About Church of the Good Shepherd:
Who We Are:
We are people of God, Committed to acting in love, Seeking and serving Christ in the world, one another, and ourselves.
A world transformed by the love of Jesus Christ.
Outreach Mission Imperative:
We will share our abundance with those in need throughout our community, our nation and the world.
Keystone Verse:
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:35-37
The 2013 Church of the Good Shepherd Grant Program:
1. Program Scope, Purpose & Funding
Scope. Church of the Good Shepherd tithes 10% of our income for Outreach concerns, a portion of which financially supports a variety of programs and causes that reflect our congregation’s vision. The Outreach Committee at Good Shepherd diligently assesses the alignment with our mission imperative, the clarity of grant candidates’ program goals and measurability of their success in achieving them.
Purpose. Good Shepherd Outreach selects outreach grants that best connect our church Membershipto the community and world we seek to serve. Our purpose is two-fold:to provide financial support to our grant partners and to provide GoodShepherdChurchmembers with very real opportunities to personally connect with and serve the grant partners we financially support.
Funding. Amounts granted vary, depending on program clarity, funding objectives, and overall budget size. Continued funding will be based on demonstrable progress towards goals stated in the grant Application and yearly completed/approved grant application.
2. Evaluation Criteria and Process
Special consideration will be given to grant proposals whose needs align with the criteria above, and include the following:
- Organizational reputation and track-record in the use and application of program funding in the past and whether they have met grant reporting requirements.
- Financial soundness and integrity of the Grant applicant. In addition to referrals, Good Shepherd reserves the right to request grant references and confirm information contained in the application.
- Size of grant in proportion to overall budget of applicant. The Outreach Committee is committed to having its grants make a discernible positive impact on partners’ goals.
3. Reporting Requirements:
- Progress reports for approved grant programs are due one hundred and eighty (180) days after receipt of grant funding. Format and information requirements for these reports will be provided upon award.
- Grant partners are encouraged to engage GoodShepherdChurch members on at least one occasion to better describe program achievements and goals to the church at-large.
4. Church of the Good Shepherd Liaison:
- The liaison will be an advocate on the grant applicant's behalf. It is the grant recipient’s responsibility to keep the liaison informed of the organization’s progress.
- If the organization is interested in having volunteers as the liaison, Good Shepherd will facilitate this matching process.
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- Submittal and Approval Timeline:
Application Received by August 15, 2013
Evaluation Period / Follow up Q & A by September 30, 2013
Good Shepherd Outreach Grant Proposal Notification by
October 15, 2013
Submission Instructions:
You may submit the following Grant Application Form in one of the following ways:
- (Preferred) Via electronic mail in MS Word File format, to with “2014 GRANT APPLICATION [name of organization]” in the subject line and as the file name.
- In-person during regular business hours at: Church of the Good Shepherd, 805 SE Ellsworth Rd.Vancouver, WA 98664
- Via U.S. Mail to “Church of the Good Shepherd” – Grant Application, 805 SE Ellsworth Rd. Vancouver, WA 98664 On the envelope, please note "Attn: Outreach Committee".
Please limit your application to four (4) pages or fewer
Church of the Good Shepherd Grant Application
Page 1
Organization Identification
Application DateGrant Title
(6 Words or Less)
Organization Name
Organization Point of Contact & Title
Street Address
ZIP Code
Main Telephone Number
Web Site URL (if available)
Fax Number
Email address
Is your Organization a 501(c) organization? (yes or no) If yes, please specify your registration number and state (WA, OR, CA, etc.)
Church of the Good Shepherd Liaison Information (if available)
Name: ______
Contact Information:______(phone/email)
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Organization Description
Please describe your organization, including its purpose, history and major accomplishments/goalsPlease provide a list of your board members
If you have received Church of the Good Shepherd Grant Funding previously, please describe the time periods, funding provided, and results of previous funding. Otherwise indicate “N/A”
Grant Request Description
Describe the program or initiative requesting funding, including amount and preferred disbursement of funds (i.e. lump sum, monthly, quarterly)Describe the constituency supported by this funding (e.g. elderly, homeless, special needs)
Describe how you will measure the positive impact of this grant
Mindful of Church of the Good Shepherd’s purpose and mission imperative, why is it particularly appropriate for Good Shepherd to provide funds to your organization?
Please describe other sources of funding for this project.
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Organization Plan
Please describe how your organization works, % of administrative expense, including the involvement of paid staff, volunteers and other community partners.List or name potential opportunities for Church of the Good Shepherd Family participation in this program.
List/describe any other organizational affiliations within the local community
Provide name, title, and contact information of three references for your organization
Please provide the most recent year’s or projected budget for your organization or project, including the proportion Church of the Good Shepherd funding will represent.