Being Human festival 2018
Hubs Awards application form
Please use the form below to outline the activities that you will be able to offer by acting as a Being Human festival hub. In keeping with our strategy for this year’s festival, Hubs should also be able to:
- organise one large scale or particularly eye-catching ‘headline’ event
- organise around 5 smaller thematically-related events
- organise one or more activities aimed at families or younger people
- organise one or more activities aimed at BAME audiences orone or more activities aimed at an under-served community within the local area
- match fund to at least the value of the award
Please use the boxes in the form below to provide an overview of your whole proposed programme (which should be no more than 8 events). Use the Being Human Activities Grid to enter details of each individual event on separate lines.
It is strongly recommended that you consult your research office, public engagement unit or equivalent before submitting an application. Please check our Terms and Conditions before submitting this form.
Please answer each question.Please use 11pt font size. Increase the boxes where necessary.
1Lead applicant
This should be whoever who has agreed to act as a point of contact for your event(s) and is able to respond quickly to emails, etc.
Name, title, role
2 Your organisation
3 Your contact details
Email, phone number, Twitter handle
4 Institutional finance contact
Please provide the name of the contact who will administer your grant should your application be successful.
Name, title, role, email, phone number
5 Institutional communications contact
Please provide details of someone from your central communications department who will be able to respond to any media enquiries.
Name, title, role, email, phone number
6 Title of activity/series of activities
This should be short and capable of capturing the public imagination.
7 Summary (80 words max)
Provide an 80 word description of your programme of activities, which will be used in Being Human
promotional materials if your bid is successful.
8 Overview(300 words max)
Please provide an overview of your programme of activities below(300 words max). Please focus here on outlining the unifying aimsof your activities. The Being Human Activities Grid should also be completed with separate lines for each activity. In the box below, please tell us about:
- some highlight activities, including your ‘headline’ activity
- the key themes of your programme
- what you want to achieve with your hub programme
- how this will support broader objectives at your institution
- how many researchers you are likely to involve
9 Cultural/community partners (200 words max)
Briefly outline any cultural or community partners involved in this bid (provide relevant web links). Note that a letter of support is required from these partners.
- Why are these partners integral to the success of the activity?
- How will they help you engage your intended audience?
10 Funding
Total funding requested from Being Human
£11 Outline costs/ justification of resources
Please give an estimate of costings. It is strongly recommended that you consult your research office, events team, public engagement unit or equivalent before completing this section to gain accurate estimates of costs, such as room and equipment hire. Please consult our Call for Participation for details on eligible costs. Please indicate below any potential for match funding or in-kind support from the host institution.
12 Delivery (200 words max)
Please provide a brief description (200 words max) of how your activities will be delivered, including:
- the team involved in delivering your Being Human activities and what their roles will be
- any plans that you may have to document the event(s) or activities (e.g. photography, filming, livestreaming etc.)
- how you intend to promote your activities (e.g. PR, media channels, social media etc.)
13 Letters of Support
Please attach a brief letter of support from any cultural and community partners named on your application.
14 Submission
When complete, please submit this form to later than 5pm, 13 April 2018.