Arthur S. Maxwell

Author: Paul Ricchiuti

©2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 6.9 / Points 8

Word Count: 24,862

120 pages

1. In old England, when the blinds are drawn someone had ____. (Page 16)

a.  died / b.  left home
c.  gone to bed / d.  None of these

2. Maxwell came to America to ____. (Page 25)

a.  edit the Signs of the Times / b.  write for These Times
c.  attend Andrews University / d.  do illustrations for Bedtimes stories

3. The author worked with Maxwell as a _____. (Page 40)

a.  Graphic designer / b.  Writer
c.  Both of these / d.  Neither of these

4. Maxwell interviewed many people for the ____. (Page 30)

a.  Bedtime stories / b.  Bible Stories
c.  Signs of the Times / d.  Present Truth

5. Maxwell had _____ handwriting. (Page 37)

a.  almost unreadable / b.  backwards
c.  beautiful / d.  scripted

6. When Maxwell handed out books he always _____. (Page 44)

a.  charged for them / b.  told a story
c.  wrote a personal note / d.  none of these

7. In 1940 Maxwell insisted that ____. (Page 59)

a. compromise with Hitler was needed
b. Hitler would never control all of Europe
c. Adventists shouldn’t use guns
d. America would enforce the mark of the beast

8. Once Maxwell got stuck in a ___ while playing Santa. (Page 77)

a. chimney / b. rocket ship / c. sleigh / d. none of these

9. The Pacific Press miracle was when _____. (Page 80)

a. a little girl walked to Santa to get her doll
b. the press was not harmed at all in a fire
c. money showed up for payroll during the Depression
d. None of these

10. Maxwell’s children were all successful because he ____. (Page 91)

a. read to them every night / b. sent them to SDA elementary schools
c. married a good woman / d. All of these
Correct answers: / 1-a , 2-a , 3-c , 4-c , 5-a , 6-c, 7-b , 8-b , 9-a , 10-c ,