St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Christchurch
Results 2015-16
Key Stage One
Results for KS1 2016% Achieving the expected standard and above
/ % Achieving higher than the expected standard
Reading / 73 / 10
Reading – National / 74 / 23.6
Writing (TA) / 70 / 10
Writing (TA) - National / 65.5 / 13
Mathematics / 70 / 10
Mathematics -National / 72.6% / 17.8
Key Stage Two
Results for KS2 2016 / % of pupils attaining *ARE across curriculumSchool / 60%
2.8%achieving Greater Depth in all three areas (110+)
National / 53%
*ARE= Age Related Expectation
KS2 2016 %(Teacher Assessment in brackets) / Reading / Writing
(teacher assessed) / Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar / Maths
% of pupils who met ARE(100+) / 71 / 71 / 74 / 77
% of National cohort who met ARE (100+) / 66 / 74 / 72 / 70
% of pupils who reached a high standard (110+) / 20 / 11 / 14 / 23
% of National cohort who met ARE (110+) / 19% / 15% / 23% / 17%
Scaled Scores Averages / Reading / SPAG / EGPS / Maths
School / 103.2 / 102 / 104
National / 103 / 104 / 103
Progress from Key Stage One to Two
2016 / % of chn making expected progress in reading2B to ARE / % of chn making expected progress in writing
2B to ARE / % of chn making progress in maths
2B to ARE
86% of those attaining 2B+ went on to get ARE / 100% of those attaining 2B+ went on to get ARE / 96% of those attaining 2B+ went on to get ARE
Interpreting a school’s progress scores
Individual pupil level progress scores are calculated in comparison to other pupils nationally. For all mainstream pupils nationally, the average progress score will be zero.
At St. Joseph’s:
Our pupils on average achieved 1.6 scaled score points higher than other pupils with similar prior attainment nationally in Reading. In Maths our pupils, on average, achieved 1.5 scaled score points higher.Our writing means they we achieved slightly lower than those with a similar prior attainment.
Progress measures: KS1 to KS2 / Progress JudgementReading progress score (confidence interval in brackets) / 1.6
(Zero being national average)
Writing progress score (confidence interval in brackets) / -0.1
(Zero being national average)
Maths progress score (confidence interval in brackets) / 1.5
(Zero being national average)
Children sitting key stage 2 tests this year were the first to be taught and assessed under the new national curriculum. The expected standard has been raised and the accountability framework for schools has also changed. These changes mean that the expected standard this year is higher and not comparable with the expected standard used in previous year’s statistics. It would therefore be incorrect and misleading to make direct comparisons showing changes over time.
For example, it is wrong to say that ‘the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics fell from 80% in 2015 to 53% in 2016’.
In looking over time, all users of the statistics can say at this stage is that ‘53% of pupils achieved the new expected standard in 2016 when being taught and assessed against the higher standards expected under the new curriculum. Under the previous system, 80% of pupils achieved the standard that was expected under that system’. Advice from Head of Profession on comparability over time (DfE 5.7.16)