Minutes, Planning and Zoning Commission, April 17, 2008
Vice-Chair Kathy Palmer declared a quorum and called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 7:06 pm. Other Commissioners attending were Allen Moredock, Roy Garza, Louise Martin, Larry Strzelczyk, and Justin Jones.
Alllen motioned to approve the March minutes as written, Larry seconded, motion carried.
Visitors present were Dale Prince, Ralph Real, and Marty Wernle. Jerri Puckett signed the list to speak.
Old Business
TTC: Kathy spoke to the Wilson Co. Commissioner Court Monday to ask them to be a partner with St. Hedwig and create the Central South Texas Regional/Sub-Regional Planning Commission. This alignment allows the Commission to become partners with other governmental entities and be on equal fields with the State government to force coordination with any project affecting St. Hedwig. It was well received. The court is requesting their attorney to draft an ordinance and vote on it April 28th. The Commission is comprised of 2/3 elected officials.
Zoning map discussions will continue after the June CC meeting. Kathy reminded Commissioners that the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances have inconsistencies, and the guidelines from Section 5 of the Master Plan should be incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance. Mobile homes, junkyards, etc. should also be considered for inclusion in the Zoning Ordinance.
Annexation: Council has asked that the Commission look at factors (roads, number of residences with tax values, and assurance of 100% residents participation) in the area of IH10 and 1518, and also look at 1604 and Hwy 87. Kathy reported that Schertz has a petition with San Antonio to annex property north of IH10 and 1518. San Antonio’s city limits end 500 feet south of Interstate 10 and west of 1518. Property from that mark to St. Hedwig’s city limits can be looked at for possible annexation. In 1987 (the previous annexation attempt) 100% of property owners agreed to annexation. However, San Antonio wanted to “swap” another area for the proposed annexation area and an equitable settlement was not completed. Kathy explained that St. Hedwig annexes into the ETJ, and after three years, we have the option of completing annexation. Our present ETJ is about ½ mile past Abbott Road. The north-south annexed property boundaries would be approximately 500’ to ½ mile north of Abbott Road.
Jerri Puckett brought some of the original research she has from 1997, with some updates from 2000. San Antonio did not respond to that petition. Mrs. Puckett’s’ research can be started now. However, current information from San Antonio, as well City Manager Scully’s thoughts on land expansion by San Antonio will be obtained before any definite annexation process is begun. Schertz has petitioned to San Antonio for annexation of land north of IH10 and 1518 for their ETJ.
Allen asked about property north of Abbott and east of 1518. He noted that there was a lot of trash there. Larry explained that a subdivision was started but went bankrupt before it was completed. It is in our ETJ.
Light Ordinance: It will be voted on at the next CC meeting.
Phone Calls: Larry had a call from a contractor asking about bids for the park sidewalks. Kathy had a couple of phone calls. A gentleman at 4282 FM 1518 N was told he could divide the 50 some acres as long as he followed to 5-acre rule. One and ½ acre division per sister in the Kotara family property on Gray Town Road is grandfathered; they will follow the 75 foot guidelines. Mrs. Halbadier on 1518 South will be asking for a rezoning request to separate 2 ½ acres out of the 67 acres property.
New Business
Kathy received a letter in March (after the sign ordinance was passed) regarding digital billboards. As of June 1, TxDOT has allowed multi-colored electronic changeable message light-emitting diode billboards in the city limits and ETJ. The sign ordinance must be amended, or a new ordinance specific to the CEVMS’s could be drafted to prevent current billboards changing to LED signs. This issue will be followed up on the next agenda.
Announcements: Early voting for May 10 begins 4/28. American Legion picnic is 5/18. Dale Prince will be sworn in as P & Z Commissioner. Justin will be on CC in June.
Agenda for May 15: TTC, subdivision/zoning ordinances, zoning map, annexation, zoning request hearing for 475 E. 1518 S, phone calls, and LED signs.
Larry motioned to adjourn, Roy seconded at 7:47 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Louise Martin, Secretary