Minutes of the leigh PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held in the Small Hall,

High Street, Leigh on Monday 2ND SEPTEMBER 2013 at 8.00pm

PRESENT: Cllr D. Bennie, Cllr P. Croft, Cllr A. Johnston, Cllr J. Knock, Cllr G. Marchant and Cllr S. Smith

APOLOGIES: Cllr. C. Stratton-Brown (Chairman), Cllr B. Doherty, Cllr R. Swallow, District Cllr Cook and County Cllr Pearman

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and public

In the absence of Cllr Stratton-Brown, members agreed that Cllr Bennie would chair the meeting.

Open Session

Questions from members of the public

Mr and Mrs Nesbitt attended the meeting to report an incident on 13th August at 5pm at the junction of The High Street with Lower Green Road. Vans were parked on The High Street on double yellow lines and, as pedestrians, Mr and Mrs Nesbitt were unable to view the oncoming traffic. Two vehicles which were travelling at very high speeds rounded the corner, which caused Mrs Nesbitt to fall backwards, sustaining injuries to her head and left elbow. Mr and Mrs Nesbitt have contacted the police and have also asked for help from County Cllr Pearman to see if any highway improvements could be made to the junction. The 30mph sign is damaged and there are scratches on the wall of the pub, which indicates that vehicles are being driven too close to the wall. Members were very sympathetic and agreed to put pressure on Highways to see if improvements can be made. Clerk also to contact PCSO Dave O’Neil to see if the parking restrictions in The High Street can be enforced. Members supported any efforts made by C.Cllr Pearman when he takes this up with KCC.

Report by District Cllr Cook

The Clerk reported that District Cllr Cook has advised that the planning officer is minded to grant agricultural permitted development rights at Priory Wood. After receiving the Parish Council’s objection, the planning officer sought advice from SDC’s agricultural consultant regarding this application.

Report by County Cllr Pearman

The Clerk reported that email updates have been received from County Cllr Pearman, and he has represented the parish in an effort to improve safety at the junction of the High Street and Lower Green Road – please see above.

Closed Session

61. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Stratton-Brown, Cllr Doherty and Cllr Swallow and their reasons for absence were accepted by members. Apologies for absence were also received from District Cllr Cook and County Cllr Pearman.

62. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non-Pecuniary Interest in respect of matters to be discussed

Cllr Croft declared a DPI in item 69 (i) Maintenance of The Green and other areas, as he provides this service for the Parish Council, and Cllr Knock declared a NPI in item 69 (ii) To consider how the surface of The Village Green could be Improved, as he is a member of The Cricket Club.

63. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st July 2013 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Johnston, seconded by Cllr Marchant and all were in favour.

64. To report on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda – none.

65. Planning

i. to consider applications received

i. SE/13/02410/AGRNOT: Priory Wood and land adjacent to the West Scabharbour Road, Sevenoaks Weald - proposed new road for forestry purposes, and SE/13/02411/AGRNOT: erection of an open sided wood store. The Clerk reported that she has reiterated the Parish Council’s previous objections on both these applications.

The Clerk reported that, during the month, the Planning Committee considered the following applications:

ii. SE/13/01703/FUL: Foxwold, Cinder Hill Lane, Leigh TN11 8HU - change of use from agricultural to residential to accommodate a tennis court. Members supported this application.

iii. SE/13/02213/HOUSE: Kerang, Penshurst Road, Leigh TN11 8HN - erection of two storey extension to rear, erection of porch and first floor dormer window to front elevation, alterations to fenestration and pitched roof over garage. Members felt that this is a large extension and questioned whether it will take the size of the dwelling over 50% of the original size. The existing breakfast room at the rear is a previous extension. Members supported the front extension and the ground floor rear extension, but were concerned about the first floor rear extension due to the possible loss of light to the neighbouring property Briarwood.

iv. SE/13/02107/FUL: Oak Tree Cottage, Powder Mill Lane, Leigh TN11 8QD - demolition of existing dwelling, with erection of two new detached dwellings and a new vehicle access point. Landscaping to front of site to include removal of existing hedge and erection of a new 0.6m high garden wall. Members objected to this application on the following grounds: Powder Mill Lane, within the village confines, consists of modest detached and semi-detached houses well-spaced out, with front gardens and front hedges or low wooden picket fences. Further on there are some large houses well set back from the road. Oak Tree Cottage, The Beeches and The Cottage are a trio of houses forming the entrance and border to Garden Cottages, a close of semi-detached houses round a small green. These three houses and the close are a good example of the Arts and Craft movement. This application for the proposed two new dwellings does not fit in with the above. The Parish Council’s objections were as follows:

1. the construction of two dwellings on this site would give a density of about 40 houses per hectare, well in excess of 25 dwellings per hectare given in the Sevenoaks District Council’s Local Development Framework.

2. the proposed removal of the hedge to the front of the property, the erection of a replacement wall together with the large area of hard standing and the lack of a front garden are unacceptable and out of character in this village location, and would cause urbanisation.

3. the proposed size and scale of the proposed dwellings are unacceptable. The existing dwelling is 71 sq.m. and the proposed new dwellings amount to 178.1 sq.m.

4. the proposed narrow gap between the two dwellings emphasizes the massing of this proposed development giving the impression of one large block.

5. the third floors are out of keeping with the surrounding properties, as is parking in front of the houses.

6. the ridge height of the proposed dwellings is too great, being higher than both neighbouring properties but significantly higher than The Beeches.

7. the design and scale of the proposed dwellings does not meet the points in paragraph 21 of the Village Design Statement.

8. the replacement of one dwelling with two dwellings does not meet the requirements of limited infilling.

9. the proposed dwellings would have a negative impact on The Hawthorns, The Beeches and no. 22 Garden Cottages.

10. the location plan on the drawings does not appear to be correct.

ii. notification of planning decisions:

·  SE/13/01703/FUL: Foxwold, Cinder Hill, Leigh – change of use from agricultural to residential to accommodate a tennis court. Application refused as the proposal would be inappropriate development in the Green Belt.

·  SE/13/01403/HOUSE: Field Cottage, Prices Farm – demolition of glass house and erection of replacement garage. Application approved.

·  SE/13/01603/HOUSE: 21 Powder Mill Lane – demolition of existing single storey side and rear extension and erection of single and two storey rear extension with roof-light to side (southern) elevation and internal alterations. Application approved.

·  SE/13/01295/LBCALT: Chilling House, High Street, Leigh – opening of blind window on the side elevation. Application approved.

·  SE/13/01435/HOUSE: 21 Well Close, Leigh – erection of single storey rear extension. Application withdrawn.

·  SE/13/02213/HOUSE - Kerang, Penshurst Road - erection of two storey extension to rear. Erection of porch and first floor dormer window to front elevation. Alterations to fenestration and pitched roof over garage. Application no longer valid and is no longer under consideration.

66. To hear update regarding the verge cutting contract 2013

The Clerk reported that the visibility splay cut was done at the end of July and the second swathe cut will be done at the beginning of September.

67. To hear report of the Summer Family Fun Play Scheme

The Clerk reported that the Leigh play day was held on Friday 23rd August, 2pm to 5pm. It was a beautifully sunny day and it was a popular event for children and their families. The final attendance numbers are not as yet known. There were no refreshments and no toilet facilities available but people were using the village shop for refreshments, which is of course most positive.

68. To hear update regarding the permissive path request at Knotley Hall

The Clerk reported that David Munn at KCC has advised that he is still waiting for the tenant farmer to sort out the lease for the land, but he is expecting that documentation back any day. David has been able to make financial provision to build the route when the agreements have been finalised.

69. Environment

i. To consider contracts for maintenance of The Green and other areas

The Clerk reported that Brian Brooker of Leigh Gardening Company Limited has advised that he does not wish to enter a contract or carry out any more work for the Parish Council. The Clerk undertook to thank Brian for all his hard work over the years, and members agreed that further discussion on this item should be deferred until the October Parish Council meeting.

ii. To consider how the surface of The Green could be improved

The Clerk reported that a letter has been received from Derick Furneaux to say that Leigh Football Club has played on The Green for many decades, however over the last 10 years or so it has proved increasingly difficult. The church end of the pitch becomes heavily water logged and has hollows where water gathers. Both penalty areas need leveling work as does the non playing area near the school. The club played only four matches on The Green last season and had to hire pitches elsewhere to fulfill fixtures. The club was offered a quality pitch for nearly half the cost of playing on The Green for 2013/14. However, the club has decided use The Green as their home pitch as much as possible, but has asked whether the Parish Council could investigate ways in which the surface could be improved. Cllr Knock reported that there is one major drain under The Green and a network of smaller drains that feed into it. The Clerk reported that Cllr Swallow is in the process of obtaining more information and estimates of cost from KCC Landscape Services, and suggested that this matter be postponed until the October Parish Council meeting. Members agreed.

iii. To hear update regarding the application to fell an oak tree at Onival, Powdermills Lane

The Clerk reported that a new application has been made by the insurance company to fell the oak tree at Onival. The Clerk has written to Les Jones to say that the Parish Council object to the felling of this tree unless it is categorically proven that it is this particular tree that is causing the damage to the property and, even in that event, root barriers should be installed rather than fell the tree. The Clerk added that the resident is also objecting to the tree being felled, and has said that the most sensible solution would be to underpin the property.

iv. to consider whether any action is required on ROW maintenance work

The Clerk reported that Andy Stewart raised the matter of vegetation clippings that were left on the footpath which leads from the top of Green View Avenue down to the fields. The ROW contractor has cut down the weed and hedging at the sides and left the cuttings over the footpath, some of which are thorn cuttings. This creates a hazard for pedestrians and their dogs. The Clerk has asked ROW if the clippings could be cleared away, but has been advised that the contract requires cutting to a specified level and, on metalled paths, the debris to moved to the side of the paths as much as possible. To have to clear the debris would greatly increase costs, meaning that ROW would not be able to cut the footpaths so often. Clerk to ask if the clippings can be pushed back off the path next time it is cut.

v. Chestnut Tree on The Green

The Clerk reported that she has asked Bartletts to come and look at the Chestnut tree on The Green that is deteriorating. The tree has suffered from a fungal infection for some time. Item to be considered further next month.

vi. Applications for Tree Works:

SE/13/01908/WTCA: The Vicarage – various works to trees in the Conservation Area. Cllr Croft advised that he has looked at the trees in question and has no objection to the works.

70. Highways update

i. To consider what action can be taken to improve the sound barriers on the A21

The Clerk reported that Simon Scott and Stephen Turvey have been in touch, asking whether the Parish Council would consider starting an online petition to gauge support for the re-installation of sound controls on the A21, particularly the raised section near the village. This could take the form of physical barriers again or whisper tarmac when resurfacing is done. The Clerk added that she has contacted Vision ICT, the website provider, who has said that to run an online petition from the website would cost £50. Cllr Marchant advised that it might be possible to request whisper tarmac when the road is re-surfaced and it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Highways and advise that complaints have been received. Clerk to mention the possibility of an online petition in the Parish Magazine to gauge support.