Puppy Application

Please provide your name, address, and contact information:

Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:

Please tell us a little bit more about your family:

Do you live with anyone?
A spouse, partner, or roommate?
What is his or her name?
Do you have children at home?
What are their names and ages?
Do you have other household members?
Please include grandchildren or neighbor’s children that visit regularly.
Is anyone home during the day?
How long will the puppy be home alone for?
Do you travel a lot?
If yes, what will you do with the puppy?
Will it go with you, be boarded, or stay with family or friends?
Do you have other pets?
How many and what kind?
Have you had a dog before?
When and what breed? How did it die?
Rate your family’s activity level on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is a stay-at-home couch potato and 10 is a tri-athlete.
Please explain. Please answer with consideration.
From your answers I will learn at least two things:
1. how your dog will get exercise, and
2. what activity level may be appropriate for your family.
(E.g., do you jog daily, climb mountains on weekends? Do you play soccer or just watch a game once a week? Do you have a swimming pool? Do you go to the lake/ocean all summer? Do you hunt? Bicycle? Cross-country ski?)

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Please tell us a little bit more about where you live:

Do you live in a house, apartment, condo,
townhouse, or other? Are animals allowed?
Please describe the outside space for your puppy. Do you have a fence, invisible fence, kennel / pen, or a run? Do you have a dog door? If you have a fence, how high is it?
Do you use lawn fertilizers,weed killers, or pesticides?

Please tell us a little bit more about your plans for your new puppy:

Do you know the Golden Retriever breed standard?
Have you read any Golden Retriever books? Which ones?
Why do you want a Golden Retriever?
When do you want to take your puppy home? ASAP? Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer?
Where will your puppy sleep at night?
During the day?
Where will your puppy spend most of its time?
Are you prepared for constant shedding,
tracking in mud, or digging?
Will you take your puppy to puppy
kindergarten or obedience classes?
Will you teach your puppy tricks and how to play games?
Are you interested in training or performance?
Please circle what you are or may be interested in. /
Obedience Rally Field
Tracking Agility
Rescue Therapy Conformation
Do you want a show dog? Are you interested in breeding?
Do you have a veterinarian or know where you will go?
Please share any other information that you think will help me make the best match between you and your puppy, including any special needs, preferences, or “must haves.” For instance, if it is imperative that you have a specific sex of a puppy, please let me know and explain why.

Thank You for Your Application

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