NGHS Compact between Home and School
North Greene High School
4675 Old Baileyton Road, Greeneville, TN 37745
Phone: 234-1752 Fax: 234-3103
Principal: David McLain Assistant Principal: Robin Chapman
School Motto: Nurturing Global High Standards
It is the desire that NORTH GREENE HIGH SCHOOL provide learning opportunities and experiences, which meet the need and maximize the potential of all students in a positive, safe learning environment that stimulates intellectual curiosity, commitment, and academic achievement. Our goal is to instill positive principles, habits and attitudes conducive to good physical and mental health; promote an acceptable self-concept and work ethic necessary for productive citizenship, and foster respect for the environment and the individual differences that exist among people.
We believe that high student performance is a shared responsibility for parents, staff and students. We value the role of parents to help your child achieve high academic standards, and our staff wishes to work with you, your child, and family in building a partnership to help your child be successful and career and college ready.
The school will:
· Discuss the compact with parents at parent/teacher conferences and other meetings.
· Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enable the participating children to meet the Tennessee student academic standards.
· Build a partnership with parents to help achieve improved academic achievement on state standards.
· Hold parent-teacher conferences at least annually, as scheduled by the school and school system.
· Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress.
· Provide parents reasonable access to staff.
· Provide parents reasonable opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities.
The parents will:
· Share responsibility for improved school academic achievement.
· Build a partnership to help students achieve the state’s high standards.
· Be responsible for supporting students’ learning by helping with such things as monitoring: attendance and monitoring homework completion.
· Volunteer in classes and activities; participate in decisions relating to their children’s education; and make positive use of extracurricular time.
· Provide a positive learning environment and support my child’s learning at home.
· Provide my child with love and understanding.
· Monitor internet, video and computer games, and television time at home.
· Represent my child, when possible, at school functions and school policy advisory groups.
· Participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of my child.
· Communicate with my child’s teacher.
· Uphold the teacher and school.
The students will:
· Regularly attend and be on time.
· Be prepared with materials and assignments.
· Be respectful toward individuals and property.
· Be responsible and show self-discipline, observing all school rules.
· Cooperate with staff and other students.
· Follow the dress code.
· Complete assignments, projects, and tests in a timely manner.
· Master the essential elements of the curriculum.
With your signatures, you are indicating your intention to work in partnership with South Greene to ensure the best possible education for your child. Please contact the school if you need more information on opportunities to volunteer, or for any other questions or suggestions. We have our student handbook on the school website, and a copy is provided to students at the start of school.
Email of parent
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Teacher