ZineWest ‘14 – Publication, Competition

ZineWest offers print publication to around 30 new Western Sydney writers in a multi-genre, annual zine; plus an opportunity for more entrants to present their work at ZineWest WORD. (Prizes, see below)

ENTRIES: Must be original, unpublished work of entrant and not won a prize elsewhere. If using snail mail send copies only, keep your originals!

ELIGIBILITY: “New” (i) writers 16 years and over who live, work or study in Western Sydney(ii) or attend a Western Sydney cultural group.

Entry Fee: None. Price of zines: $10

PRIZES: 1st = $400; 2nd 3rd = Giramondo books PLUS: Best Poem and Best Prose; Judge’s nominations; Editor’s award; Winner of ZW WORD.

Entries due: Sunday, 25th May, 2014

NUMBER OF ENTRIES: up to 3 for each writer

GENRE: Word-based works we can print - stories, memoir, poems, lyrics, drama, comics, cartoons…

FINALISTS: Editors select around 30 entries to publish in ZW14. Works may receive an edit.

JUDGING: Entries to be published are forwarded to the judge. Decisions of editors and judge are final. NB Other entrants may be invited to read at ZW WORD.

ENTRY FORM: see opposite.


Poetry: 60 lines including line breaks.

NB ZineWest is in A5. A long line might take two lines.

Prose: 800 words

TITLE & WRITER’s name: All entries must have

a title but writer’s name must not appear on or in entries - names on entry forms only please.

FORMAT: No decorative fonts or imagery on entries. We accept Windows Word format only.

Cartoons/comics exempt.

Illustrations of entries: Optional but welcome.

Email as separate files.

FONT: Arial 12 or equivalent

LINES: Single spacing

SENTENCES: One space only between sentences.

PARAGRAPHS: Indent (no empty lines)

DIALOGUE quote marks: ‘Jack said, “Jill pushed me,” but he’s fibbing,’ says Jill.

CHECK: Spelling, syntax, facts, legal aspects

CO-SPONSOR: The Writing and Society Research Centre, UWS, co-sponsors prizes & nominates the judge.

Mars Hill Café 331 Church St Parramatta provides free venue for workshops, meetings and ZW WORD

Administration: NEW Writers’ Group Inc

Zine Launch: 11th October, noon, Parramatta Venue to be confirmed: Prizes, readings by finalists.

ZineWest WORD: 11th Oct Mars Hill Cafe 3:30 pm Music & Spoken Word, ZW entrants and Open Mic

(i) Writers who have not yet been professionally published other than in multi-author anthologies and journals.

(ii) Auburn, Bankstown, Baulkham Hills, Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Holroyd, Liverpool, Parramatta, Penrith and Wollondilly.

ZineWest ‘14 – Writers’ Entry Form


Nom de Plume if required:



Don’t live in Western Sydney? You’re still eligible

if you study or work in Western Sydney or attend

a Western Sydney cultural group. Please specify:


Phone numbers:

Email: Website/Blog:

Bio max 20 words We omit BA PhD etc unless current news.

Entries: (Remember not to put your name on/in entries)

Title Word or line count

(1) ( )

(2) ( )

(3) ( )

Illustrations (optional) Number ( )

Please send as separate email attachments

(.jpg) or post on disc. Original images only.

Name of Illustrator:………………………………….

If not the writer, illustrator should send separate entry form permitting us to publish the images.

Are you 16 years or over? Yes/No…….

Original Work: Are your entries your original work and not previously published in print or on-line or won an award? Yes/No…….

NWG Inc EZine: If you win a prize do you consent

to the piece being published online? Yes/No…….

Writers’ Groups If you attend any, please name


Author/Illustrator’s signature if submitting by post


Please read the guidelines before entering.

Email completed form, entries and images to (subject ZW14) or

POST to ZineWest, c/- NEW Writers’ Group Inc

PO Box 1339 Parramatta 2124.