Foundations of Science (FOS) – Earth & Physics (E&P) or Earth & Chemistry (E&C)

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Course Description: This laboratory based course is an innovative and modern entry-level science program, which has been carefully constructed to include Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), California’s Science Framework(see Chapter 7), and California’s Environmental Principles & Concepts, thus ensuring maximum opportunities for progression from middle school into college preparatory and advanced high school study.

Completion of the program will give students an understanding of key techniques and procedures in laboratory science, as well as foundational background material for students that will facilitate their progression into deeper study of the individual sciences, at whatever level, later in their high school careers. The order in which the semesters are studied is immaterial.

Digital Citizenship: Foundations of Science was the pioneer course for 1-to-1 devices at the high school level. As such, students will have access to a device (iPads, Chromebooks, or laptops) each class period. Students are expected to respect district devices, create an ethical and responsible digital footprint, and collaborate with peers via their GAFE (Google Apps for Education - assigned by district) account and district-approved social media outlets. Students will be instructed on appropriate use according to the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for students, and appropriate district-level standards.

Materials Needed:ALL materials/texts should be with you in class EVERYDAY!

Materials: Science Lab Notebook, pen (BLUE OR BLACK), pencil

Recommended Materials: colored pencils, ruler, highlighter, calculator, place to store occasional handouts, earbuds/headphones

7th Period Support:

7th period is a time for students to receive help on material covered in class and make-up missed assignments. 7th period will be offered AFTER THE LAST BLOCK PERIOD each day unless otherwise posted.

Attendance/Tardy Policy:

Students will be held accountable to all aspects of the stated Oak Park High School Attendance/Tardy Policy. If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to check for missed work. Please check your Google Classroom, teacher’s website, unit calendar/anchor page, and/or with your science buddy before asking your teacher for missed work. And yes, WE DID DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE GONE.

Grading Policy: Grades are EARNED, not given!

  1. Grade will be determined on a points calculation basis.
  2. Letter grades will follow a standard A-F format. (97% and above, A+; 93-96.9%, A; 90-92.9%, A-; 87% and above, B+; 83-86.9%, B; 80-82.9%, B-; 77% and above, C+; 73-76.9%, C; 70-72.9%, C-; 67% and above, D+; 63-66.9%, D; 60-62.9%, D-; 59.9% and below, F.)
  3. As a general rule, grades are NOT rounded up at semester unless ALL work is turned in (including extra credit), behavior/attendance have not been an issue, and your test and lab average meets the higher grade letter.
  4. It is YOUR responsibility to stay on top of your grade. If you fall below a 70%, we strongly encourage you to attend 7th period for additional help.

Assessment Policy:

  1. Quizzes (5-25 points) will occur at random and serve to identify areas that need further studying before the unit assessment.
  2. All missed quizzes MUST be completed before the date of the unit assessment or a score of zero will be assigned.
  3. Unit assessments (~100 points) will cover material in lecture, readings, labs, homework, and classwork. Unit assessments are divided into individual and group portions. Assessments may vary in points and format.
  4. For group assessments, all group members must be within 10% points of each other. For example, if the highest grade is an 87% then the lowest grade possible is a 77%.
  5. Unit assessment dates will be posted at least one week in advance.
  6. If you are absent on the day of an assessment, you will be required to make-up that test your first class period back. So, be prepared when you return to school…NO EXCUSES!
  7. Each semester will include a summative final assessment (~200 points).

Assignment Policy:

  1. Assignments will aim to reinforce learned concepts or preview upcoming material.
  2. Assignments may vary in format and turn-in method.
  3. Paper assignments (worksheets, lab notebooks, etc.) are due at the beginning of class for full credit.
  4. Online/electronic assignments (Google Classroom, EDpuzzle, etc.) are due by the time posted for each assignment (typically by 8:30am the day of class) for full credit.
  5. Assignments can be made up for full credit with an excused absence. You will have the same number of class periods missed to make up your work. When you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to turn in your assignments.
  6. Late assignments may be turned in for a maximum of half credit BEFORE the unit summative assessment.
  7. Two (2) late passes will be granted each semester. Late passes are good for one (1) extra class period to finish an assignment.
  8. Lab notebook write-ups (15-100 points) will focus on the implementation of the scientific method during labs. Students will be required to keep an organized and readable record of each experiment.
  9. Other assignments (5-50 points) will focus on specific content relevant to the Earth Science or Physical Science standards covered each semester.

Common Unit & Culminating Inquiry Project:

  1. At the beginning of the first semester, all FOS classes will complete a common unit on Global Warming. This common unit will introduce students to lab notebooks, science practices, and technology that will be used throughout the FOS curriculum (and in later science courses).
  2. At the end of the second semester, students will implement the skills and practices they have acquired throughout the year in a culminating project by undertaking a piece of research, or an in-depth lab investigation which requires a presentation of their findings.


  1. No major extra credit projects will be offered during the school year. It is in your best interest to do your assignments on time, participate in class, and study for assessments.
  2. Lab Safety will be covered in class and strictly enforced.
  3. Have integrity. Always do your own work, even when working in groups. Cheating will NEVER be tolerated on any assignment, lab, test/quiz, or project. PLAGIARISM = CHEATING. Please review the OPHS Academic Honesty Policy.

“The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” -Thomas A. Edison