5/18/2010 Video Editing 2
Video Editing Project
Your task is to create a promotional video for Riverside Middle School from the video and camera pictures provided. This video would be shown to either a parent or student new to our building. The other choice is to create a video from the footage and stills provided to be shown at the beginning of the school year to all the students reminding them how to survive RMS.
Promotional RMS video
§ Grade levels, how many students (approx. 800), house system-smaller group of students who have 3-4 of the same academic teachers.
§ The Honor Level System is an incentive system designed to recognize students for good behavior. An emphasis is placed on teaching students to be responsible for their own actions. Spring Fling, all-star events, Great America.
§ Eighth grade promotion policy: each student will need to earn a set number of points during their stay at RMS in order to be promoted to the ninth grade. These points are earned through: attendance, grade point, extra curricular involvement, standardized tests, and community service.
§ Survey and elective offerings:
o Business Education, Technology Education, Family and Consumer Education, Art, Foreign Language
o Physical Education, Health, and Swimming
o Music: Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. Jazz and show choir
§ RAP programs, READ 180, Homework club, Skyward, Novell server passwords
§ Extra curricular activities: See the school web site under student activities for ideas.
§ We offer up to date technology in our classrooms, labs, and media center. After school computer lab time is offered several times a week.
§ Riverside Middle School website contains information about procedures, policies, general information, and current happenings around Riverside.
§ Teaching staff is highly educated and cares about your child’s learn experience.
RMS Survival
§ Create a video about RMS survival.
§ The Honor Level System is an incentive system designed to recognize students for good behavior. An emphasis is placed on teaching students to be responsible for their own actions. Spring Fling, all-star events, Great America.
§ Eighth grade promotion policy: each student will need to earn a set number of points during their stay at RMS in order to be promoted to the ninth grade. These points are earned through: attendance, grade point, extra curricular involvement, standardized tests, and community service.
§ Use the handbook to speak about the necessary rules around RMS. This will probably be your main source for ideas and information.
§ Speak about cafeteria lines, procedures, etc.
§ Media Center how to
§ Skyward, Novell passwords, Gosling.org email, jump drives, head phones
§ Offices and where to go for what……Illness, paying for things, messages, discipline/TAP, schedule or personal problems………
Watertown Promotional
§ Create a video that will be shown to a group of people that we are trying to get interested in our city. They will be living in the city and investing in its future.
§ Pick out the highlights of the city that would get them to come to our city. Add your own voice over which is not this is……. , this is…….. This project is not a tour of the city, it must contain information about the city. You will need to search the web for information about Watertown, Wisconsin.
§ Places to search for information: Watertown Chamber of Commerce, Watertown Historical Society, Riverfest, Watertown Daily Times
§ Things to consider when speaking: city size, parks, schools, churches, recreation, nature (hills, mountains, bodies of water), shopping, industries (places of employment), health/wellness services (hospital, medical, dentistry, fitness, family center, food pantry, etc) city services (water, trash, recycling, fire/emt, police, city hall/government, park & rec services, post office, department of motor vehicle), transportation (land, water, air), heritage/ethnic background, Arts (music, art, plays, etc), festivals/holiday celebrations, community activities (charities, celebrations, heritage recognition, etc), communication (newspaper, radio, tv, Internet), others…..
Task requirements:
- One minute thirty seconds in length.
- Text-easy to read, spelled correctly, used in the correct places throughout the video. Just at the beginning and end of the video. It is not necessary to have text on each clip. This is not a PowerPoint or Photo Story project.
- Voice recording-write a script if necessary, do not have loud background music, clear and easy to understand, goes with the video that is playing
- Background music-goes with production, appropriate volume levels—optional!!!
- Transitions-enhances the production not distracts
- Professional quality-ready to render the project to a movie for computer, cd, web, or email.
7. SAVING: remember that you save to the Thawed Space (T) all of your work, never on the student server—in a folder with your first and last name. This means you must use the same computer every time as this is hard drive space. Note: If you have a large enough jump drive you could save it on a jump and be able to move from computer to computer or work at home. Remember to complete step 3 in Movie Maker to create/render your project into an actual video file. Choose create on computer and switch it to your folder in the thawed space (T).
8. Remember to fill out the rubric include the computer number on the back of the monitor.