New Patient History Form

Name: ______Date: _____/______/_____

Date of Birth: ______/______/______

Age: ______Height ______Weight ______

Address: ______


E-Mail: ______

Occupation: ______

Would you like to receive updates and information? Y / N

Emergency Contact:

Name: ______Phone:______

Relationship: ______

Primary physician: ______

How did you find me? ______

Have you tried natural medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, Oriental medicine and/or herbalmedicine before?______

Cancellation Policy:

This practice maintains a 24 hour cancellation policy: all appointments must be cancelled orrescheduled 24 hours before the appointment time, or the full consultation charge will beapplied to the patient’s account.

Chief Complaint(s)

Main problem(s) with which you'd like help:


Date of accident/injury/onset ______

Have you had this problem before? ______

Have you tried other treatments? Y / N

What type? ______

Have you been given a diagnosis for this problem?


General Information:

Please list any medications (prescribed and over-the-counter), vitamins and supplements you are currently taking or have taken in the past 2 months:



 Do you have an infectious disease? YES / NO______

Family History: Do you have a family history of any of the following diseases or conditions?

___Heart Disease


___High Blood Pressure



___Other ______

Do have any allergies (seasonal, food, medications, etc)?



Please list any medications including oral contraceptive:______


If you suffer aches, pains or other uncomfortablesensations, please mark affected areas on the diagram below:

Do you have any additional comments or information we should know to further your treatment?




Review of Systems

( markfrequently experienced with “o,” sometimes experienced with “x”)


___ Swollen Glands

___ Frequent colds/flus

___ Cough

___ Asthma

___ Shortness of Breath

___ Congestion

___ Wheezing

___ Sinus Stuffiness/Pain


___ Headaches

___ Migraines

___ Jaw pain/TMJ

___ Impaired hearing

___ Earaches/infections

___ Ringing

___ Floaters/spots

___ Blurriness

___ Eye Pain/Strain

___ Dryness


___ Spasms/Cramps

___ Weakness

___ Nerve Pain


___ Depression

___ Mood Swings

___ Poor concentration

___ Anxiety

___ Tension/Stress

___ Memory problems

___ Seasonal Depression


___ Hair Loss

___ Brittle Nails

___ Excessive Fatigue

___ Night Sweats

___ Vertigo/dizziness

___ Numbness/Tingling


___ Rashes

___ Acne/Boils

___ Lumps

___ Eczema

___ Hives

___ Itching


___ Pain

___ Frequency

___ Frequent Infections

___ Incontinence

___ Kidney Stones


___ High Blood Pressure

___ Low Blood Pressure


___ Change in Appetite

___ Nausea

___ Vomiting

___ Gallstones

___ Heartburn

___ Excess Gas

___ Constipation

___ Diarrhea

___ Hemorrhoids

Blood/Peripheral Vascular:

___ Easily Bruise/Bleed

___ Varicose Veins

___ Cold hands/feet

___ Palpitations/Fluttering

Female Reproductive

Age of first period _____

Date of last menses onset: ______days between periods______

If you are pregnant, what is your due date? ______

Do you experience

___Bleeding between periods

___Clots in menses

___Excessive menstrual flow

___Extreme menstrual pain

___Irregular cycle

___Menopausal symptoms


___Previous miscarriage

___Scanty menstrual flow

Please describe any PMS symptoms you experience:______


Date of last annual exam/Pap Results: ______

Male Reproductive

Have you experienced any pain or other symptoms related to sexual function/dysfunction?

If yes, please describe: ______

Have you experienced changes in urination unrelated to fluid intake?

If yes, please describe: ______

If you have been unable to conceive, have you had medical testing for this issue? Y / N If so, what were the results? ______


If you are currently undergoing IVF, who is your consulting doctor?


All information is treated as confidential and will not be released without consent.

Signed: ______Date______