Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
H.mmarch / N / B/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / WP2, SG 13, ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 27 / Multimedia Architecture
H.saarch / N / B/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / ITU-T SG 13 / 99 / 99 / End to end Open Services Architectural Framework
F.MDF / N / C/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30,36 / 23 / TD 9R1/4 (2004-01) / Metadata Framework
T.802 / N / E/16 / 16 / 2005 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / JPEG2000 Part 3 : Motion JPEG 2000
T.805 / N / E/16 / 16 / 2005 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / JPEG2000 Part 6: Compound Image File Format
T.807 / N / E/16 / 16 / 2005 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / JPEG2000 Part 8: JPEG 2000 Secured (JPSEC)
T.808 / N / E/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / JPEG2000 Part 9: JPEG 2000 Interactive Protocol (JPIP)
T.809 / N / E/16 / 16 / 2005 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / JPEG2000 Part 10: JPEG 2000 coding of three-dimensional data (JP3D)
T.810 / N / E/16 / 16 / 2006 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / JPEG2000 Part 11: Efficient JPEG 2000 transmission over error-prone channels (JPWL)
H.323 Annex N / N / F/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 65 / Q.2/16ATMF, IETF, TISPAN, SGs 11, 13 / 30 / 23 / TD66/2(2000-11) / End-to-End QoS and Service Priority Control in H.323 Systems
H.mmclass / N / F/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / SG12; SG13, ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23,12 / Multimedia QoS Service classification
H.mmcp / N / F/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / SG11; SG13, ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23,12 / Call processing performance in Multimedia Systems
H.policy / N / F/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / Q.5/16; SG11, SG13; ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23 / QoS Policy Server Signalling
H.priority / N / F/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23,12 / Techniques and procedures for controlling service priority
H.QoS.m / N / F/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / SG11, SG13; ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23,12 / QoS management issues
H.resilience / N / F/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / SG12; ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23 / Error Resilience for media codecs
H.trans.control / N / F/16 / 16 / 2005 / L / SG11, SG13; ETSI TISPAN / 30 / 23,12 / QoS signalling to Transport Domains
H.235 Annex G / N / G/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / 59 / Q.2/16, Q.3/16, IETF / 30 / 23,29 / TD-15r1 (WP2) (2004-01) / Usage of the Secure Real Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) in conjunction with the MIKEY Key Management Protocol within H.235
Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
F.ToIP / N / H/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / SG15, IETF / 30 / 23 / TD14/1 (2004-01) / Text over IP Service and Technical Requirements
V.18 / R / H/16 / 16 / 2005 / L / 10 / 02,30 / 02,07 / D.225 / Revise to add CTM modulation Option
F.706 / SG / I/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / H / 10 / SGs 4, 9, 13, 17 / 30 / 19 / TD16/4 (2003-05) / Service Description for an International Emergency Multimedia Service
F.TDR-FW / N / I/16 / 16 / 2005 / Multiple SDOs / 30,36 / 99 / TDR-system framework
F.TDR-Reqs / N / I/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / ITU-T SG 2 / 99 / 99 / TD 12/4 (2004-01) / TDR Requirements
F.ehmmf / N / J/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / ITU-T SG 2 / 30 / 21,23,27 / ITU- D SG 2, ISO TC215, CEN/ISSS TC251, HL7, DICOM, WHO / Multimedia Framework for e-health applications
H.501 Annex B / R / K/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / ETSI, 3GPP, IMT-2000, IETF / 30 / 23 / Protocol for mobility management and inter-domain communication in MM systems: Application data repository
H.222.0 Amd. 4 / N / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 25 / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 / 30 / 08,23 / ISAN and V-ISAN use in the content labelling descriptor
H.222.0 Amd. 5 / N / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 25 / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 / 30 / 08,23 / New Audio profileandlevel Signaling and change to audio_type table entry
H.224 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / 20 / 30 / 23 / A real time control protocol for simplex applications using the H.221 LSD/HSD/HLP channels
H.243 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / 40 / 30 / 23 / Procedures for establishing communication between three or more audiovisual terminals using digital channels up to 1920 kbit/s
H.243 V3 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / 30 / 04,30 / Procedures for establishing communication between three or more audiovisual terminals using digital channels up to 1920 kbit/s
H.282 (1999) Corr. 1 V1.1 / N / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 30 / 23 / [2004-01] t120ig.html / Remote device control protocol for multimedia applications
Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
H.310 V3 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 15,30 / 02,23 / COM 16-R 63-E (1997-2000) Section 6 [2000-02] / Broadband audiovisual communication systems and terminals
H.321 V3 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 15,30 / 23 / COM 16-R 63-E (1997-2000) Section 4 [2000-02] / Adaptation of H.320 visual telephone terminals to B-ISDN environments
T.120 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 23 / Data protocols for multimedia conferencing
T.123 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 23 / Network specific protocol stacks for multimedia conferencing
T.124 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 23 / Generic conference control for audiographic and audiovisual terminals
T.127 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 23 / Multipoint binary file transfer protocol specification
Revised T.120-Series Imp. Guide / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 30 / 23
T.134 (1998) Cor. 1 V1.1 / N / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 30 / 23 / [2004-01] t120ig.html / Text chat application entity
T.135 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 23 / User-to-reservation system transactions within T.120 conf.
T.136 (1998) Cor. 1 V1.1 / N / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 30 / 23 / [2004-01] t120ig.html / Remote device control application protocol
T.170 V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23,27 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / Framework of the T.170-Series of Recommendations
Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
T.171 | ISO/IEC 13522-1 (Twin) V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / Protocols for interactive audiovisual services: coded representation of multimedia and hypermedia objects
T.172 | ISO/IEC 13522-5 (Twin) V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / MHEG-5 - Support for base-level interactive applications
T.173 V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / MHEG-3 script interchange representation
T.174 V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / Application programming interface (API) for MHEG-1
T.175 V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / Application Programming Interface (API) for MHEG-5
Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
T.176 V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 27-E (1997-2000) Section 3 [1998-02] & COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 7 [1997-03] / Application Programming Interface (API) for Digital Storage Media Command and Control (DSM-CC)
T.434 V2 / R / 1/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 27 / 23 / COM 8-41-E (1997-2000) [1997-10] / Binary file transfer format for the telematic services
H.323 Annex Dv3 / R / 2/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / 30 / 23 / Real-Time facsimile over H.323 systems
H.323 Annex Gv2 / R / 2/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 10 / 30 / 23 / Text Conversation and Text SET
H.323 Annex I / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 20 / IETF / 30 / 23 / Packet based MM telephony over Error Prone Channels
H.323 Annex O / R / 2/16 / 16 / 2005 / 30 / 23 / Usage of URLs and DNS
H.323 Annex M.4 / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 10 / 30 / 23 / Transport of NSS
H.460.cdor / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 30 / 99 / Call Diversion Override
H.460.presence / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 18 / IETF, 3GPP / 30 / 23 / Presence for H.323 systems
H.460.relreq / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 99 / Release Request
H.gaam / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2005 / 30 / 23 / Gatekeeper Assigned Aliasing Mode
H.sms / N / 2/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 15 / ETSI, TISPAN, 3GPP, OMA / 30 / 23 / Short Message Service for H.323
H.245 V11 / R / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / H / 308 / Qs. 1, 2/16 / 30 / 04,30 / TD-88/Pl (2003-05) / Control Protocol for Multimedia Communication
H.246 Annex B / N / 3/16 / 16 / 30 / 23 / H.323 - PSTN interworking
H.246 Annex D / R / 3/16 / 16 / 30 / 23 / H.323 - IN interworking
H.248.1 Annex F / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 10 / IETF / 30 / 23 / TD-37/2 (2004-01) / Service Change Procedures
H.248.2 / R / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 47 / IETF, Q.11/16, Q.14/16 / 30 / 23 / TD-68/G (2004-01) / Facsimile, text conversation and call discrimination packages
H.248.8 (2002) Amd. 2 / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 3 / IETF (Megaco) / 30 / 23 / TD-36 (2004-08) / Two new (460 - Unable to set statistic on stream; 522 - Functionality Requested in Topology Triple Not Supported) and one suppressed (540 - Unexpected initial hook state) error codes
Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
H.248.29 (H.248.ICASC) / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 5 / IETF (Megaco) / 30 / 23 / AVD-2559 (2004-08) / International CAS Compelled Register Signalling Packages
H.248.32 (H.248.DCC) / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 7 / IETF (Megaco) / 30 / 23 / TD-41 (2004-08) / Detailed Congestion Control Package
H.248.33 (H.248.PCMSB) / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 18 / IETF (Megaco) / 30 / 23 / TD-37 (2004-08) / PCM Frame Spare Bit Package
H.248.34 (H.248.STIMAL) / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 22 / IETF,TISPAN, MSF / 30 / 23 / TD-56 (2004-08) / Stimulus Analogue Lines Packages
H.248.35 (H.248.coin) / N / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 4 / IETF,TISPAN, MSF / 30 / 23 / AVD-2562 (2004-08) / Payphone Control Package
H.248 Series Supp. 2 / R / 3/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / IETF / 30 / 23 / 248 Sub-Series: Packages Guide Release 6
H.341v2 / R / 3/16 / 16 / TBD / M / 30 / 23 / Management Information Base (MIB) for H.323 Systems
H.FWREQ / N / 5/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / 10 / ITU-T SG11,13; IETF; ETSI TISPAN / 30,36,38 / 06,23 / N/A / Firewall traversal and NAT control requirements for H.323 systems
H.PROXY / N / 5/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / 20 / ITU-T SG11,13; IETF; ETSI TISPAN / 30,36,38 / 06,23 / N/A / H.323 proxy for firewall traversal and NAT control
H.263 (1998) Corr. 1 V2.8 / N / 6/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 30 / 16,23 / 2001-06] h263ig01.html / Video coding for low bit rate communication
H.264 Amd. 1 / N / 6/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 30 / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29; 3GPP / 30 / 16,23 / JVT-K041 (SW) / Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services: Fidelity Range Extensions
H.264 Corr. 2 / N / 6/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / H / 30 / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29; 3GPP / 30 / 16,23 / Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audiovisual Services
H.264.1 / N / 6/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / H / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29; 3GPP / 30 / 16,23 / JVT-K046 / Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services: Complience testing
H.264.2 / N / 6/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / H / ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29; 3GPP / 30 / 16,23 / JVT-K042 / Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services: Reference C code
G.VBR / N / 9/16 / 16 / 2005 / M / 30 / 3GPP, 3GPP2, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 16 / Variable bit rate coding of speech signals
G.VBR-EV / N / 9/16 / 16 / 2006 / M / 30 / 3GPP, 3GPP2, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 / 30 / 16 / Variable bit rate embedded coding of speech signals
G.191 / R / 10/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 20 / SG 12 / 17 / 26 / Software tools for signal processing standardization activities
Recommendation / ST / Ques / SG / Timing / Pri / Pag / Liaison / Area / Domain / References / Subject /
G.722.1 V2 / R / 10/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 30 / 16 / [2002-10] g7211-ig.html / Coding at 24 and 32 kbit/s for hands-free operation in systems with low frame loss
H.224 / R / 11/16 / 16 / 2005 / H / 30 / 07,23 / Real time control protocol for simplex applications using the H.221 LSD/HSD/MLP channels
V.61 V2 / R / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 02,30 / 23 / COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 4 [1997-03] / A simultaneous voice plus data modem operating at a voice plus data signalling rate of 4800 bit/s etc.
V.70 V2 / R / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 02,03 / 23 / COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 5 [1997-03] / Procedures for the simultaneous transmission of data and digitally encoded voice signals over the GSTN, or over 2-wire leased point-to-point telephone type circuits
V.75 V2 / R / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 02,03 / 23 / COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 5 [1997-03] / DSVD terminal control procedures
V.76 V2 / R / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / L / 02,03 / 23 / COM 16-R 3-E (1997-2000) Section 5 [1997-03] / Generic multiplexer using V.42 LAPM-based procedures
V.140 (1998) Corr. 1 V1.1 / R / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / H / Q.14/16 / 30 / 23 / COM 16-R 63-E (1997-2000) Section 1 [2000-02] / Procedures for establishing communication between two multiprotocol audiovisual terminals using digital channels at a multiple of 64 or 56 kbit/s
V.150.2 / N / 11/16 / 16 / TBD / M / 30 / SG 15 / 02 / 30 / Enhancements to V.150.1
V.151 (V.ToIP) / N / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 30 / SG 15 / 99 / 99 / Text over IP
V.152 (V.VBD) / N / 11/16 / 16 / 2004-11 / M / 30 / SG 15 / 02 / 30 / Voice Band Data only gateways
V.250 / R / 13/16 / 16 / TBD / M / 02 / 03,16 / Serial asynchronous automatic dialling and control. Possible revision
T.4 Amd. / N / 14/16 / 16 / TBD / M / 20 / 20 / 02,03 / Amendment to T.4 to include display oriented color space IYU-YCC
ITU Normal.Dot s7
