Science Autobiography

Directions: For your autobiography I want you to think about all of your experience and knowledge related to science. Write about at least 2 of your experiences with science up to right now. They can be positive or negative, and you should talk about how you felt during the experience and why. What did you like, what did you dislike, and why?

Be sure that you include an introduction and a conclusion, and make sure that the introduction and conclusion answer the following questions: What do you think about science? Do you consider yourself a scientist? Why or why not?

Hints: If you are having trouble, the introduction can answer “What do you think about science?” And the conclusion can answer “Do you consider yourself a scientist? Why or why not?” The only need to be a few sentences.

Some things to consider if you are struggling to think about your science experiences: past science classes, experiments you have done, summer/day camps, home activities, museum visits, TV shows, books, movies, and internet experience.


CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Focus on Assigned Topic
(8 Points) / There are more than two science experiences and the stories about them are easy to understand. / There are at least two science experiences and the story wanders off at one point, but the reader can still mostly understand. / There is at least one science experience and the story wanders off at one point, but the reader can still mostly understand. / There is one or no science experiences, and the reader cannot understand.
(8 Points) / The story is readable, clean, neat and attractive. It looks like the author took great pride in it. / The story is readable, neat and attractive. It looks like the author took some pride in it. / The story is readable. It looks like parts of it might have been done in a hurry. / The story is not neat or attractive. It looks like the student just wanted to get it done and didn't care what it looked like.
(4 Points) / Title is creative, sparks interest and is related to the story and topic. / Title is related to the story and topic. / Title is present, but does not appear to be related to the story and topic. / No title.

______/20 points