Tenth Annual 2018 Hudson Children’s Book Festival
Saturday, May 5, 10 am – 3 pm
Deadline: March 16, 2018
Please complete and return by email (by reply) or snail mail. Note that your completed registration and the follow-up confirmation letter you’ll receive represent a commitment between you and the HCBF. Please consider completion of this application if you have a new or current book. Our waiting list is quite long.
The local bookstore in Hudson, The Spotty Dog, will order ALL books you list. Please order from most popular to least popular.
The Spotty Dog will contact you directly regarding HCBF book sales. They can be reached at . Any questions regarding book sales should go directly to Kelley at The Spotty Dog. (518) 671-6006. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THEM UNTIL YOU RECEIVE AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER!
Participation in anything other than the book sales/signing event is voluntary. We have a limited number of presentation slots. If you are interested in presenting a read aloud or craft project, please note that you must supply your own laptop and software if needed. Workshop presenters and offerings will be chosen at our discretion. Please fill out the below Read-To-Me-Corner if you are interested.
READ-TO-ME CORNER: To read one or more of your own picture book/s
Book Title / Age LevelWEBSITE INFO
We will be adding author information to our website as we receive it. Please make sure to provide us with ALL of the information listed below.
Name: As you wish it to appear / A few honors you and your books have received / Title of book you wish to be featured & brief synopsis (100 words or less) / 3 “Fun” Facts your readers would want to know about youNEWSPAPER ADVERTISING
Hudson Catskill Newspaper Corporation with a daily readership of 16,000 provides daily advertising for all authors attending the festival. They will need the following information. We will send deadline information to you. Please include this information, so we can use it for our website as well.
Bio Blurb (100 words or less) / Quality Photo of you (Please copy and paste into table OR send as attachment) / Quality photo of your featured book cover (please copy and paste into table OR send as an attachment)Hospitality for Out-of-Town Participants
Overnight Accommodations: We provide overnight accommodations in lovely area homes for Friday and/or Saturday night for anyone coming from three or more hours away. Please contact us if you would like us to arrange these accommodations.
Meet & Greet Reception on Friday evening to coincide with radio interviews for our authors & illustrators. Place to be determined.
Continental breakfast and lunch at the festival will be provided on May 5.
Thanks so much. If you have any questions or concerns, just give email us or give us a call.
Lisa Dolan & Jennifer Clark, Co-Directors
2018 Hudson Children’s Book Festival
215 Harry Howard Ave
Hudson, NY 12534