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1. Introduction

Councillor Cross, Councillor of Ingthorpe ward, agreed to be the Chairman of the Forum and welcomed members of the community to the meeting, and tendered apologies on behalf of Councillor Rowson. She introduced and thanked the community organisations and services for their attendance and provision of information as part of the market place arrangements.

Councillor Cross introduced Carmel McKeogh, Assistant Chief Executive of Human Resources and Organisation development and Leanne Burnett, Head of Policy and Transformation, Blackpool Council and Ian Treasure, NHS Blackpool, and explained to the Forum that two presentations regarding the Fairness Debate and NHS health reforms and 111 Helpline.

The Forum was advised that Mr Maurice Christian had been nominated for the vacant position to be a Community Member, for a period of two years. The Forum ratified the nomination and noted that there was one remaining position for a community partner.

2. Context

The Area Panel, at its meeting held on 13th September 2011, had recommended that information regarding the Blackpool Fairness Commission and NHS health reforms and 111 Helpline, be provided at the Forum to inform and consult with the community about the four key questions regarding fairness in Blackpool and the effect proposed Health reforms would have on the community in the Beacon area.

3. Fairness Debate

Mrs Carmel McKeogh, Assistant Chief Executive of Human Resources and Organisation development, Blackpool Council introduced the concept of fairness and equality and what Blackpool Council would like to achieve in consultation with the community.

Miss Leanne Burnett, Head of Policy and Communication, Blackpool Council discussed the range factors that affected on fairness in Blackpool. In particular, she stated:

·  In 2010, Blackpool was ranked the sixth most deprived Local Authority and the only Authority where 27% of households fall within the definition of living in poverty.

·  Blackpool had the highest reported alcohol related deaths in England.

·  The difference between the amount of income gained by the highest and lowest earners in Blackpool is one of the smallest of any Authority. However, the actual earnings Blackpool residents received were amongst the lowest of any Authority.

·  The level of pupil movement between schools was high which would influence educational outcomes for pupils.

·  71.7% of Blackpool residents agreed that they were satisfied with the area in which they lived. This was below the comparative average of 79% for England.

The Forum was asked to consider the following four questions and provide their views:

  1. What does fairness mean to you?
  2. What would you think are the key issues in terms of fairness?
  3. How might we engage people in the community better in issues of fairness?
  4. How do we reach those who most typically do not get involved?

A discussion ensued about the media’s influence and the number of outlets that alcohol could be purchased from. It was advocated by the Forum, that Blackpool Council should listen to residents and review the Licensing Policy in operation to reflect resident’s views. Councillor Mrs Delves of Warbreck ward and the Chairman explained the Licence process and the options available for redress if licence conditions were not adhered to.

The Forum agreed that consideration for others and consistent treatment of all people were important to promote a fairer Blackpool. This included disabled access to services and retail units and the need for improvement of informing the community about how and why decisions are made. The importance of providing feedback regarding residents concerns was noted.

The Forum considered various ways of encouraging community engagement and it was acknowledged that the majority of Council services were available online however, not all households had access to the internet or were not computer literate and this should be taken into consideration.

It was suggested that the ‘Your Blackpool’ publication would be an effective publication for engagement as it was delivered to every household in Blackpool. Other community publications were also identified such as the Blackpool Carers magazine.

Miss Burnett asked the Forum to complete questionnaires and return them to Blackpool Council using the stamped addressed envelopes provided. Alternatively, completed questionnaires could be returned to Council Officers at the Forum.

The Chairman thanked Miss Burnett and Mrs McKeogh for attending the Forum.

4. NHS Blackpool

Mr Ian Treasure, Deputy Director of Partnerships, NHS Blackpool, introduced himself to the Forum and provided a presentation regarding the NHS 111 helpline for Blackpool, which was a part of a Cumbria and Lancashire pilot scheme, funded by the Department of Health.

The helpline would be available seven days a week, twenty four hours a day and would be available to take non urgent, emergency health calls. He reported that the helpline would be operational from 29th November 2011.

Mr Treasure provided the Forum with an update on the Health and Social Care Bill which would incorporate the Clinical Commissioning Group to replace the current Primary Care Trust, anticipated to be abolished, as of 31st March 2013. The Group consisted of eight local general practitioners who would be responsible for functions such as quality of primary care, governance, agreeing services and engagement with communities.

In response to a question he clarified that the GP’s on the Clinical Commissioning Group would continue to practise however due to their new responsibilities, their surgery hours would be reduced.

The Chairman thanked Mr Treasure for attending the Forum.

David Warburton, Head of Neighbourhood Services North presented the Forum with a verbal update regarding issues that had been reported at the previous Forum. Hard copies had been made available and distributed at the beginning of the Forum.

He reported that the street lights were on Inver Road were no longer alight twenty four hours a day. Eon had been informed and advised Neighbourhood Services that for a period of approximately 4 – 6 weeks after installation, street lights would remain permanently on to allow for a wi-fi connection to be installed. If street lights remain on after the installation period, please contact Eon.

Mr Warburton discussed the location of bus stops in the Town Centre and reported that Blackpool Transport was aware of some of the congestion issues and other alternative locations had been explored. It was reported that the location and number of bus stops throughout Blackpool Town Centre, was constantly being reviewed taking into consideration advice and feedback from other agencies such as Blackpool Council and Police.

A discussion ensued regarding the provision of transport in Blackpool Town Centre which resulted in the suggestion that transport be discussed further at a future meeting of the Beacon Area Forum.

He also stated that the sculpture scheduled for installation at the Bispham roundabout, could not be progressed due to water pipes buried under the roundabout. Mr Warburton stated that this had been confirmed by United Utilities and apologised for the length of time taken to provide the Forum with an update on the scheme.

A discussion took place regarding traffic issues and availability of parking in Bispham village and road safety at the mini roundabout opposite the Moor Park Health Centre. Mr Warburton advised that individual concerns should be reported to the Neighbourhood Services North team.

Inspector Louise Ainsworth provided the Forum with the relevant crime statistics for Greenlands, Ingthorpe and Warbreck wards. She stated that all types of crime had increased over the last two months within the Beacon area but the Police had made several arrests in connection with the crimes. She further added that the increase in violent crimes was due to the reported incidences of domestic violence.

Victoria Walton, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service reported that there had been no reported incidents recently in the Beacon Area. She reminded the Forum that the home fire alarm testing initiative was still available from the Lancashire Fire and Rescue service.

Councillor Mrs Delves provided an update on the Project 30 road works that were being undertaken in various locations in Warbreck ward.

Councillors Wright and Ryan reported that the Friends of Devonshire Road Rock Garden had reformed and were hosting a Halloween Event on 29th October 2011, which the Blackpool Council Illuminations Department had been involved with alongside five Primary schools within the Beacon Area.

Councillor Wright and Ryan also provided information regarding the reduction of PACT meetings in Greenlands and the Public and Councillors Together meetings that would be incorporated to supplement the reduced scheme of PACT meetings.

4.  Conclusion

The purpose of the meeting was to seek the view of residents regarding fairness in Blackpool and to provide them with information about the changes in Health Care in Blackpool. In conclusion, of the meeting, the residents in attendance had provided the requested information and voiced their opinions as to the frequency and subject matter of future Beacon Area Forums.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.