The 1920’s Name : ______
Red Scare & Labor Strife
- What were Americans afraid of in the early 1920s? (705)
- Who was A. Mitchell Palmer? What did he do?
- How did anti-union employers use the red scare to their advantage?
- Who were Sacco and Vanzetti? What were they accused of doing?
KKK Resurges(734)
- When did the KKK resurface?
- What was their new agenda? How was the Klan of 1920 different from the Klan of 1860?
- How was the Klan’s bubble “burst”?
- Who is Marcus Garvey and what did he belive?
Prohibition & Gangsters (736)
- How did American feel about prohibition?
10. Define the following terms
- Prohibition
- “noble experiment”
- Speakeasies
11. How did prohibition lead to an increase in crime?
12. Briefly describe Al Capone & his connection to prohibition.
Religious Fundamentalism vs Modernism
- What was John Dewey’s “revolutionary contribution” to American education?
- Identify the main figures in “The Monkey Trial”.
- John T. Scopes
- Clarence Darrow
- William Jennings Bryan
- Who won in the clash between theology & biology?
- For each of the headings below, jot down important names, dates and facts.
a. Cars & Planes
How did the Automobile create social change?
b. Radio, Film & other Entertainment
- What are “Flappers”
The Lost Generation: Literature of Alienation
- How was the New Generation of writers different from the previous generation of American authors?
- Important American authors to know – identify their works.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald-
- Ernest Hemingway-
- William Faulkner-
- Eugene O’Neill-
- What happened in Harlem during this time? What significant people, events, movements? (728-729)
- Who is Andrew Mellon? What did he believe about taxes and what happened as result? (717-718)
Election of 1828(738)
- Who was Alfred Smith? And what was his “fatal political handicap”?
- Why did Hoover win the election?
- How did Hoover respond to the farmers’ problems?
- Federal Farm Board (740)-
- Hawley – Smoot Tariff-
Black Tuesday
25.October of 1929 -- Trace the sequence of events leading up to the “crash”.
- How did the Depression affect the average person?
- List the causes of the Great Depression.
- What was Hoover’s dilemma? (747)
- What was his compromise?
The Recovery
- What useful projects did Hoover approve? Which ones did he reject?
- What was the Bonus Army? What did they do in the summer of 1932? How did the government react? (748)
- What was the Republican platform for the election of 1932?
- Describe FDR. (Start with his name ______)
- What was the Democratic platform in 1932?
- Why did Hoover lose the election?