Mayan & Aztec EmpiresWORLD HISTORY NOTES

DATE: ______

Climate of Mesoamerica

Warm ______


Rich ______soils

  • Good for growing crops like ______.

Early Mesoamerican Civilizations


  • (1200 BC to 300 AD)


  • (1500 BC to 750 AD)


  • (900 to 1200 AD)

The Mayan Civilization

Developed around ______BC

  • At its height, Maya civilization consisted of some ______spread among ______.

Supporting Large Cities

______and ______helped support larger populations, and early Maya villages grew into cities.

Mayan Farming Practices

______- a method of farming involves burning the vegetation to clear land for planting.

MayanCities & Government

Classic Age

  • (250 to 900 AD)

Mayans built:

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

Who did they build them for?

  • ______
  • ______

Mayan Society & Religion



  • Kings ruled with absolute power
  • It was believed they ______.
  • ______
  • Upper Class
  • ______
  • Middle Class
  • ______
  • Lower Class

Religious Ceremonies

  • Offering of blood to the gods. (______).
  • ______
  • Only allowed to use your elbows, knees, and hips to get a rubber ball through a hoop.
  • Losing team sacrificed.
  • ______


Religion: Major Gods

Hun Hunahpu – ______.

  • Father of the hero twins
  • Most important deity for the Maya
  • He brought about the creation for the present world age.

Chac – ______.

  • Both adored and feared by the Maya
  • He was portrayed as both a benefactor and a violent warrior.

Gukumatz – ______.

  • Taught the Maya the arts of civilization, including codes of law, agriculture, fishing, and medicine.

Ixchel – ______.

  • Goddess of creativity, weavers and childbirth, goddess of medicine and reason, and a bringer of the storms.

Mayan Achievements


  • ______
  • ______



  • ______



Mayan Calendar

The Maya had ______:

  • ______
  • ______

It was more ______that the European calendar.

Decline of Mayan Civilization

Factors to decline:

  • ______
  • Overuse of resources
  • Drought
  • Not able to feed everyone
  • ______
  • ______
  • Abuse of Power by Kings


The Aztecs

Located in modern day ______, and Tenochtitlan was the capital city and is located in what is now present day ______.

Rise of the Aztec Empire

According to legend, the war god told one of the tribes’ leaders that they should look for a place where they saw an ______. It was there that they should settle and build a new capital.

  • They built Tenochtitlan after the prediction came true, and it was on a swampy island in ______.

Population consisted of farmers & warriors.

  • ______.
  • After the alliance was formed the empire gained control over many region.
  • Ruled______other city-states.
  • ______under Aztec rule.

Aztec Empire

Conquered people paid ______.

  • ______

The Aztec Empire gained wealth:

  • ______
  • Tribute




  • ______
  • Approximately 3200 acres


  • ______


  • Walled City
  • Pyramid
  • Temples
  • Palaces
  • Ball court
  • _”______”_
  • ______
  • Canals
  • Markets


Aztec Society

Social Classes

  • Though people were born into a certain class it was possible to move up the ranks within a life time.
  • Also apart of the middle class
  • ______

Aztec Religion

Main deity in the Aztec religion was Huitzilopochtli and was known as both the ______and ______.

  • ______was practiced heavily in the Aztec religion.
  • Believed that these sacrifices gave ______which in turn would insure the survival of the Aztec civilization.

War captives were used in the sacrifices

  • In times of peace the Aztec would have to resort to ______.

In the year 1487 the Aztecs reported killing ______at the great pyramid of Tenochitlan.

  • After a town was conquered the inhabitants where no longer eligible of sacrifice and became Aztec citizens.

Aztec Art

The Aztecs also made other religious and non-religious artifacts such as ______.

  • These artifacts were sold in markets by visiting merchants.

Aztec Achievements

Written Record

  • ______- symbols that represented both objects and sounds.
  • Kept track of ______.


Calendar like the Mayans, but they also tracked the movements of some ______.