Parent Handbook
Address:12235 Winget RoadPhone:(980) 343-1063
Charlotte, NC 28278Fax:(980) 343-1062
Web Address:
Facebook:Winget Park Elementary School – School Site
Principal Email:
Operating Hours:Students8:15am – 3:15pm – Students not to enter building before 7:45am.
(After 8:15am, students are TARDY) If students leave for the day before 11:45 am, they are counted absent.
Breakfast:Served 7:45am – 8:10am
Universal Breakfast Program provides free breakfast for all students.
Lunch:Classes are assigned a time to be served.
Free and reduced lunch must be approved. Families in need of assistance should complete an Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals. When joining your child for lunch, please sign in at the office and meet your child in the cafeteria.
BreakfastAll StudentsFree
AdultsA la Carte
Extra Milk60¢
LunchPre-K $2.00
K – 5 Students $2.25
Adults A la Carte
Extra Milk 60¢
Parents may prepay meals at any time. Please place your cash or check inside an envelope and write your child’s name and personal lunch number on the outside. Please make checks payable to “WingetPark Cafeteria.” Please include your child’s full name and lunch number on the outside of a sealed envelope. Children will be assigned an individual lunch number the first day of school. Parents can also pay for their child’s meals online by going to the CMS website ( go to “Child Nutrition” and follow the online instructions.
Before and After School Enrichment Program:
Hours:6:45am – 8:30am
3:15pm – 6:00am
To enroll in either program, see the ASEP director, Ms. Lighthall, or call (980) 343-5567.
All visitors must stop at the main office and sign in the computer and wear a visitor sticker. We also ask that you return to the main office and sign out in the computer at the conclusion of your visit. All visitors will be asked to scan their driver’s license when they sign in.
Morning Arrival
Doors open at 7:45 am. Students are not permitted to be dropped out prior to 7:45. Parents choosing to walk their child to class, must first pick up a “morning hall pass” from the safety patrol or staff member at the front of the school. Please return the pass prior to leaving. All visitors must exit the building by 8:15 when the tardy bell rings. Anyone staying in the building past 8:15 will need to sign-in at the front office.
School Security
As we are located within a public park we have procedures in place in order to keep all students and staff safe and secure. Our campus is equipped with video cameras and a buzz-in system at the front door. During morning arrival time the only doors that will be unlocked and available for entry into the building will be the C Hall door (for bus students) and the front doors of the building for carpool and walkers. Staff members will be posted throughout the hallways in order to visually monitor all persons entering and exiting the building during the arrival time. Once the instructional bell has rung, the door to C Hall will be secured and the only means of entry will be through the front doors of the school.
Tardy Students
The instructional day for students is from 8:15am to 3:15pm. The CMS expectation is that students will be at school on time. In order for your child to benefit from ALL instructional activities, we ask that you make a special effort to have him/her at school on time each morning. The time to initiate and practice good school habits is at the beginning of the school year. Students should be in their classrooms before the tardy bell rings at 8:15am. Students who arrive after 8:15am must be signed in the main office by a parent and they must obtain a tardy slip at that time. They will be counted as being tardy for that day.
Exception: Students who arrive on late buses are not counted tardy.
Student Absences
In order to be successful in school, students must attend regularly. When a child is absent, s/he is expected to bring a note written and signed by the parent on the day he returns to school, giving the reason and date of absence. Parents can obtain a Form to Request Absence for Valid Educational Opportunity from the office staff or on the Winget Park website. This form can be used when requesting “valid” educational leave from school. Upon returning to school from educational leave, students are asked to hand in evidence (i.e. journal, scrap book, report, etc) of their trip and the educational impact of the trip.
Early Dismissal of School For An Emergency
If school must dismiss early due to an emergency, you will be notified through the media. We will also be notified parents using the new phone system for mass communication, called Connect-Ed. This will enable us to call all of our families simultaneously. It is therefore most important that the school is notified whenever your contact information changes. It is in the best interest of your child to be sent home according to their normal mode of transportation (bus, daycare van, walker, car rider) rather than parents arranging alternate transportation. We cannot get messages to students nor be responsible for returning telephone calls on a day when we must dismiss early. Our primary concern is the safety of all students. An unusual amount of traffic will hamper us from being the most effective in our efforts. All parents should develop a plan with their children to handle emergency dismissal. An emergency dismissal form is sent home with your child during the first week of school. Please be sure that you complete this form and return it to your child’s teacher immediately. There may be times when the buses will deliver your child at home before you can arrive from work. Thank you for your cooperation.
Early Dismissal By Parents
Students are expected to remain at school until the instructional day ends at 3:15pm. If students leave for the day before 11:45am, they are counted absent. Please request early dismissal for your child only when absolutely necessary. Making appointments after 3:30pm would allow your child to remain at school until 3:15pm and still arrive on time for the appointment. If you must pick up your child early, please send a note to your child’s teacher. Students who are picked up before dismissal must be signed out on the computer in the main office. Parents are asked to remain in the front office while the office staff calls the classroom for their child. Teachers may not dismiss students directly to parents from the classroom at any time, and after 2:45pm students may not be called from classrooms for early dismissal. These violate our Safe School Procedures. Parents are asked to wait in the front office until their child’s class has been dismissed.
Changes in Transportation
All changes in transportation must be provided in writing or via email. Parents are asked to send a note or provide an email to their child’s teacher the morning of the change. Transportation changes during the school day must be reported to the office via a hand written note or email. No transportation changes will be taken over the phone. This is to ensure the safety of each student. No transportation changes can occur after 2:45.
Lost and Found
Lost and found items will be kept outside of the cafeteria. Please check before or after school for any item that may be lost. At the end of each semester, excess items will be donated to local charitable group.
Teacher Conferences
Parent-teacher communication is vital to your child’s success. Teachers are willing to conduct conferences before and after school hours when scheduled in advance. TEACHERS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION OR CONFERENCE DURING THE INSTRUCTIONAL DAY (8:15AM – 3:15PM). This is a great loss of classroom time for all students. When you need a conference, please write the teacher a note and a conference will be scheduled.
Parent Involvement
Parents are welcome at WingetPark and we encourage them to volunteer in their child’s classroom as well as across the schoolhouse. Parents are also welcome to have lunch with their child at school any time. We ask that upon arrival at the school the parents sign in at the front office, obtain a visitor pass, and meet their child’s class in the cafeteria. When visiting the classroom we ask that parents contact the teacher ahead of time to schedule a convenient time for their visit. Parents, who have not talked to the teacher prior to the visit, will not be permitted to visit the classroom. Parents who plan to volunteer to tutor, assist teachers in the classroom or serve as chaperones for field trips MUST complete the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Volunteer Profile Form online. This can be accomplished by going to the CMS homepage at and clicking on “Volunteering in CMS” under the Quick Links heading on the right-hand side of the screen. Assistance in completing this form can also be provided to you at the school. Only parents who have an approved form on file will be able to serve as volunteers.
Class Celebrations
Two class parties are scheduled for the school year – Winter Break and End of the Year. Student birthday parties or other celebrations are not allowed. To recognize your child’s birthday, you may send a snack to be eaten during the class’ lunch break. Only commercially prepared items are acceptable due to health regulations. Homemade cookies, cupcakes, etc. are not permissible. Please limit your birthday celebration to a snack. Presents and balloons should be given at home.
Student Dress
WingetPark is a uniform school. The School Leadership adopted uniform guidelines. These guidelines can be obtained in the main office of the school or by going online to the school’s website (
Pets on Campus
No animals, with the exception of Seeing Eyedogs, are allowed on school property without the approval of the principal. Families walking their children to school should refrain from bringing their pets with them as many students are fearful of animals. We also do not want to create a situation whereby students with allergies are affected.
Telephone Messages
Due to the large number of children at WingetParkElementary School we ask that you not telephone the school to leave messages for students unless in the case of an emergency.
Forgotten Items
If your child has forgotten to bring books, lunch money, or some other item to school, you may bring it to the school office and the secretaries will see that it is delivered to your child.
First Aid
The school attempts to provide a safe environment for your child. If an accident does occur, a member of the staff will administer first aid. If it is of a serious nature, the school will notify the parents. Any treatment beyond first aid will be the responsibility of the parent. Please make sure you complete the FAMILY INFORMATION SHEET – EMERGENCY DISMISSAL/EVACUATION form and return it to your child’s teacher. Notify the school when you change your address, physician, or phone number(s).
Students may not bring any form of medication – prescription or over the counter – to school. This includes cough drops, cough syrup, painkillers, inhalers, etc. If your child needs to take medicine at school, please personally deliver the medicine to the front office with a completed medication form signed by you and your child’s doctor. A copy of this form can be obtained from the school office.