2010 Flag Football Season

  • Day One- Combine
  • Students scored 1,2,3 (least to greatest ability)
  • 4 Stations- students grouped into 4 groups
  • Station One- Speed/Agility
  • Set up cones
  • Students run from start line to finish line
  • Stopwatch starts on go, ends when runner crosses finish line
  • Two runners at a time; runner two trials
  • Station Two- Throwing/Catching
  • Throw with a partner
  • After each catches, take one step back
  • If dropped, return to starting spot
  • Station Three- Football Knowledge
  • Questions about rules of football
  • To be done with one partner
  • Multiple Choice/Matching
  • Station Four- Flag pulling practice
  • Two players wear flags and carry the football, two are the flag pullers, and one or two are stationary players.
  • Travel through space trying to avoid the stationary players and pull the flags of the ball carriers.
  • Rotate positions

Flag Football Rules

1)4-5 Players per team, 4 players on the field at one time (may borrow from another team if need be)

2)4 plays to get a first down, then 4 plays to score a touchdown

3)All snaps must be made from a center

4)All fumbles are rules dead IMMEDIATELY

5)Quarterbacks may run only if defense rushes

6)Defense may only rush once every set of downs, and may only rush from 5 steps off the ball

7)All touchdowns are worth 7 points, no field goals or extra points

8)Blockers may not use their hands. All blocks made with forearms up but not extended. Extended hands will be considered a blocking penalty.

9)Penalties to be enforced: off-sides, false start, pass interference, illegal use of hands

10)Restarting play after a touchdown takes place from own end zone. Interceptions returned on own half of field will return to end zone, but interceptions returned on the other half of the first down line will return to the first down line.

Season Games

Day Two- Preseason:




6 Minute Games

Day Three- Regular Season:

1V23V41v23V4 Bye: 5

6 Minute Games

Day Four- Regular Season

1V42V32V34V5Bye: 1

6 Minute Games

Day Five- Regular Season

1V32V41V43V5Bye: 2

6 Minute Games

Day Six- Regular Season

1V23V41V52V4Bye: 3

6 Minute Games

Day Seven- Playoffs

1V42V3#2V#5 #3V#4 Bye: #1

1V32V4#1V#3 #4V#5 Bye: #2

8 Minute Games8 Minute Games

4 Minute Halves4 Minute Halves

Day Eight- Championship

1v23V4#1V#5 #2V#4 Bye: #3

#1V#2#3V#4#1V#2 #3V#5 Bye: #4

8 Minute Games8 Minute Games

4 Minute Halves4 Minute Halves

Flag Football

Mr. Hayhurst


Fair Play Points

What are Fair Play(FP) Points?

Teams earn “Fair Play” points” for exhibiting appropriate sport behavior both as a team and as individual participants.

Both the teams that are playing and the Duty Team can earn team points

Conversely, points can be deducted if inappropriate behavior is exhibited towards either teammate, opponents, duty team members and/or treatment of any equipment

Who awards or deducts Fair Play points?

The Teacher.

What actions can earn you Fair Play Points?

Points can be earned either by individuals on a team or performance by the team as a whole. Some examples include:

1)Performing all standard duty team tasks appropriately, as noted in the section on Duty Teams’ Responsibilities (i.e., Scorekeeping; Refereeing; Statistician; and Equipment set-up).

2)Conducting productive practice sessions, as indicated by quick starts, focus, good work effort, cooperating with captain’s directions, etc

3)Supportive/positive comments to your teammates, duty team members during and between games.

4)Congratulating the other team’s members and referees following the completion of the game.

What actions can result in the loss of Fair Play Points?

Fair Play points will be lost as a consequence of inappropriate conduct by the team as a whole or individuals within the team. Some examples include:

1)Arguing with the referee.

2)Trash-talking to opponents.

3)Trash-talking with teammates.

4)Any type of foul language.

5)Abusive behavior toward others and equipment (e.g., verbal putdowns)

6)(Repeated) excessive rough play.

7)Failure to congratulate the opponents (remember: without the opponent you would not have had a chance to play!!) and referee.

Facilities/Equipment Set-up Needed

for the Flag Football Season

  1. Team practice areas (Teams are asked to make a clearly visible sign that indicates the location of the team practice area).
  2. Two Fields (Endzones, boundaries, and first downs marked accordingly)
  3. Endzones (4 Large cones per field).
  4. Boundaries (4 medium cones per field, 2 per side).
  5. First down (2 Tiny cones per field, one per side.
  6. Team pinnies (2-4 different colors).
  7. Balls (3-4 per team).
  8. Referee jerseys (2 per game, 4 in all).
  9. Referee whistles
  10. Scorekeeper materials (i.e., 2 clipboards, pencils, score sheets, 2 stopwatches)

NOTE: All teams are responsible for gathering and returning their equipment to the designated areas.

Student Roles for This Season

The following student roles are part of this Sport Education season:

  • Referees/Officials
  • Scorekeepers
  • Team Coaches
  • Team Statisticians
  • Team Athletic Trainers
  • Team Equipment Managers
  • Team Publicist


Role Descriptor

As referee (umpire) your primary task is to ensure that all players perform within the boundaries of all the agreed upon game rules in the most impartial way possible. That is, you should not be persuaded to favor one team over another at any point in time.

Tasks / Duties

Learn the game rules inside out.
Call teams/player together for pre-game routines.
Determine pre-game decisions (i.e., who kicks off; who gets first serve, etc.).
Provide decisive rulings on game events.
Be firm and consistent in your calls.
Briefly explain your “calls” to players where appropriate/necessary.
Be fair (i.e., impartial) to both teams.
Communicate with the timekeeper and scorekeeper for your game.
Actively monitor players for un-sportsman-like conduct and report such behavior to your teacher.
Keep the flow of the game.
Do your best (As a beginning referee, you will make an error here and there . . .It’s OK).

Needed Skills / Attributes

Be highly familiar with all of the game rules that are in effect for games.
Ability to focus on the action in the game for extended periods of time (i.e., not easily distracted).
Demonstrate fairness toward all peers.
Good communication skills.

Team Coach

Role Descriptor

In your role as coach, you are responsible for organizing your team’s practice sessions in a way that enables all members to practice their skills and focus on game strategies and tactics. You should work with teammates to find ways to best prepare for your games. You are leaders who are able to push team members to “do their best”, motivate them to want to get better, and be a leader.

Tasks / Duties

During class time, help make sure practices are running smoothly and everyone is on task.
Be present at every class and ready to lead your team’s practices; announce player positions/roles during the day’s game(s).
Keep your teacher abreast about your team’s performance during both practices and games.
Offer extra assistance to players who need it.
During games, make sure that all team members get an equal amount of time to play (i.e., look for fair substitutions).
Together with your team, resolve any problems that may arise among your team members.
Create a team atmosphere where all students are willing to speak and offer ideas that might contribute to better team performance.
Together with your team’s statistician, monitor your team’s performance. This will help your team see where it is improving, offer direction for planning team practices.
Represent your team on the field/court during the games when in contact with game officials.
Encourage your teammates all times.
Represent your team in any pre-game rituals or ceremonies (e.g., exchange banners, coin-toss).
Lead your team in any post-game rituals (e.g., team cheers; shake hands with opponents).
Thank all game officials after each game, regardless of outcomes.

Needed Skills / Attributes

Good communication skills with all your players.
Ability to motivate all your players to focus and perform to their best during practices and games.
Be able to see team weaknesses and develop practice sessions that address these weaknesses.
Know your sport.

Player Name______Player Signature______

Team Statistician

Role Descriptor

Team statistics offer important insight to the performance of a team and its individual players. This information is vital for coaches for the purpose of making necessary adjustments in game plans for upcoming games (i.e., offensive and defensive team strategies), as well as giving direction for focusing on particular skills and strategies during practice sessions. Your task is to ensure that your team’s statistics are updated following each game played, and that this information is available for both your coach, and those responsible for communicating your team’s performance to the larger community. This includes your team’s publicist.

Tasks / Duties

Following each game, collect the completed score sheet of that game..
Update the overall season’s team performance data.
Update the overall season’s individual player performance data.
Communicate your team’s statistics to your teacher.
Provide the updated team statistics to your team’s Publicist so that they can be posted publicly.
Communicate with and update your coach regarding the team’s performance.

Needed Skills / Attributes

Understanding of the game.
Understanding of the meaning of the performance statistics being kept.
Ability to correctly use basic math functions.
Willingness to keep information up-to-date on a continuous basis.
Willingness to complete your work outside of class time.

Player Name______Player Signature______


Role Descriptor

In all sporting events athletes/team seek their best possible performance. This is reflected in the game or event results. As scorekeeper, your task is to ensure that a complete and accurate record is produced as the game unfolds. This record is then used to maintain team standings as well as team and individual player statistics.

Tasks / Duties

Prior to the game, ensure that the score-sheet is filled in correctly (i.e., date; team names; player names).
Note any player absences.
Keeping an accurate record of scoring during games by each team.
Compile the final results of the game immediately at the conclusion of the game.
Provide the compiled results to the statistician on each team and the teacher immediately following the game.

Needed Skills / Attributes

Know your game rules.
Be familiar with the filling in the scoring sheet.
Be accurate in recording the scoring by both teams.
Basic Math skills.
Ability to focus on the game (prevent being distracted by other non-playing peers).

Equipment Manager

Role Descriptor

Football is a game that requires some equipment, and someone needs to be responsible for making sure everyone has the proper equipment. That is where the equipment manager is needed. It is their responsibility to make sure everyone is properly equipped for each contest.

Tasks / Duties

Pick-up of equipment every day before class and take it to your home court.
Keep a log of what equipment you borrow to ensure you return everything.
Inform teacher immediately if any damage is done to a piece of equipment.
Prior to the game, ensure that everyone is properly equipped for the contest in the best and safest way possible.
 Identify anyone on your team not wearing tennis shoes and inform the teacher so we can get them shoes.
Ensure everyone is using the equipment properly and safely.
Return all equipment at the conclusion of the day to the designated areas.
Check out with the teacher by stating that all equipment is returned how it was borrowed.

Player Name______Player Signature______

Athletic Trainer

Role Descriptor

No sporting event can take place unless everyone is properly warmed up and ready to go. The athletic trainer is responsible for leading their team through a proper warm up and stretch routine that will enable their team members to maximize their movements. Injuries can easily be avoided if everyone has gone through the proper warm up and cool down procedures.

Tasks / Duties

Check with all team players and ensure no one is currently limited by any type of injury.
Report all previous injuries to teacher before game play.
Determine which stretches best prepare your team for activity.
Lead to through static and dynamic stretches that will ready them for game play.
Report any occurring injuries to teacher immediately.
Work with team coach to consider best roles for team players based on ability, injury, or other measures.
Enforce proper game etiquette and keep your team playing within the rules of the game to remain as safe as possible.
Lead team through cool down exercises after game play.

Player Name______Player Signature______

Team Publicist

Role Descriptor

How would anyone know that a team or player is any good if no one every talked about them? The team publicist holds the duty of spreading the word about their team and making them recognizable to everyone, NOT just students within the class. They should be creative when it comes to spreading the word and show nothing but praise for their team and its players.

Tasks / Duties

Talk about your football team inside of class and outside of class in a positive manner.
Maintain a positive behavior and attitude that helps identify with your team.
Work with the athletic trainer to ensure all team players perform proper ethics and behavior in game play and outside of the classroom to ensure your team creates a positive identity.
Make a poster that carries your team name, players’ names, and pictures to help show how great your team is.
Meet with Team Coach to talk about the strengths of each player on your team.
Write a team conclusion. Include information about your team’s strengths, weaknesses, and character.
Make sure all team members turn in their ballots for season and team awards.

Player Name______Player Signature______

Fall Flag Football Season
Official Score Sheet
Game: / vs. / Scorekeeper:
Game #: / Date: / Referee:
Team: / Passes Thrown / Catches / Touchdowns / Flag Pulls / Interceptions
Team: / Passes Thrown / Catches / Touchdowns / Flag Pulls / Interceptions
Final Score:
Players’ Contract
We, the players on the team named ______promise that we will show support for our captain by
Good sportsmanship and respect: This includes our conduct toward teammates, any opposing players, any duty team members, and the teacher.
Fair play: Know fully and play by the class and game rules at all times.
Cooperation: We will assist ALL of our team members where needed at all times, both during practices, games and duty team tasks.
Hard work: We will put forth good effort throughout the entire season.
Positive attitude: We will work positively to encourage team members to try not to be afraid to “mess up”.
Some examples of typical daily expectations:
  1. Participate fully in our team’s daily warm-up and practice session.
  2. Follow directions from our coach/captain at all times.
  3. Learn and follow the rules of the game.
  4. When serving as a duty team member, fulfill such duties carefully and quickly.
DATE: ______
Player Names Player Signatures
Game # > / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / Total
Flag Pulls
Game # > / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / Total
Flag Pulls
Game # > / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / Total
Flag Pulls
Game # > / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / Total
Flag Pulls
Game # > / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / Total
Flag Pulls
Team Awards Voting Ballot
For your own team ONLY, vote on the following:
Most Improved Player: ______
Top Defensive Player: ______
Most Inspirational Player:______
Top Offensive Player: ______
Most Valuable Player:______
Hustle Award:______
League Awards Voting Ballot
Across the entire League, vote for the following:
Most Improved Player: ______
Top Defensive Player: ______
Most Inspirational Player:______
Top Offensive Player:______
Most Valuable Player:______
Hustle Award:______