Access to Site

Access to the site is outlined on the enclosed plans.


The Contractor shall visit and inspect the site and acquaint himself with the nature of the work, means of access, storage space and shall include for the supply of materials and labour to complete the works. No claim for variation, amendment or additional costs will be considered on the grounds of lack of information occasioned by default of inspection on the part of the Contractor. Dimensions and items of work must be checked on site.

Monitoring Arrangements

Overseeing Organisation will monitor site on a daily basis.


Public Liability Insurance of £5 million shall be carried for the duration of the contract and the certificate must be available for inspection before work commences.

Health & Safety

  1. The Contractor is to ensure compliance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all related codes of practice.
  2. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations, 2015 (CDM2015) will apply. The appointed contractor will be the Principal Contractor and responsible for the Construction Phase Plan. An initial meeting between the client and appointed contractor will take place prior to the commencement of work to discuss all aspects of CDM relating to the project. This will include the appointment of the Principal Designer. Paperwork relating to CDM regulations will be completed and returned by the successful contractor.
  3. The Health & Safety at Work Act requires any contractor with more than 5 employees to produce a written Safety Policy Document. A copy of this document should be available if applicable.
  1. The Contractor shall also comply with the requirements of the following where applicable:
  • Office, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963.
  • Factories Act 1961.
  • Working Places Regulations.
  • Code of Welfare Conditions for the Building Industry.
  • Construction Design and Management Regulations
  • A code of practice for safety at streetworks and roadworks
  1. Health & Safety risks of which the Authority is aware and would draw the Contractor’s attention to:
  • All Car Parks will be open to the general public and pedestrians. Successful Contractor to ensure area of work is closed off to general public and appropriate signage and barriers are in place.

Working Practices

  1. The Contractor should allow for rubbish to be safely stored on site and to be cleared away at intervals of not more than one week (or other period agreed with the Supervising Officer) and the environs to be kept as clean and tidy as possible.
  1. Any bulk materials stored on site should be placed on a tarpaulin or plastic sheeting to facilitate removal of surplus material. The sheeting and materials should be moved before permanent damage is caused to underlying vegetation.
  1. The Contractor is required to meet all requirements of Sections 60 and 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 with reference to the Control of Noise in relation to any of the works and the giving of notice in relation to the same to the local Authority.
  1. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent any pollution arising from the execution of works. The Contractor will be held responsible for any such pollution and the costs of rendering harmless, or removing, any offensive discharge or deposit caused by the Contractor or his subcontractors, will be borne by the Contractor.
  1. The Contractor is to provide all mechanical and non-mechanical plant, tools and vehicles and everything requisite for the proper execution and completion of the works and for their removal on completion. All users of plant must be certified machine operators where applicable.
  1. The Contractor is to provide building water, where applicable, for the whole of the works, including that required by subcontractors, pay all charges, clear away and make good on completion.
  1. The Contractor must comply with the Highways regulations or requirements in relation to the routing, parking, unloading of vehicles, and providing temporary road signs, traffic lights and any special conditions arising out of the work on site or in the highway.
  1. The Supervising Officer reserves the right to suspend works on site should the requirements of safety and working practices not be complied with.
  1. Public Rights of Way are not to be obstructed without the necessary permission of the Highway Authorities. Contractors should exercise due care and attention towards members of the public using Public Rights of Way on or near the site.

Maintenance of Existing Services

  1. The Contractor is to establish the position of, protect and uphold and maintain all pipes, sewers, service mains, cables etc, during the execution of the works.
  1. The Contractor is to make good any damage due to any cause within his or her control at his or her own expense or pay any costs or charges in connection therewith.
  1. Where it is necessary to interrupt any mains or services for the purpose of making either temporary or permanent connections thereto or disconnections there from, prior written permission shall be obtained from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and, where appropriate, from the Local Authority or Public Utility and the duration of any interruptions kept to a minimum.
  1. The Contractor is to notify affected occupiers of any impending disruption in services before disconnections are made.
  1. Any services found and not included on the drawings or in positions other than those indicated on the drawings are to be brought to the attention of the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.

Safeguarding the Works

  1. The Contractor is to provide for all costs and insurances in safeguarding the works, materials and plant against damage and theft.
  1. Protection should be given to works completed against damage by frost, inclement weather until such times as works completed have ‘cured’ sufficiently.
  1. The Contractor will be responsible for keeping all persons under his or her control, including persons employed by subcontractors and all unauthorised persons within bounds, and will be liable for all damage to adjoining property and premises, roads, footpaths by workforces, lorries or from any other cause connected with the undertaking of the works.


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