Intern Requirements Checklist for 2017-2018
*Due by Friday, Sept. 8, 2017-2nd Seminar Class-Pre-Internship Experience
Completed General Education Placement To Do List:
______Week 1-Intern Letter of Introduction sent home to parents (must be approved by your MT)
______Weeks 1-2-MSU Video & Photo Permissions Forms sent home to parents & collect
______1st Two Weeks In Your classroom-Complete Behavior Observation Form of MT
______Week 1-3- Complete Behavior Observation Form of 2 other teachers in your building
______By end of week 3-Complete Behavior Observation Form of MT with FI & discuss
______Week 4-Intern make positive contact w/ parents by an email or phone call w/ MT support
______On-going during both semesters- Intern collect, pictures, artifacts, & items for Portfolio
______Intern Rough Draft of Resume Due to FI in seminar 2nd week of February for feedback
______On-going during the year- Intern Edit & Update Teaching Resume
______Fall Semester-Sign up for CPR Training/First Aid Training-if needed
______Week 7-9-Schedule Midterm Assessment of Progress (AOP) Conference w/ FI
______Week 7-10-Intern assist MT with P/T conferences & attend/assist with IEP meetings
______Weeks 7-10- Intern assist MT & provide appropriate comments & feedback to parents
______Week 8-10-Complete Midterm AOP Form & complete AOP Conference
______Substitute Teaching Form signed and given to Coordinator (After midterm)
______Intern complete substitute tally log sheet and give to Coordinator at the end of semester
______Nov. 3rd & Feb. 23rd-Vidseo-taped Lesson w/Lesson plan & Reflection due for seminar
______Week 9-11-Letters of Recommendation identified & Requests sent out
______Week 12-13 FI Schedule Final Assessment of Progress (AOP) Conference w/MT & Intern
______Week 14-15- Complete Final AOP Form & Final AOP Conference with MT & Intern
______Week 14- Due Portfolio Presentation to share with FI group-Spring Semester, April 20th
______Week 15- Intern Complete FI Evaluation Form-Due final exam week, Friday by 5:00 pm
______End of April-Beginning of May-Complete On-line Application for Teacher Certification
Completed Special Education Placement To Do List:
______Week 1- Intern Letter of Introduction sent home to parents (must be approved by your MT)
______Weeks 1-2- MSU Video & Photo Permissions Forms sent home to parents & collect
______1st Two Weeks in Your classroom-Complete Behavior Observation Form of MT
______Week 1-3- Complete Behavior Observation Form of 2 other teachers in your building
______By end of Week 3-Complete Behavior Observation Form of MT with FI & discuss
______Week 4- Intern make contact with parents by way of an email or phone call w/ MT support
______On-going during both semesters- Intern collect, pictures, artifacts, & items for Portfolio
______Intern Rough Draft of Resume Due to FI in seminar 2nd week of February for feedback
______On-Going during the year- Intern Edit & Update Teaching Resume
______Fall Semester-Intern Sign Up for CPR/1st Aid Training-if needed
______Week 7-9- Schedule Midterm Assessment of Progress (AOP) Conference w/ FI
______Weeks 7-10- Intern assist MT with P/T conferences & attend/assist with IEP meetings
______Weeks 7-10- Intern assist MT & provide appropriate comments & feedback to parents
______Week 8-10- Complete Midterm AOP form & complete AOP Conference
______Substitute Teaching Form signed and given to Coordinator (After midterm)
______Intern complete substitute tally log sheet and give to Coordinator at the end of semester
______Nov. 3rd & Feb. 23rd- Video-taped Lesson w/Lesson plan & Reflection due for seminar
______Week 9-11-Letters of Recommendation identified & Requests sent out
______Week 12-13 FI Schedule Final Assessment of Progress (AOP) Conference w/MT & Intern
______Weeks 14-15- Complete Final AOP Form & Final AOP Conference with MT & Intern
______Week 14- Due Portfolio Presentation to share with FI group-April 20th
______Week 15- Intern Complete FI Evaluation Form-Due final exam week, Friday by 5:00 pm
______End of April-Beginning of May-Complete On-line Application for Teacher Certification