The 1920’s Name : ______

Red Scare & Labor Strife

  1. What were Americans afraid of in the early 1920s? (705)
  1. Who was A. Mitchell Palmer? What did he do?
  1. How did anti-union employers use the red scare to their advantage?
  1. Who were Sacco and Vanzetti? What were they accused of doing?

KKK Resurges(734)

  1. When did the KKK resurface?
  1. What was their new agenda? How was the Klan of 1920 different from the Klan of 1860?
  1. How was the Klan’s bubble “burst”?
  1. Who is Marcus Garvey and what did he belive?

Prohibition & Gangsters (736)

  1. How did American feel about prohibition?

10. Define the following terms

  1. Prohibition
  1. “noble experiment”
  1. Speakeasies

11. How did prohibition lead to an increase in crime?

12. Briefly describe Al Capone & his connection to prohibition.

Religious Fundamentalism vs Modernism

  1. What was John Dewey’s “revolutionary contribution” to American education?
  1. Identify the main figures in “The Monkey Trial”.
  1. John T. Scopes
  1. Clarence Darrow
  1. William Jennings Bryan
  1. Who won in the clash between theology & biology?
  1. For each of the headings below, jot down important names, dates and facts.

a. Cars & Planes

How did the Automobile create social change?

b. Radio, Film & other Entertainment

  1. What are “Flappers”

The Lost Generation: Literature of Alienation

  1. How was the New Generation of writers different from the previous generation of American authors?
  1. Important American authors to know – identify their works.
  1. F. Scott Fitzgerald-
  1. Ernest Hemingway-
  1. William Faulkner-
  1. Eugene O’Neill-
  1. What happened in Harlem during this time? What significant people, events, movements? (728-729)


  1. Who is Andrew Mellon? What did he believe about taxes and what happened as result? (717-718)

Election of 1828(738)

  1. Who was Alfred Smith? And what was his “fatal political handicap”?
  1. Why did Hoover win the election?
  1. How did Hoover respond to the farmers’ problems?
  1. Federal Farm Board (740)-
  1. Hawley – Smoot Tariff-

Black Tuesday

25.October of 1929 -- Trace the sequence of events leading up to the “crash”.

  1. How did the Depression affect the average person?
  1. List the causes of the Great Depression.
  1. What was Hoover’s dilemma? (747)
  1. What was his compromise?

The Recovery

  1. What useful projects did Hoover approve? Which ones did he reject?
  1. What was the Bonus Army? What did they do in the summer of 1932? How did the government react? (748)
  1. What was the Republican platform for the election of 1932?
  1. Describe FDR. (Start with his name ______)
  1. What was the Democratic platform in 1932?
  1. Why did Hoover lose the election?