Year Three Home Study Challenge. Autumn 2 Name:

Areas of Study / 1 point / 2 points / 3 points / 4 points / 5 points
Language and Communication. / Practise your handwriting by copying a paragraph from your reading book. / Find synonyms for: dangerous, dark, and clever. / Write the rules when we use a capital letter. / Write a list of words beginning with the prefix ‘auto’. Can you think of any other prefixes? / Learn 20 new words in French. Write them down and add them to your dictionary at school.
Health and Wellbeing / Create a healthy eating menu/recipe. / Design a poster that tells us about why it is important to have a balanced diet. / Look at and find out about e-safety (some of you may have done this last time) / Keep a healthy eating and exercise diary for a full week. / Research a famous sporting person and write /print a biography about them that includes a section on their training routines and diet.
RE/PSHCE / Create a Christmas card with a religious message and theme. / Write down and illustrate the journey of Moses. / Invent a game and write a list of rules that ensure fair play, and give everyone a fair chance to win and have fun. / Can you take or provide a photo of a church (could be St Michaels or elsewhere) and write a paragraph about the church. / Write about a group that you belong to (it could be beavers, gym club, football team etc) and tell me why you enjoy being a part of that group and why it is important to be a part of a group.
Science and Design Technology. / Play one of the games on Education City or BBC Bitesize relating to skeletons and muscles or teeth and eating
/ Make a list of ways that water is essential to people, plants and animals. / Invent, draw and label a strange new species. You could combine the strongest characteristics of two different animals to invent your species!
Make up these ‘facts’ about your species Name, Appearance, which country it lives in, habitat, food etc. / Make a mini habitat for an animal inside a box. / Research natural disaster survival kits and design a meal that could be included in one.
Creative Arts / Create a 3D model of an animal or dinosaur. Use clay, plaster, paper mache or any other materials.
/ Use a paint programme on the computer to draw a picture of an animal. / Make a small collage or take a photo of some environmental art. Create it using natural resources that you have foraged for from your garden, park or on an expedition. / Make up a song, rap or dance about animals.
Be prepared to perform it!
/ Find a piece of art that shows a river. Find out who the artist is and create your own version of the picture.
Maths and Problem Solving. / Roll a dice and write down the number you land on. Repeat this 4 times to generate a 4 digit number. Write down any other combinations of these 4 digits that you can think of. Which is the greatest number? Which is the smallest? Explain how you know. / Choose 3 objects. Measure them accurately to the nearest 5mm. Record your measurements in a table. / What time does your favourite TV programme start? Draw a clock carefully and show the time using the hour and minute hand. What time will it be 35 minutes after your programme starts? / You can practice your maths skills by playing maths games at an adult to help you to find the website.
Try these…

/ See Mrs Butler to take home times table worksheet and complete, alternatively download from website to complete.

Choose a minimum of six activities, at least one from each row. Your challenge is to earn more than 20 points over the half term. A parent or carer needs to initial each activity as you complete it. Your deadline is Friday 15th December.

Dear Parents,

Due to the positive feedback on the homework grid system and the changes in Year 3, I have decided to continue with it for the next half term.

Children in year three will still be given a spelling list to learn each week and will still need to read their reading books. In addition, they are asked to complete a selection of the tasks on the attached sheet. The tasks link in some way to the topics we will be studying this half term and beyond.

The aim is to earn at least 20 points. Each child must complete at least one task from each row of the chart and must complete at least six activities. Of course, they can do more than six if they wish!

Parents and carers are asked please to highlight/tick and initial each task completed by their child. I will check your child’s progress each week, homework folders are due in by Wednesday and will be sent out again on Friday. Please ensure that everything is named.

Thank you once again for your co-operation and support.

Best wishes,

Mrs Butler

PS: Unfortunately some of the interactive activities may not work on certain tablets/ mobiles and they will need to be played on a desktop or laptop. Alternatively you can install a browser app onto your ipad/ iphone to avoid the ‘requires Flash Player’ message. You may of course find other fun activities and games based on the same themes. If so please make a note of what your child has done. Thank you.