Minutes of June 15, 2017

The regular meeting of the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at

5:30 p.m. by B. Hester at the Grand Blanc Parks and Recreation Office, 360 E. Grand Blanc Road,

Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Commission Present: Brad Hester Chairman

Jason Macco Vice Chairman

Tom Pettit Treasurer

Paula Nas Secretary / Deputy Treasurer

Jake Mengel Commissioner

Ken Thomas Commissioner

Staff Present: Kae Eidson Director

Jamie Weasel Assistant Director

Chris Hester Maintenance Supervisor

Misty Moen Senior Coordinator

Carol Neumann Office Manager


Gary Green Commissioner

Rob McRae Programmer

Guests: Clint Morrow – President of Grand Blanc Youth Football

Les Rogers - Past President Grand Blanc Youth Football

Sue Kish – Founding Member of GBYF /Grand Blanc School Board

Jill Bahm Giffels – Webster


L. Rogers addressed the Commission generating discussion about the potential expansion of multi-purpose fields on the north side of Creasey Bicentennial Park. L. Rogers noted they would like to work collectively with GBPR to make the field/fields a reality. L. Rogers indicated they don’t have the money to fund this expansion; however, they do have a lot of available resources that could significantly help reduce costs. The general consensus is the addition of the field could immediately be put to use with both the Grand Blanc Youth Football and Grand Blanc Lacrosse programs.

Public Hearing for the Grand Blanc Parks & Recreation Master Plan Update

B. Hester called the meeting to order. There was no one in attendance wishing to speak. J. Macco made a motion to close the meeting. Support was provided by T. Pettit. No further discussion needed. Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays


J. Bahm from Giffels-Webster addressed the Commission regarding the update to the master plan for Grand Blanc Parks & Recreation. Prior to the meeting the Commission was provided the latest updated version of the master plan for their review. J. Bahm noted the information has been available online for public comment and there have been a few comments that the Commission may want to consider for inclusion in the plan. In regard to the Perry Homestead Park and Nature Trail, a topic of previous discussion, J. Bahm noted the next step is to share with the Township Board some case studies on how other similar organizations are operated to show the options that are available, to help the Board in their decision regarding the property moving forward.


T. Pettit made a motion to accept the June agenda as presented. K. Thomas provided support. No discussion was needed. Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.


K. Thomas made a motion to accept the May Minutes as presented. T. Pettit provided support.

Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.

Directors Report

J. Macco inquired about the success of the Family Fun Fest. K. Eidson noted attendance was down but we gained some new sponsors which will help offset the lower attendance. K. Eidson indicated there is a definite need to discuss other options to raise those funds. One option would be to seek an increased appropriation from the City and Township. The amount of time, energy, staff and volunteers needed to operate this function is substantial in an already saturated summer of activities. K. Eidson noted beer tents just don’t seem to be as popular as they use to be as far as fund raisers.

K. Eidson made note the Beer Run event has been postponed. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission is restricting the alcohol to only be allowed in the pavilion area following the race. The change is being noted as a Health and Wellness issue. We are looking into an alternate location, possibly the Elks, eliminating the restriction and allowing us to operate in the same manor we did last year having beer stations throughout the course.

Assistant Director

B. Hester inquired about concerts in the park. J. Weasel noted we have signed on for all new bands this year. First concert is scheduled for July 18th.

Recreation Programmer

No questions were raised.

Maintenance Supervisor

No questions were raised

Senior Center Coordinator

T. Pettit made note that membership is up at the Senior Center. M. Moen attributed the increase to new programs.

Administration & Policy Committee

Did not meet / No report

Area & Facilities

J. Macco addressed the proposed maintenance and upgrades needed to be done to the soccer fields. Macco noted there were three quotes for the project. After some additional research the committee unanimously agreed to go with Contractors Landscaping. K. Thomas made the motion to recommend Contractors Landscaping be awarded the project to the Township Board for approval. T. Pettit provided support. B. Hester noted JP Adams highly recommends this company and has worked with them on the Grand Blanc School softball fields. B. Hester stated JP Adams’ support of this company holds a lot of value in his mind. No further discussion was needed.

Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays.

Budget & Finance Committee

Did not meet / No Report

Senior Committee

Did not meet / No Report

New Business


Old Business


Financial Reports

T. Pettit made a motion to accept the May financials as presented. K. Thomas provided support.

Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.

T. Pettit made a motion to accept the May payables check register as presented. B. Hester provided support.

Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays. Motion carried.

Round Table

K. Eidson took a moment to thank staff for many hours of work put in at the Family Fun Fest. Everyone made the best of it, worked hard and did a great job.

J. Weasel noted the basketball courts and the inline skating area are open and already being utilized. K. Eidson noted there will be a ribbon cutting event planned later in July. J. Macco added it would be nice to have the Grand Blanc View cover the event in an effort to get the message out to the community showing their dollars are being put to good use in making improvements and needed repairs at the park.

C. Neumann noted the latest request associated with the dog park was an inquiry asking if a therapy goat would be allowed to utilize the dog park. We were not able to approve the request.


As there was nothing further to discuss T. Pettit made a motion to adjourn at 6:22pm. Support provided by J. Mengel.

Vote taken 6 Yeas – 0 Nays

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Nas