Draft Minutes
Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Eighth Generation
Commissioners present:Juan Alonso-Rodriguez, Cassie Chinn, Dawn Chirwa,Jonathan Cunningham, Priya Frank, Steve Galatro, Ashraf Hasham, Terri Hiroshima,Ana Lester, Vivian Phillips (chair), Tracy Rector (phone), Kelly Rodriguez, Carlo Scandiuzzi, S. Surface, and Sharon Williams
Commissioners absent: Jeff Benesi, Billy O’Neill
Staff present: Payton Bordley, Calandra Childers, Randy Engstrom, Ruri Yampolsky
Guests present:Louie Gong
Call to Order:
Vivian Phillips called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.
Approval of the July minutes
Kelly moved to approve the July minutes. Sharon seconded. All present approved.
Artist Presentation: Louie Gong
Eighth Generation is the first Native-owned store in Seattle. In 2014, Louie launched the Inspired Natives Project, an initiative that expands regional appeal of the Eighth Generation brand while simultaneously increasing the capacity of Native arts entrepreneurs.
Director’s Report
- King Street Station is now in the capital construction and permitting phase. There is symbiosis between the design of the space and the needs and desires expressed by the community so far at the public outreach meetings – the next step isto determine a governing and programming model. There have been discussions about potentially hosting an AFTA conference in the future.
- The four CAWA working groups will come together for an open meeting on Wednesday, September 21st at Washington Hall.
- The LANGSTON Executive Director position will soon be launched nationally. The LHPAI space can now be granted out for free through a light touch application process similar to smART Ventures.
Meetings with City Councilmembers
Commissioners have met with Councilmembers O’Brien, Johnson and Brianna Thomas (Councilmember González’s staff). Priya, Jonathan and Steve will meet with Councilmember Burgess on September 20th, and Sharon, Vivian and Priya will meet with Councilmember Sawant on October 12th.
Municipal Art Plan
Each year, the public art program collects 1% for Art dollars as revenue into its Municipal Art Fund and, with the assistance of City departments, the community and the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) determines how to allocate those funds to public art projects. The Municipal Art Plan details those allocations, as well as describes ongoing projects in the Public Art Program. Ruri Yampolsky presented the MAP, and detailed some of this year’s projects and priorities, which included visual arts education, racial equity, and training for emerging artists.
Motion:Steve moves to approve the Municipal Art Plan as presented. Carlo seconded. All present approved.
Deaccession, Piers 62/63
As part of the Waterfront Seattle Program, Piers 62/63 will be replaced, and Barbara Kruger’s artwork on the surrounding fence will be removed. Kruger has approved of the removal of the work on the condition that no part is salvaged orsold.
Motion: Jonathan moved to deaccession Barbara Kruger’s artwork atPier 62/63. Juan seconded. All present approved.
SAC went into executive session: 5:03
Executive session closed: 5:41
Adjournment: 5:41 p.m.