Lower T-Ball Rules

1.An 8 ½’ baseball will be used.

2.The pitchers' plate will be located at 42 ft.

3.Bases are set at 55ft. apart.

4.Fair Ball Arc- There will be a 20 ft. arc drawn from the 1 stbaseline to the 3rd
baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go 20 feet to be fair.

5.Safety Arc- There will be a 30 ft. arc drawn from the 1 stbaseline to the 3rd
baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball
is hit.

6.Batter, base runners, and catchers will were helmets.

7.The home team will occupy the third base dugout and visiting team will occupy
the first base dugout.

8.The home team is the official scorekeeper.

9.Each coach shall provide a complete line-up to the scorekeeper and the opposite
coach prior to game start.

10.Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base
before the ball is hit.

11.10 players will play in the field with 4 outfielders. No outfielder may be allowed
to assume an infield position. All outfielders must play position in the grass not in
the dirt.

12.The batting line-up order shall constitute all players on the team roster at the
beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted as the last batter. No batters
are to be inserted to game line-up after all players on original line-up have batted.
All players on the roster shall bat before returning to the top of the order.

13.A maximum of 7 runs per inning or 3 outs including the last inning.

14.A game shall consist of 3 full innings or 1 hour time limit whichever comes first.

15.Fees substitution on defense. Batting order must remain the same.

16.No Bunting.

17.2 defensive and 3 offensive coaches are allowed on the field of play but cannot
touch players or runners at any time.

18.Umpires will call "TIME" after every play and declare the ball dead.

19.The infield fly rule does not apply.

20.The catcher shall wear a dual-ear flap catcher's helmet with a mask.

21.There will not be an automatic out for 8 players, but if there are less than 8
players the game will be a forfeit.

22.In case of a game in progress being rained out or called for weather, two full
innings constitute a complete game.

23.A verbal team warning will be given for the first incident per player for slinging
the bat. Any time thereafter, the umpire will call the batter out and the ball dead.
Base runners will return to the base previously occupied.

24.A batter shall receive a maximum of 6 swings to put the ball in play or be called
out. No additional swings shall be awarded on foul balls.

Upper T-Ball Rules

1.An 8 ½’ baseball will be used.

2.The pitchers' plate will be located at 42 ft.

3.Bases are set at 55 ft. apart.

4.Fair Ball Arc- There will be a 20 ft. arc drawn from the 1 stbaseline to the 3rd
baseline in front of home plate. A batted ball must go 20 feet to be fair.

5.Safety Arc- There will be a 30 ft. arc drawn from the 1 stbaseline to the 3 rd
baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this line until the ball
is hit.

6.Batter, base runners, and catchers will were helmets.

7.The home team will occupy the third base dugout and visiting team will occupy
the first base dugout.

8.The home team is the official scorekeeper.

9.Each coach shall provide a complete line-up to the scorekeeper and the opposite
coach prior to game start.

10.Runners shall not lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out for leaving the base
before the ball is hit.

11.10 players will play in the field with 4 outfielders. No outfielder may be allowed
to assume an infield position. All outfielders must play position in the grass not in
the dirt.

12.The batting line-up order shall constitute all players on the team roster at the
beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted as the last batter. No batters
are to be inserted to game line-up after all players on original line-up have batted.
All players on the roster shall bat before returning to the top of the order.

13.A maximum of7 runs per inning or 3 outs including the last inning.

14.A game shall consist of 5 full innings or 1 hour time limit whichever comes first.

15.Fees substitution on defense. Batting order must remain the same.

16.No Bunting.

17.2 defensive and 3 offensive coaches are allowed on the field of play but cannot
touch players or runners at any time.

18.Umpires will call "TIME" after every play and declare the ball dead. "TIME" will
be called as soon as the lead runner stops.

19.The infield fly rule does not apply.

20.The catcher shall wear a dual-ear flap catcher's helmet with a mask.

21.There will not be an automatic out for 8 players, but if there are less than 8
players the game will be a forfeit.

22.In case of a game in progress being rained out or called for weather, three full
innings constitute a complete game.

23.In the event of a tie game the it will be awarded as ½ win and ½ loss.

24.A verbal team warning will be given for the first incident per player for slinging
the bat. Any time thereafter, the umpire will call the batter out and the ball dead.
Base runners will return to the base previously occupied.

25.A batter shall receive 3 attempts to put the ball into play, if the 3rd attempt is foul,
batter shall receive additional attempts' up to a maximum of 6 attempts. On the 6th
foul the batter will be called out.

Sapulpa Youth Baseball
Coach Pitch 7/8 Rules

The Sapulpa Youth Baseball instructional leagues are designed to
enhance the enjoyment and learning experience of all participants. As
such, we encourage sportsmanship and instructional learning over
competition. We will not tolerate poor sportsmanship and/or abusive
language. Coaches are also responsible for maintaining a safe
environment for the kids. Coaches need to convey this information to
the parents as well.

1.Bases - 60 ft.

2.Fair Ball Arc - There will be a 20-foot arc drawn from 1st
baseline to 3rd baseline in front of home plate. A ball must touch
or go past this line to be fair.

3.Safety Arc - There will be a 30-foot arc drawn from l st to 3rd
baseline in front of home plate. Infielders must stay behind this
line until the ball is hit.

4.The Pitching Circle shall be 10-feet in diameter with the front
edge at 42-feet form the back point of home plate.

5.A base runner is out for leaving the base before the ball is hit or
reaches home plate. Stealing is not allowed.

6.10 players will play in the field with 4 outfielders. The 4th
outfielder may not be allowed to assume an infield position. All
outfielders must stay at least 30 feet behind the infield (base
line) until the ball is hit. Catchers require the use of full catchers
gear (cup, mask, helmet, chest protector, throat protector, and
shin guards).

7.The batting order shall constitute all players on the team roster
at the beginning of the game. Late arrivals shall be inserted as
the last batter. All players on the roster shall bat before
returning to the top of the order. Players that leave the lineup
Forany reason willnot count as an automatic out (it is up to the
league coaches to maintain the integrity of this rule).

8.A maximum of 7 runs per inning or 3 outs. This is for the entire

9.Free substitution on defense. All players must playa defensive
position for three (2) innings. Batting order must remain the



11.A full-use batting helmet which covers the top and back of the
head and sides of the face must be worn by every player while in
the on-deck circle, when at bat, and while on the bases. If a
runners helmet comes off while running the bases, the umpire
will require that the runner to stop at the next base and the
runner cannot advance any further. If a runner intentionally
removes his batting helmet while running the bases, the umpire
will call the runner "Out".

12.Defensive coaches are not allowed on the field of play and must
coach from the dugout area.

13.Umpires will call "time" after every play and declare the ball
dead. "Time" should be called as soon as the lead runneris not
attempting to advance. "Time" shall not have to be called by
the participants for the purpose of this rule.

14.Infield fly rule does not apply.

15.A batter shall receive a maximum of 6 pitches or three swinging

16.In case of injury to a base runner, the player that made the last
out will be the substitute runner,

17.The defensive player listed as the pitcher cannot leave the
pitching circle until the ball is hit. The pitcher must have one
foot in the pitching circle until the ball is hit.

18.The official game ball Diamond DOL-A will be used for games.

19.A requlation game consists of up to 6 innings.The
home team will not bat if leading after 5 '/2 innings, No inning
may start after I-hour and 15-minutes. Once the time limit has
been reached and there is a mathematical winner. the game will
be over. A game tied after regulation time will be considered a
tie (1/2 win and ½ loss).

20.Pitching coach hit by a batted ball:

a.If, in the umpire's judgment, the pitching coach did not
make a legitimate attempt to get out of the way or the
pitching coach deliberately interferes with the ball, then
the batter is declared out. No runners advance.

b.If, in the umpire's judgment, the coach did make a
legitimate attempt to get out of the way, then the ball
becomes dead and a "no" pitch is declared.

c.The pitching coach must Stay behind the 30ft arch.

d.The pitching coach, once the ball has been hit, must exit
the field of play.

21.No soft toss into fences. No batting practice in the outfield with
hard balls. Batting practice using plastic balls or soft toss hitting
hard balls into a net is allowed. The intent is to keep the warm-
up areas safe for everyone. Unsafe warm-up activities are not
allowed. A team that violates any of these rules will receive one
(1) warning from the umpire or league official. A forfeit will
result for a second warning.

22.Protest of rules violations must be filed with a league officer
immediately. The protesting coach must inform the plate umpire
of the decision to protest before the next pitch is thrown. A
protest fee of $100.00 cash must accompany a written
description of the protest. If the League Representative rules
against the protest, the league will retain the protest fee and the
result of the game will stand. No protest can be filed on a
judgment call of the umpire(s).

23.Players, coaches, or fans can be ejected from the game or the
Sapulpa Baseball Complex by an umpire or league official.

24.If a coach is ejected from a game, he must sit out the remainder
of that game and as a minimum at least the next game his team
is scheduled to play. The ejected coach is required to leave the
Sapulpa Baseball Complex before the game will be allowed to
continue. If the coach refuses to leave the Sapulpa Baseball
Complex within 2 minutes, the game will be a forfeit. A coach
ejected for a second time will sit out the remainder of that game
and at least the next two (2) games his team is scheduled to
play. All ejections will be reviewed by the SYBA Board to
determine if additional penalties are necessary. While
suspended, a coach is not permitted at the Sapulpa Baseball

25.All players and coaches are expected to behave in a sportsman
like manner at all times. Any player, coach, or parent/fan whose
conduct is unbecoming orabusive will at a minimum be warned
and may be removed from the playing field or stands at the
discretion of a league official or the umpires. Foul or abusive
language will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Cursing
or throwing equipment will be an automatic ejection. This
includes a team forfeitinqor being removed if necessary.

26.Teams are responsible for cleaning out the dugout after each
practice or game.

27.Noise makers of any type are not allowed.

28.Managers will not allow their players or fans to razz, chant or cast
slurrinqremarks about players of the opposing team. Heckling or
trying to distract the opposing team in any manner is prohibited.
Teams/Players are not allowed to bang on the fencing or clap their
hands if the intent is to distract the other team.

29.A player ejected from a game must sit out the remainder of that
game. The ejected player must leave the playing field and
dugout before play can resume. The umpire may require the
player to leave the Sapulpa Baseball Complex if he feels it is
necessary. All player ejections will be reviewed by the SYBA
Board to determine if additional penalties are necessary.

30.Any person committing or threatening physical violence will be
ejected immediately and that person will be suspended from the
Sapulpa Baseball Complex for the remainder of the season.
The SYBA Board will determine additional consequences of such
behavior and will attempt to notify the offender in writing prior
to the beginning of the next season.



Sapulpa Youth Baseball Rules
Instructional Player Pitch 9-10

The Sapulpa Youth Baseball instructional leagues are designed to
enhance the enjoyment and learning experience of all participants. As
such, we encourage sportsmanship and instructional learning over
competition. We will not tolerate poor sportsmanship and/or abusive
language. Coaches are also responsible for maintaining a safe
environment for the kids. Coaches need to convey this information to
the parents as well.

1.Nine players will be allowed to play in the field. The infield will
consist of a pitcher, catcher, 1st baseman, 2ndbaseman, shortstop,
and a 3rd baseman. Three players will play in the outfield. The
catcher must wear all appropriate protective gear: mask, chest
protector, shin guards, protective cup, catcher's helmet, and
throat guard. The catcher must wear a protective helmet that
fully covers both ears.

2.A minimum of eight players are required to begin a game. Teams
have l0-minutes past the scheduled start time to have at least
eight players or the team must forfeit.

3.60-feet between bases.

4.45-feet from the back of home plate to the front of the pitching

5.Nine will be placed in the batting order. A copy of the batting
order with player numbers will be provided to the opposing coach
prior to the game. All players should play at least 2 innings in the
field if possible (except for medical or disciplinary reasons). This
rule is not protest able by the opposing team. The intent of this
rule is that all players receive a fair amount of playing time.
Violation of this rule should be brought to the attention of the
SYBA Board for review.

6.A half inning will consist of 3 outs or 7 runs.

7.A regulation game consists of six innings. The home team will not
bat if leading after 51/2innings. No inning may start after l-hour
and 30-minutes. Once the time limit has been reached and there
is a mathematical winner, the game will be over. A game tied
after regulation time will be considered a tie (1/2-win and 1/2-loss).

8.Suspended games that have completed 3-innings (or 2 1/2-innings
if the home team is ahead) will be considered a complete game.
The official score for games suspended after the third inning will
go back to the last completed inning unless the home is winning
and the home team is at bat. Suspended games that are not
complete will be continued from where they were when the game
was suspended. League officials will determine player
participation rules for suspended games on a case by case basis.

9. The official game ball Diamond DOL-A 9in will be used for games.

10.Stealing of ALL bases is allowed.

11.Obvious or flagrant Balks will be called.

12.The Drop Third Strike rule does apply.

13.A player can only pitch (36 outs) per week. A week is defined as
starting and ending at Sunday night at midnight. Exceeding the
maximum innings allowed in the case of a double or triple play will
not be counted against the pitcher. Penalty for violation of
pitching limitations will result in immediate forfeiture of the game.

16. Teams, including pitchers, will not be allowed to warm-up in the
infield any time during the day before their game or any other
game. The intent of this rule is to preserve the quality of the
playing surface, pitching mound, and field markings. No soft toss
into fences. No batting practice in the outfield with hard balls.
Batting practice using plastic balls or soft toss hitting hard balls
into a net is allowed. The intent is to keep the warm-up areas
safe for everyone. Unsafe warm-up activities are not allowed. A
team that violates any of these rules will receive one (1) warning
from the umpire or league official. A forfeit will result for a second