The Student Academic Services Center (SASC)

Study Skills Workshops

November 28 to December 9, 2011

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Getting Ready for Finals: Workshops Presented by TUTORS!


Focus on PHYSICSNov. 30, Wed., 5-6pm, Fleming 193

Focus on ECONOMICS (Macro/Micro)

Dec. 1, Thurs., 5-6pm, Fleming 241

Studying for Finals: What you REALLY Need to Know

Dec. 2, Friday, 2-3 pm, Fleming 241

Focus on CHEMISTRY (1&2) Dec. 7, Wed., 2-3 pm, Fleming 265 A& B

Focus on EBIO (I&2)Dec. 9, Friday, 2-3pm, Fleming241

With finals being right around the corner, how can you approach the remaining days with efficiency? Learn from how to prioritize, clear through the confusions around what to study, figure out how to best organize for success! Get practical and realistic advice from our expert tutors who will guide these small workshops.BRING QUESTIONS!!!!

Test Taking: The FINAL Push!Nov. 29, Tues., 1-2pm, Fleming 170

Dec, 1, Thur., Noon-1pm, Fleming 170

These workshops will focus on what you need to do to get ready for finals. While not class-specific, we will lead you through best practices for preparing for and surviving finals!

Don't Panic! Test AnxietyDec. 8, Thurs., 3-4 pm, Fleming 241

Our last Stress/Test reduction workshop for the semester! Explore how some anxiety can aid performance, but too much can interfere. Learn tools you can utilize to help you; we will review related study skills strategies and direct calming techniques which can be applied while taking tests. It’s never too late to practice these tried and true methods for stress management.

Winning at Math Presentations:

Exam PreparationNov. 29, Tues, 5-6:30pm, Fleming 156

Learn how to organize and focus when studying for a math exam and optimize your performance! Bring: Exam schedule, topics for next exam, review sheet, 3 most recent graded homework assignments, most recent graded quiz, textbook, practice exam. Free Pizza

Managing Test AnxietyDec. 7, Wed, 5-6:30pm, Fleming 265

Learn what math anxiety is and ways to manage it. You will also analyze your learning channel and receive suggestions for each channel to better your success in math. Bring: Calendar or datebook with exam/paper due dates penciled in, office hour schedule. Free Pizza

Series Presented by: The Student Academic Services Center (SASC) and the Department of Mathematics. Registration not required.

Student Academic SkillsWorkshops

Student Academic Services Center

(303) 492-8761,

To Register:, click on SASC Workshops, College Learning Strategies Workshops (register)

Staff members: If you wish to attend, Please contact the skills coordinator