Hopewell Baptist Church

5061 Hopewell Road, New Kent, VA 23124

Phone (804) 932-4906

Website: E-Mail:

Enter to Worship, Exit to Serve


We welcome Wayne Hines to the pulpit today. God’s call to vocational ministry came in early 1989 while Wayne was a forensic detective with the Richmond Bureau of Police. Besides two undergraduate degrees, Wayne has a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty University and a D.Min. from Bethany Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Mary Jo, live in New Kent. He has four grown children and seven grandchildren.

--Nominations: We still have areas of service that need filling. Please see the enclosed flyer. Let God use your talents to promote the health of Hopewell Baptist.

--Finance Committee: Short meeting Sept. 10 immediately following worship.

--Bible Study: We are rolling on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. We’ve had a large number in attendance the last several weeks. Lesson No. 4 from the new series will be moderated by Ben Williamsthis week who always adds a special flair to the lessons. It’s a good series, so come on and join us for the midweek refresher.

--Look Who’s Preaching: What a lineup! Sky Cline (9/10), Howard Rhodes (9/17), Jerry Heslinga (9/24). Check your October calendar for future guest ministers!

--Homecoming: We are blessed to have our old friends, Vander Warner and Michael Souders, join us for Homecoming Oct. 1. Vander will as always bring a relevant message and Michael will present special music. Be thinking about what you can contribute for the luncheon immediately following worship. Plan to stay for an additional old-fashioned sing-along after the meal. This is one of the top special events at Hopewell Baptist each year and we need you, your friends and neighbors to attend.

(See back of bulletin for additional announcements)

Sunday Morning Worship Service Sept. 3, 2017

† Gathering for Worship & Praise:

Music Prelude…………………………………....……..Rhonda Boggs

Welcome and Announcements………………….………CW Waldrop

*Choral Call to Worship…Everlasting God………….…Congregation

† Worshiping Him:

Reading of Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46.…………….Wayne Hines

Prayer………………………………….……………………Dan Horton

Message in Song: Drinking From My Saucer.……..Kenny Douglas

* Worship in Song: In the Eye of the Storm….…………Congregation

All children are invited to participate in children’s church at this time.

Theme: The Trinity

Teacher Marie Williams Nursery: Donna Ballard

Please let your teacher know of any food allergies.

† Returning His Gifts:

Prayer of Thanksgiving…………………….…………….Ben Williams

Giving of Our Tithes and Offerings

* Choral Response……….Doxology………………….... Congregation

† Hearing His Message for Us:

In Song…………….…..…..Even So, Come……………………..Choir

In Word…. ”Who Cares?”……….…….Wayne Hines

† Responding to His Word:

*Invitation Song: Just a Closer Walk with Thee...... Congregation

(You are loved by Jesus and by the Hopewell Family. Answer His call upon your heart.)

Observance of The Lord’s Supper - Christian Communion

*Choral Response .Blest Be the Tie that Binds...... Congregation

*Closing…..……………..………………………………..Pastor Hines

* Music Postlude…….…………………………………..Rhonda Boggs

(If you are a guest, please join us for our Fellowship Meal following Worship)