Mrs. Suzanne Cain (ext. 256)

South Cobb High School

1920 Clay Rd.

Austell, GA30106

Phone Number 770-819-2611

Fax Number 770-819-2613



British Literature and Composition

Course Outline

Course Description

This class emphasizes careful reading and interpretations of British literary selections. The course will survey British Literature works and authors from the earliest recorded epic through contemporary literature and allow students to develop an understanding of the ways the period of a work of literature affects its structure and meaning. This course will also prepare the student for specific writing experiences, as well as providing speaking and listening opportunities, vocabulary development, research skills, and test-taking strategies. Students in this course are expected to be independent readers who must read outside of class. Students must be ready to participate in a course that imitates a college class.

Class Discussion and Participation

In addition to reading and writing, we will be working on listening and speaking skills. Much of the course will involve student-led discussions about literature. Sometimes you will be working with a group to help lead the class. At other times, you might find yourself delivering an oral presentation. We will start with the less challenging of these tasks and work up to the more challenging ones.

Use of MLA editorial style guidelines will facilitate consistent presentation of written material. You may review the most updated version of MLA at The Purdue Online Writing Lab (

Check the Picasso website frequently for valuable information and resources about Georgia Performance Standards, testing, and grades. click on “Picasso,” and then click on “Parents” or “Students.”

Classroom Requirements

Students are responsible for following the rules and guidelines set forth in the SCHS Student Handbook 2010-11. In particular, students should arrive on time, be polite and respectful, and come prepared to work. No food or drink, with the exception of bottled water, is allowed. Students should wait for the teacher, not the bell, to dismiss class. Minor behavior problems may result in before or after school detention. Major discipline problems will be referred to the school administration.


Students must bring a notebook, notebook paper, a writing journal, the appropriate text of study, a # 2 pencil, and a blue or black ink pen to class every day. You will also benefit from having on hand a package of small sticky notes and one or two highlighters.

Late Work and Make-Up Work

Students are responsible for verifying excused absences with the teacher and arranging for their make-up work immediately upon returning to school. Make-up work will be given for excused absences only. If the student missed a form of assessment and the absence is excused the student will have to establish a make-up time with the teacher the day they return from their absence. The students will have no longer than one week to make up the assessment.

*NOTE: Deadlines need to be met! If a deadline is set for an assignment, you

must turn in that assignment by the deadline!

**Please note the additional guidelines outlined for long term assignments can be

found in the SCHS Student Handbook 2010-11. Students who are going on field

trips must turn in work that is due that day BEFORE they leave campus.


DO NOT BE LATE! Being prompt is a skill that can be groomed and should be exercised daily. It shows respect for both the individual and those with whom you associate. Please be sure to be in the classroom ready to work when the late bell rings, or you must check-in at the Attendance Office.


Tutoring will be held by appointment. It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment with the teacher for tutoring times. Please take advantage of the tutoring availability.

Technology Participation

It is essential to your overall average that you participate in our BLOG conversations. You will need to access the BLOG on a daily basis, and respond accordingly.

Media Center Hours:

  • Monday and Friday - 7:45 to 3:30
  • Tuesday andThursday -7:45 - 5:00
  • Textbook Returns and Checkout: Monday - Friday - 7:45 - 8:20


Please review the following information carefully. You will sign that you have read and understand its meaning. Please ASK me for guidance at any time (preferably before turning in an assignment).

Plagiarism is the act of using another person’s ideas and expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source. Repeating another’s words, phrases or sentences without quotation marks and proper citation is one form of plagiarism. Restating another’s “apt phrase,” argument or idea without proper citation is also plagiarism as it indicates the work is your own rather than that of the original source (MLA Handbook). Plagiarism is not limited to an amount of material that needs citation. It may be seen as a lack of citation for ONE sentence, one paragraph and/or an entire paper.

Consequences for plagiarism include receiving an F (0 points) on the assignment and a disciplinary referral to the administrators for disciplinary action. According to the Cobb County Code of Student Conduct plagiarism is, “copying of another person’s words or the expression of an idea and representing it as one’s own.” Cheating and plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, tests, quizzes, reports, homework, term paper and thesis writing. All assignments given in this class are individual assignments unless otherwise explicitly stated in writing. Collaboration with peers on individual assignments is considered cheating.

Grading Percentages Based on Georgia Performance Standards


Read/Lit and Read Across Curric.35%


Final Exam15%

Textbook Replacement Cost

Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes. The American Experience

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2004. $60.97


Mrs. Cain’sEnglish Class


Student Name:______Period:______

I have received, read and understand the policy sheet including the information on cheating and plagiarism, and understand that I will read approved CobbCounty parallel selections. Please sign below to indicate that you have read a copy of the course syllabus and that you understand the policies, and agree to the requirements and the CobbCounty approved reading selections. (If you have any objections regarding parallel readings, please indicate in writing what your objections are and include a daytime phone number.) Return this signed portion to your teacher.


Student’s SignatureParent’s Signature

Parent’s Email (please print): ______

Student’s email if you want to receive copies of info I send out to parents.