Syllabus: A Beautiful Medicine

June 26-July 7, 2017 M-F 1-3 pm

Objective: To present basic concepts of integrative health and medicine. We will explore the advantages of a wellness model in medicine, and its potential to address some of the core dilemmas of the global healthcare crisis. While the integrative model draws upon the wisdom of ancient medicinal traditions, it is also relies on the latest in scientific research. In this course, students will become familiar with a number of the guiding principles of these ancient healing traditions that are fully relevant today and supported by critical scientific thinking. In particular, research now supports the premise in ancient traditions that mind and body are an interconnected whole and must be considered in medicine.

Integrative medicine considers the human body not as a machine to be repaired when broken, but as a potent mind-body with extraordinary potential for high-level wellness, resilience under duress, and resistance to disease. Changing our disease-care model into a wellness model will be facilitated when we consider the vitality of soul and spirit to be as important as cellular function. We will explore a vision of medicine broader than that of the conventional model as it integrates the biological with the psychological aspects of human experience and focuses on the flourishing of human possibility.

David Mercier, M.S., L.Ac., author of A Beautiful Medicine, winner of a Grand and Gold Prize in the 2013 Nautilus Book Awards, will be co-teaching this class with Registered Medical Herbalist Geo Giordano, MSc, RH(AHG)

Required Reading: A Beautiful Medicine: A Radical Look at the Essence of Health and Healing, David Mercier

June 26 Reading assignment due this day: The Introduction and Chapter 1: The Spirit of Medicine: The New, the Old & the Beautiful. Introduction to the course and objectives. Students will be asked to introduce themselves, and to share their interests and goals in healthcare professions. Geo

June 27 Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 2: The Symptom as Message. A brief overview of ancient traditional medicine and student/teacher discussion of reading assignment discussion about symptoms as messages and how that can effect a paradigm shift in the way we practice Western allopathic medicine.


June 28 Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 3: The Wellspring of Healing. Author’s introduction and discussion of his personal healing journey. Student/Teacher discussion to follow. David

June 29 Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 4: Health as Transformation, Medicine as Catalyst. Student/teacher discussion of reading assignment. David

June 30 Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 5: The Courage to Heal. Short quiz on traditional medicine paradigms. Student/teacher discussion of reading assignment. Geo

July 3 Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 6 & 7: Meaning, Purpose and Health Nourish: The Breath of Flowers.

Presentation on Food as Medicine. Student/teacher discussion of reading assignment. Geo

July 5th Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 8: The Whole

Student/teacher discussion of reading assignment. Presentation on various healing modalities working together as a model of integrative medicine. David

July 6th Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 9: Aware, Awake & Alive.

David Author’s book signing. Student/teacher discussion of reading assignment and sharing insights.

July 7th Reading assignment due this day: Chapter 10: Toward a Beautiful Medicine Student/teacher sharing of insights and visions of a new approach to healthcare and our role as health care providers. Geo

Final Papers are due electronically by Sunday, July 9.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of both the conventional and the integrative approaches to health & healing. Describe how the book, “A Beautiful Medicine,” might influence your career goals, your future medical practice or your own healing journey.

Grades will be based on the quiz (20%), the class participation (40%) and the final paper (40%).