 year term)

All in favor – Congratulations!!

Gift baskets for teacher beginning of the school year to welcome teacher’s back. If you want to help put together or purchase things to go in the baskets, let Melissa Mayr know.

Audit & Budget Meeting needs to be scheduled for the summer

Brittany Robinson – Assembly suggestion -group out of New Hampshie (the Amadon’s husband & wife musicians) play traditional folk music, folk dancing, very engaging, will get details to Conio, they are a little pricey but worth it!

Join us at BVH on June 19th for our June “meeting”

Meeting Adjourned 7:45 pm

Respectfully submitted by: Jennifer E. Anderson