Intro. to Logic
Practice Test 2

For each of the following syllogisms do the following: (a) Test with a Venn diagram, (b) State whether valid or invalid from the Boolean standpoint, (c) Name any rules broken or fallacies committed; if no rules are broken write "none," (d) Name the mood and figure.

1. All M are P.

Some S are M.

Some S are P.a.

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

2. All M are P. a.

No M are S.

No S are P.

b. ______

c. ______

d. ______

3. All M are P.a.

All M are S.

Some S are P.

b. ______

c. ______


4. All M are P.a.

No M are S.

No S are P.




Reconstruct the syllogistic form from the following combinations of mood and figure. Use the letters P, S, and M to designate the major, minor, and middle terms, respectively. Then check the validity of the syllogism by utilizing the six rules. State the relevant fallacy, if any.

4. OAO-3




5. AOO-4




6. (pick a mood and figure, any one! Do it over and over.)

Given that P and Q are true and R and S are false, determine the truth values of the following compound propositions. Show your work and circle the answer.

7-9: page 312, part I, #’s 5,9 and 10.

Given that P and Q are true, R is false, and S haS unknown truth value, determine the truth values of the following molecular propositions. If the truth value cannot be determined, write "undetermined." Show your work and circle the answer.

10-12: page 321, part II, #'s 5,9, and 10.

Use truth tables to determine whether the following propositions are tautologous, self-contradictory or contingent.

13-15. Page 323, #’s 7, 10, and 16

Use truth tables to determine whether the following pairs of propositions are logically equivalent.

16-17. Page 325, #’s 14 and 19

Use truth tables to determine whether the following pairs of propositions are contradictory, consistent, or inconsistent.

18-20. Page 328, #’s 10, 12, 18

Determine whether the following arguments are valid or invalid by constructing an ordinary truth table for each. If an argument is invalid, circle the pertinent truth values.

21 and 22. Page 331, #’s 8 and 12

Use indirect truth tables to determine whether the following arguments are valid or invalid.

23. A  B / (A  B)  C / A  (C  D) // A  D

24. K  (L v M) / L  M / M  K / K v L // K  L

25. page 340, number 16

Use indirect truth tables to determine whether the following sets of statements are consistent or inconsistent.

26 and 27. Page 351, numbers 3 and 14.