EMIS & ODE Reports

EMIS data processing steps

1) Extract and load data files – request by creating UniCenter ticket
2) Check for errors & correct (corrections will require another extraction and load)

3) RE – extract, run errors and correct data. Repeat as needed.

4) Submit data on Thursday’s to the ODE by e-mailing:
5) Once ODE reports come back, review reports from submission

Student Databases – Why are there so many?

Each database has a specific purpose:

Oct ‘K’ - State reporting for Count Week for ADM

Oct to Mar - Run AGG’s and RDET to submit

Dec ‘M’ - Federal reporting for Handicap & Special Ed & ECE coding

Dec to Jan - Run AGG’s to submit

Mar ‘D’ – CTAE - State reporting of Student Workforce Completers

Mar to May – Run REDT to submit

Jun ‘N’ Year End or EOY – State reporting for Accountability & LRC

Apr to Jly - Run AGG’s & RDET to submit

3) Run Error Reports

EMSAGG – Student and class list data

EMSRDET – Staff, Course & Building Info data

EMS_MSG_2 lists error definitions

Never hesitate to call TRECA Student Service for help with errors or questions: (740) 389-4798. Kathy Heinlen x223 or Crystal Shoemaker x265

4) Submit Data

To submit the most current data, run the proper error report and e-mail request to . Make sure to include what database and data files are be to submitted.

5) Report Comparison - ODE Reports & your reports & EMIS reports.

Jun 06N reporting ends July 28, 2006

Getting into EMIS Reports:

#1 Sign into E-Term:

User name:


#2 Select EMIS software:

EMIS EMIS Data Reporting System

Mar 20 06 EMIS Main Menu

1. EMIS_SEL EMIS Select EMIS Database

2. EMIS_MNT EMIS Reformatted File Maintenance Programs

3. EMIS_ELV EMIS Data Extraction, Loading, and Validation Programs

4. EMIS_LM EMIS Listmaker Programs

5. EMIS_RPT EMIS Reports

6. EMIS_UDMS User Report Writing/Data Extraction/Inquiry Tool for EMIS

7. EMIS_ODE EMIS Reports Similar To Those Received From ODE

8. EMIS_NET View EMIS Data on ODE Computer System Over Network

9. EMIS_FED EMIS Federal Summary Reports

10. EMIS_MGR EMIS Manager Programs and Utilities

11. EMIS_LCL EMIS Locally Defined Menu



#3 Select a database: EMIS_SEL


1) LIVE Live Mar 2006 Database EMIS_ROOT:[LIVE] RP:06?

2) 06M Dec 2005 Database EMIS_ROOT:[06M] RP:06?

3) 06K Oct 2005 Database EMIS_ROOT:[06K] RP:06?

4) 05N June 2005 Database EMIS_ROOT:[05N] RP:05?

5) 05D Mar 2005 Database EMIS_ROOT:[05D] RP:05?

6) 05M Dec 2004 Database EMIS_ROOT:[05M] RP:05?

7) 05K Oct 2004 Database EMIS_ROOT:[05K] RP:05?

8) 04N June 2004 Database EMIS_ROOT:[04N] RP:04?

9) 04D Mar 2004 Database EMIS_ROOT:[04D] RP:00?

10) 04M Dec 2003 Database EMIS_ROOT:[04M] RP:04?

11) 04K Oct 2003 Database EMIS_ROOT:[04K] RP:04?

12) 03N Year End 2003 Database EMIS_ROOT:[03N] RP:03?

13) 03M Dec 2002 Database EMIS_ROOT:[03M] RP:03?

14) 03K Oct 2002 Database EMIS_ROOT:[03K] RP:03?

Databases with fiscal year of "??" have missing or invalid config files

Enter number or code of database to select:

NOTE: Bottom of screen should list your selection

Databases marked with "*" are hidden from end users

Databases with fiscal year of "??" have missing or invalid config files

Enter number or code of database to select: 4

EMIS system for FY 06 selected.

Current EMIS database set to: Oct 2005 Database

Enter command, or press <cr> to display menu.

Menu: EMIS (EMIS Data Reporting System/EMIS Main Menu)


Press enter to see menu options

#4 Select EMIS Reports: EMIS_RPT

The following is a list of EMIS Reports and their description:

1. EMSRIDS State Assigned Staff Ids to SSN Cross Reference Report

2. EAUDRPT EMIS Reformatted File Auditing Report

3. FORECAST Five Year Forecast Data Report

4. EMSSTM EMIS Statement from financial listmakers

EMIS Information Reports

5. EMS_CODES EMIS Field Value Report

6. EMS_FIELDS EMIS Fields with Code Values

7. EMS_RANGES EMIS Fields with Range Validation

8. EMS_MSG_1 EMIS Standard Error Messages

9. EMS_MSG_2 EMIS Standard Error Messages with corrective Actions

List of Standard Error Messges/Corrections for the EMSAGG & EMSRDET error reports.

Includes possible corrective actions.

EMIS Student Information Reports

10. EMS_ECE Student Early Childhood Report

List of Early Childhood Records sorted by Student ID showing Prior Month Attendance.

11. SEC_504 Students marked as having a Section 504 Plan

This procedure generates a list of all students who were reported to EMIS as having a

SECTION 504 Plan.

12. CTA_RPT Career Technical Adult Education Information Report

Lists by Building IRN – by class, all adults students course information.

13. DISADV_SUM EMIS Disadvantagement Student Summary
List summary of Disadvantagement Students including fields: Bldg IRN, SSN, Name,

Gender, Grade, Handicap, Disadvantagement, FTE, A/H IRN and Indicator. Can select by

IRN or for all IRN.

14. HANDICAP EMIS Summary Report of Handicap Students

List summary of Handicapped Students. Can select by IRN or for all IRN.

15. OE_COMING EMIS Open Enrollment - Students ComingReport

List of Open Enrollment for those students coming into your district. Sorted by Bldg IRN, A/H IRN, Student ID. Can select by IRN or for all IRN.

16. OE_GOING EMIS Open Enrollment - Students Going Report

List of Open Enrollment for those students leaving your district. Sorted by Bldg IRN,

A/H IRN, Student ID. Can select by IRN or for all IRN.

17. PROGRAM_80 EMIS Student Program Report by Building - 80 Column

List in 80 column report, by Building IRN - by Student, each program code reported

for each student. Can select by IRN or for all IRN.

18. PROG_BLDG EMIS Student Program report by Building - 132 Column

List in 132 column report, by Building IRN - by Student, each program code reported

for each student. Can select by IRN or for all IRN.

19. RFO_RPT EMIS Student Reading First Ohio (RFO) report

Only for RFO reporting districts. List by Student ID, basic RFO reporting data

including Days Instructed & Benchmarks. Can select by Screening Date starting or

ending on.

20. STU_AH EMIS Students Attending/Residing in other Districts

This procedure generates a report of all students who were reported to EMIS as either

attending or residing in another district. The aggregations (EMSAGG) must have already

been run and the EMSINT.SEQ file must be available in order to use this report. The report

may be helpful when resolving conflicts between districts concerning the number and

demographic information of students. You may generate the report for all districts or for

an individual district. The individual report may be appropriate for sending to the other


21. STU_ATTEND EMIS Student Attendance Summary Report

Run in June only - List by Student ID the students attendance data information

for YearEnd.

22. STU_DISC EMIS Detail of Student Discipline JUNE

Run in June only - List of Student Discipline by Buidling, Grade, Name

EMIS Reports List & Discription

23. ACHV_TEST EMIS Student Achievement Testing Report JUNE

Run in June only – List of Achievement Test results in EMIS sorted by

Building IRN, Grade and Name. Run by Grade for one or all.

24. OGT_TEST EMIS Student OGT Testing Report JUNE

Run in June only – List of OGT Test results in EMIS sorted by Building IRN,

Grade and Name.

25. PROF_TEST EMIS Student Proficiency Testing Report JUNE

Run in June only – List of Proficiency Test results in EMIS sorted by Building IRN, Grade and

Name. Run by Grade for one or all.

26. EMSREP4 Student Demograph./Attend. Funding & Legal Requirements Rept

A report of student demographics and attendance information that affects funding or legal

requirements. Select by Student or for all. Sort by Building, Student ID, Name, (IRN &

Name), (IRN, Grade & Name).

27. EMSSID Statewide Student Identifier Report

A report for the Statewide Student Identifier. Select by Student, Attn/Home IRN, or

Resident IRN. Then select by all Students, only students missing an SID or only students with

an SID. Next, select by District or Building. Last, select by Name, EMIS ID or SID.

28. EMSREP6 Student by Classroom within Building Report

List of students in each class by classroom code. Select by Building, Class, Teacher, &

Grade Level. Sort by Class Code, Course Code, IRN, Teacher Name, Teacher SSN. Then sort

by Student Name.

29. EMSREP7 Student within Program Code within Building Report

List of students sorted by program code within building. Select by Building IRN and by

Program codes. Sorting by Student Name or ID.

30. VERIFY_PRO 4th/6th/12th Grade Proficiency Verification Not used at this time

Staff and Class Master Reports

31. COURSE EMIS Course Master Listing

List of courses reported in EMIS. List by Class Code.

32. EMSPRS Staff HQPD Principal's Recording Sheet

Produces the Principal's Recording Sheet for use with the HQPD Data. Option to include SSN.

Sort by IRN then by Name or SSN.

33. EMSREP2 Staff Class Master Funding & Legal Requirements Report

A detail report containing data from the course file that affects funding or legal

requirements. Select by one or all Teachers. Sort by Location IRN, SSN, Name or (Location

IRN & Name).

34. EMSREP3 Vocational Ed. Program Funding & Legal Requirements Report

A report of vocational ed academic options information that affects funding or legal

requirements. Select by all or one Location IRN.

Staff and Student Counts

35. EMSRT1 Staff FTE Count Report by Sex

A report of staff FTEs for a given district. Records are sorted by sex within program within

appointment within building

36. EMSRT2 Student Count Report by Grade Level/Race within Building

A report of Total Students by Grade level/Sex and by Race/Sex within Building. Run by one

or all Building IRN’s.

37. EMSRT3 Student Count Report by Disadvantagement Type and Handicap

A report of student counts by disability and by disadvantagement for a given district (all

counts are reported by building).

38. EMSRT5 Student Count Report by Classroom within Building

A report of student counts by classroom code within building.

39. EMSRT6 Student Count by Program Code within Building Report

a report of student counts by program code within building.

HQT Programs and Reports

40. HQTEXT HQT Extraction/Conversion (updates HQT field from prev. yr)
Used by TRECA.

41. HQTPRS EMIS HQT Principal's Recording Sheet

Produces the Principal's Recording Sheet for use with the HQT Data. Option to include

Teacher SSN. Sorted by IRN then by Name or SSN.

42. HQTRPT EMIS Current HQT report listing

Produces the HQT Report. Can include all or specific teachers. Sorted by IRN then by Name

or SSN

43. HQT_STAT EMIS HQT Teacher's Status Sheet

Produces the HQT Status Sheet for use with the HQT Data. Can include all or specific

teachers. Option to include SSN. Sorted by IRN then sort by Name or SSN.

Press F10 to go back one menu, should now see the EMIS Main Menu

#5 Select EMIS Reports Similar To Those Received from ODE: EMIS_ODE

EMIS_ODE EMIS Data Reporting System

Mar 20 06 EMIS Reports Similar to those received from ODE

The reports on this menu simulate reports from ODE using

data located at the DDAS. The reports can be used to verify

the EMIS information prior to submission to ODE.

1. FM_LOCAL Expenditure Flow Model reports – (Fiscal Report)

2. EMS_CHILDC December Disability Child Counts
Not correct for PreSchooler as of Dec 2005


3. EMS_EDTADM Student Aggregation Summary by Building


4. EMS_ESP Education Service Personnel


5. EMS_PSUNIT Preschool Unit Inclusion Report

Preschool Unit Inclusion Report listing

6. EMS_SEUNIT Special Ed Approved Units Report


7. EMS_STAFF Staff Demographics/Employment Report


Note: Reports with '*' after the description require that

the aggregation routines (EMSAGG) have already been executed




You can log off of E-Term.

Press F10, then F10 again, type ‘exit’ and press enter.

Getting into the ODE Reports:

#1 Open TRECA home page:

#2 Under the Services tab – select Student Services:

#3 Select TRECA Reports (top blue button)

Wait for REPORTS Main Menu window to open

#4 Select your district from list, then

sign in using your same user name and password for E-Term:

#6 Select EMIS, then the Fiscal Year, then the type of reports you are looking for:

#4 Selct

NOTE: See handout for EMIS Reports Compared

EMIS Cheat Sheet Codes


1X - Reporting district is educating this student. X – Student Status

2X - Student is being educated in other than reporting district. X = Attn/Home Indicator

3X - Three school districts involved. X = Attn/Home Indicator

4X - Student attends JVS not in jointure of sending district. X = Attn/Home Indicator

Attending/Home IRN Status Values

EMIS & ODE ReportsTRECA Training March, 2006Page 1 of 12

10 Instructing/Resident

11 Instructing/Tuition

12 Instructing/Voc Contract


14 Instructing/Out-of-State Tuition

15 Instructing/Out-of-State Non-Tuition

16 Instructing/Nonpublic

17 Instructing/With Grandparent

18 Instructing/Senior

19 Instructing/Open Enrollment

1A Instructing/Parent Employee

1B Instructing/Non-County Co-op

1C Foster Care Placement

1D Instructing/Direct Pay Tuition

1F Not enrolled Public student receives

1H ESC providing instruction and servic

1I Not Enrolled. Receiving PS Spec Ed,

1L Non resident open enrollment counted

1M Community School

1P All Court Ordered Institutional Plac

1S Non resident attending district base

1T All Institutional Placements not cou

1U State supported school e.g.OSB, OSD

1W Non Resident attending under Title 1

20 Non-instructing/Resident

21 Non-instructing/Tuition

22 Non-instructing/Voc Contract

23 Non-instructing/JVS

24 Non-instructing/County Board

25 Non-instructing/Post Secondary

26 Non-instructing/MRDD

27 Non-instructing/Other Co-op

28 Non-instructing/DYS-Rehab

29 Non-instructing/Proprietary

2C Non-instructing/Court Placement

2E Non-instructing/Open Enrollment

2M Student who attnd Community School

2P All Court Ordered Institutional Plac

2S Student attending based on Superinte

2T All Institutional Placements not cou

2V Vouchers - Cleveland Only

2W District Student attending under Tit

39 Open Enrollment – Non Residents ate

34 Open Enrolled / ESC

35 Open Enrolled / PSEO

3X Non resid, open enroll attn other entity

49 JVS open enrolled student

EMIS & ODE ReportsTRECA Training March, 2006Page 1 of 12

EMIS Special Education Category Codes


CAT1 - Speech and Language Impairments

CAT2 - Specific Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, Other Health Handicapped - Minor

CAT3 - Hearing Impairments, Visual Impairments, Emotional Disturbance

CAT4 - Other Health Handicapped - Major, Orthopedic Impairments

CAT5 - Multiple Disabilities (other than deaf-blind)

CAT6 - Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Deaf-Blindness

JVS – JVSD, JVSD Special Eduation

OTH - Other

(05) SP - Speech/Language Impairments

(15) OHMI - Other Health (Minor)

(09) DH - Mental Retardation

(10) LD - Specific Learning Disabilities

(03) HI - Hearing Impairments

(04) V - Visual Impairments

(08) SBH - Emotional Disturbance

(06) OH - Orthopedic Impair

(14) OHMA - Other Health (Major)

(01) MH - Multiple Disabilities

(02) DB - Deaf-Blindness

(12) AU - Autism

(13) TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

(11) PS - Preschool

Category 1 = (SP) Category 4 = (OH + OHMA)

Category 2 = (OMHI + DH + LD)Category 5 = (MH)

Category 3 = (HI + V + SBH)Category 6 = (DB + AU + TBI)

Helpful Links


Click on tab for Services / Student Services for:

EMIS pages

TRECA Repots

ODE home page -

ODE EMIS home page -

ODE Documentation (current report explanations available) -

ODE Newsflash (current year) -

ODE Archives (lists past Documentation & Newsflashes) -

IBM’s SSID web page –

School Wires – via web page at - see upper right corner of web page.

UniCenter new user setup – contact John Shank (at ) with user name.

UniCenter –

CSADM portal account – via e-mail to

CSADM forum user – via web page at

click on the register button and follow the screen directions.

eSIS – TRECA Authorized Account Application. Must have a School Wires account or contact Student Services.

E-TERM – TRECA Authorized Account Application. Must have a School Wires account or contact Student Services.

EMIS & ODE ReportsTRECA Training March, 2006Page 1 of 12