Victoria Hill

Year Called:2012 (Inner Temple)

Qualifications:Inner Temple Otto Rix Pupillage Scholar 2014,

BPTC (Very Competent),

Cardiff University Law School, Law LLB (Hons) 2:1

Oxford Brookes University

Teams: Crime & Regulatory (General Crime, Asset

Recovery & Money Laundering, Licensing

Trading Standards, Health & Safety, Food Safety Environment)

Appointments:Crown Prosecution Service (Level 1 Advocate),

Inner Temple Junior Bar Association Committee Representative

Memberships: Criminal Bar Association, Western Circuit

Victoria joined Chambers in 2015 from 4 Breams Buildings, London where she established a strong practice in crime. Prior to practicing at the Bar Victoria also worked for a criminal firm of solicitors in Bournemouth.

Practice Areas:

Criminal and Regulatory

Victoria specialises in crime and regularly appears in the Crown Court, Magistrates Court and Youth Court representing defendants for a variety of criminal matters including violence, drugs, dishonesty and sexual offences. She is also very familiar with driving matters and has run successful arguments in relation to both special reasons and exceptional hardship.

Victoria is often instructed in cases involving young and vulnerable witnesses and defendants and prides herself on her approachable and personable nature. Victoria builds a good rapport with clients and is known for her thorough preparation and her confident and persuasive approach to advocacy.

Victoria also prosecutes on behalf of the Crown Prosecution Service, Probation Service and Local Authorities. Victoria has experience in areas of regulatory and licensing law, examples of which include Trading Standards, Noise Nuisance and Education Act offences.

Examples of Recent Cases

R v A (2015)

Bournemouth Crown Court, Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm x4.

Defence counsel. Allegations of domestic violence over a four year period. Unanimously acquitted by a jury of all four counts on the indictment.

R v M (2015)

Southampton Crown Court, Importing a Class C Drug (Khat).

Prosecuting counsel. The defendant pleaded guilty to importing approximately 40kg of Khat into the UK and was sentenced to 10 months immediate imprisonment.

R v O (2015)

Central Criminal Court, Conspiracy to Make & Supply False ID Documents (Passports).

Defence counsel. Successfully persuaded the court not to pass an immediate custodial sentence. Sentence of 9 months suspended for 18 months which also prevented the defendant from being subject to an automatic recommendation for deportation.

F v DPP (2015)

Central Criminal Court, Failure to Provide a Specimen of Urine.

Defence counsel. Appeal allowed on the basis that the court was persuaded that the Appellant had a reasonable excuse for not providing the urine sample.

R v J (2015)

Camberwell Green Youth Court, Robbery, Attempted Robbery & Threatening with an Offensive Weapon.

Defence counsel. Successful half time submission following robust cross-examination of prosecution witnesses which persuaded the court that the witnesses were so unreliable and self-contradictory that the case should not continue.

R v O (2015)

Bromley Magistrates Court, Driving Without Insurance.

Defence counsel. Successful special reasons argument which resulted in an absolute discharge and no penalty points.

R v W (2014)

Southend Crown Court, Possession of an Offensive Weapon (Extendable Weapon)

Defence Counsel. The weapon was used to threaten and cause fear outside a public house. The defendant also had numerous antecedents including possession of an imitation firearm. Successfully persuaded the court not to pass an immediate custodial sentence but one of 6 months suspended for 18 months.

R v J (2014), Norwich Crown Court, Possession with Intent to Supply Class A Drugs (Cocaine).

Defence counsel. There were 634 potential deals and the defendant had a number of related antecedents. Successfully mitigated a sentence of 2 years and 8 months.

R v L (2014), Canterbury Magistrates Court, Common Assault.

Defence counsel. Successfully mitigated to avoid immediate custody. Case reported here:

R v Y (2014), Stevenage Magistrates Court, Assaulting Police Officers x3.

Defence counsel. Nine police officers gave evidence for the prosecution. Defendant acquitted of all charges.

12 College Place, FauvelleBuildings, Southampton SO15 2FE

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