Stephen M. Pittel, Ph.D.

June 1998

Curriculum Vitae



Date of Birth 30 June 1938

Social Security Number 146-28-4067

Marital Status Married, three children

Home Address 2222 Derby Street

Berkeley, CA 94705

Current Employment SMP Associates

2222 Derby Street

Berkeley, CA 94705

(510) 486-1888

(510) 486-1911 (FAX)


Professor of Psychology

The Wright Institute

2728 Durant Ave.

Berkeley, CA 94704

(510) 841-9230

Director of Research

Center Point Programs, Inc.

809 B Street

San Rafael, CA 94901

(415) 454-7777


1956 - 1960 Rutgers University, Newark, N.J.

Major Subject: Psychology, biology

Degree: A.B.(With Honors)

1960 - 1964 University of California, Berkeley

Major Subject: Psychology

Degree: Ph.D.


1959 - 1960 Benton and Bowles Research Fellow, Rutgers University

1960 Charles Webster St. John Memorial Award, Rutgers University

1963 - 1964 USPHS Pre-doctoral Research Fellow, University of California

1963 Research Fellow, Educational Testing Service,

1965 - 1966 Research Fellow, University of Wisconsin Alumni Association


American Psychological Association

American Psychology Law Society

California Association of Toxicologists

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors


1964 - 1967 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin

1967 - 1968 Research Psychologist, Adolescent Clinic, Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center

1968 - 1972 Co-principal Investigator and Project Director, Haight Ashbury Research Project, Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center

1970 - Present Professor of Psychology, The Wright Institute

1972 - 1985 Director, Berkeley Center for Drug Studies

1976 - 1980 Principal Investigator and Executive Director, California Connection, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation

1980 - 1982 Director of Innovative Services, The Wright Institute

1983 - 1985 Executive Director, Marin Addiction Counseling and Treatment

1985 - Present President, SMP Associates


1960 - 1964 Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of California

1962 - 1963 Lecturer, Department of Psychology, College of the Holy Names

1963 - 1964 Lecturer, Department of Psychology, San Francisco State 1967 - 1968 University

1967 - 1970 Lecturer and Field Work Supervisor, School of Social Welfare, University of California

1970 - 1974 Adjunct Faculty, Institute for Social Concerns

1981 - 1983 Adjunct Faculty, California School of Professional Psychology


1959 - 1960 Research Assistant, Institute for Animal Behavior, Rutgers University

1962 - 1963 Research Assistant, Institute for Personality Research and Assessment, University of California

1962 - 1963 Research Assistant, Ataractic Drug Project, California, Department of Mental Health

1974 - 1975 Research Associate, William James Center for Research in Higher Education

1974 - 1976 Senior Research Associate, General Research Corporation

1991 - Present Director of Research, Center Point Programs, Inc.


1963 - 1964 Psychology Intern, Fred Finch Children’s' Home

1965 - 1967 Clinical Psychologist, Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Waupon State Prison

1968 - 1971 Staff Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center


1963 Factors in the measurement of moral values. Western Psychological Association (with G. A. Mendelsohn)

1965 Is it won or does it happen? Review of E. Jacobson's "The Self and the Object World." Contemporary Psychology, 1965, 10, 550-551

1966 Measurement of moral values: A review and critique. Psychological Bulletin, 1966, 66, 22-35 (with G. A. Mendelsohn)

[Reprinted in R. C. Johnson, P. R. Dokecki and O. H. Mowrer (Eds.) Conscience, Contract and Social Reality. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972]

1968 The Current Status of the Haight - Ashbury Hippie Community: September 1968. San Francisco: Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center, 1968

1969 The Situational Appraisal Inventory: Development and validation of a measure of evaluative attitudes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1969, 33, 396-405 (with G. A. Mendelsohn)

1969 Psychological effects of psychedelic drugs: Preliminary observations and hypotheses. Western Psychological Association

1971 Drugs and the adolescent experience. Journal of Drug Issues, 1971, 1, 215-236

1971 Three portraits of the young drug user: Comparison of MMPI group profiles. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1971, 3, 63-66 (with R. F. Kendall)

1971 Psychological aspects of heroin and other drug dependence. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1971, 4, 40-45

[Reprinted in D. E. Smith and G. R. Gay (Eds.) It's So Good, Don't Even Try it Once: Heroin in Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, 1972]

1971 Problems and prospects of research in free clinic settings. In D. E. Smith, D. Bentel and J. Schwartz (Eds.) The Free Clinic: A Community Approach to Health Care and Drug Abuse. Beloit, WI.: Stash Press, 1971

1971 Developmental factors in adolescent drug use: A study of psychedelic drug users. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1971, 10, 640-660 (with V. Calef, R. Gryler, L. Hillis, R. Hofer and P. Kempner)

[Reprinted in J. J. Conger (Ed.) Contemporary Issues in Adolescent Development. New York: Harper and Row, 1975]

1971 Review of D. Westby-Gibson's "Social foundations of education." Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography, 1971, 45, 345

1972 Three studies of the MMPI as a predictive instrument in methadone maintenance. In A. Goldstein (Ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Methadone Treatment. New York: NAPAN, 1972 (with J. A. Weinberg, P. Grevert. and N. Sullivan)

1972 The transition to amphetamine abuse. In E. E. Ellinwood and S. Cohen (Eds.) Current Concepts on Amphetamine Abuse. Washington, D. C. :

U. S. Government Printing office, 1972 (with R. Hofer)

[Reprinted in D. E. Smith and D. R. Wesson (Eds.) Uppers and Downers. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973]

1972 Life history antecedents of subjective contentment and dysphoria in a hippie culture. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1972, 5, 89-93 (with R. F. Kendall)

1972 The psychotomimetic controversy re-examined: Implications for research on psychedelic drug users. Western Psychological Association. (with R. F. Kendall)

1973 The etiology of youthful drug involvement. In National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse (Eds.) Drug Use in America: Problem in Perspective. Technical Papers, Volume I. Patterns and Consequences of Drug Use. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1973

1973 Addicts in wonderland: Sketches for a map of a vocational frontier. In H. Liebowitz (Ed.)Vocational Rehabilitation of the Drug Abuser: The State of the Art. Volume IV. Gainfully Employed. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1973

[Reprinted in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1974, 6, 231-242]

1974 A systematic approach to drug abuse treatment referral. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 1974, 6, 253-258 (with R. Hofer)

[Reprinted in Readings for Probation officers, 1980, National Institute on Drug Abuse]

1974 Drug Abuse Treatment Referral System Users Manual. Berkeley, CA.: Berkeley Center for Drug Studies, 1974

[First Revised Edition, Berkeley, CA.: Berkeley Center for Drug Studies, 1976]

[Second Revised Edition, Berkeley, CA.: Berkeley Center for Drug Studies, 1979]

1975 Review of P. Greenacre's "Emotional growth: Psychoanalytic studies of the gifted and a variety of other individuals." Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography, 1975, 49, 82-83

1975 Planning Strategies and Techniques for Single State Agencies. Rockville, Md.: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1975 (with T. L. Foster)

Volume I: Frames of Reference

Volume II. Planning Strategies

Volume III. Intervention Models

Volume IV. Implementation

Volume V. Statutory Guidelines

Volume VI. Simulation Design

Volume VII. Trainers Manual

[Revised Edition. Volumes I - V. Rockville, Md.: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1977 (with T. L. Foster)]

1975 Sample interviews and Scoring Procedures for the Drug Abuse Treatment Referral System. Berkeley, CA.: Berkeley Center for Drug Studies, 1975 (with T. L. Foster and M. M. Collins)

1975 Drug Abuse Treatment Modalities. Berkeley, CA.: Berkeley Center for Drug Studies, 1975 (with T. L. Foster and M. M. Collins)

[Reprinted in Readings for Probation officers, 1980, National Institute on Drug Abuse]

1976 Community Support Systems for Addict Aftercare. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1976

1977 Addict aftercare: Essence or afterthought? Contemporary Drug Problems, 1977, 6, 491-513

1978 The challenge of re-entry. In K. Blum, S. Feinglass and S. Futterman (Eds.) Social Pharmacology. New York: Wiley, 1978 (with H. J. Freudenberger)

1979 Re-entry concerns of incarcerated substance abusers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1979, 6, 59-71 (with G. Dakof , T. L. Foster and C. L. Hejinian)

1979 The enigma of PCP. In R. L. Dupont, A. Goldstein and J. O'Donnell (Eds.) Handbook on Drug Abuse. Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office and Office of Drug Abuse Policy, 1979 (with M. Oppedahl)

1979 Heroinism and human services: Toward a social psychological model of addict aftercare. In B. Brown (Ed.) Addicts and Aftercare: Community integration of the former Drug User. Beverly Hills, CA.: Sage, 1979 (with M. Minor)

1981 Counseling the addicted woman: The possibilities for success. In B. G. Reed, G. M. Beschner and J. Mondanaro (Eds.) Treatment Services for Drug Dependent Women. Rockville, MD.: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1981

1989 Drug use and abuse. Death Penalty Defense Seminar. Los Angeles: CACJ- CPDA, 1989

1989 Expert witness testimony regarding drug and alcohol abuse. Death Penalty Defense Seminar. Los Angeles: CACJ-CPDA, 1989 (with James S. Thomson)

1991 Approaches to drug induced mental impairment in special circumstances cases. Death Penalty Defense Seminar. Los Angeles: CACJ-CPDA, 1991 (with David Meyer and Christie Warren)

1992 Trying experiences and attitude adjustments. The Recorder, 30 January 1992 (with Bob Bloom and Peter Silen)

1992 Asking the right questions: A way to improve the art of jury selection. Forum, 1992, 19, 2, 17 - 19 (with Bob Bloom and Peter Silen)

1994 Ego development in fundamentalist and non-fundamentalist Protestants. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 1994, 22, 3, 215 - 225 (with Andrew J. Weaver and Jack W. Berry)

1998 Burundanga -- The next Colombian drug threat. Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor, 10, (6).

1998 Police Drug Recognition Methods -- Too Often Wrong to Trust in Trial. Forensic Drug Abuse Advisor, 10 (7).

[Reprinted in New Hamphire Assosociation of Criminal Defense Lawyers Newsletter, November 1998, 31, 7-8]


1964 "Superego functions and the Antecedents of Guilt." Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley

1964 "Reality, illusion and mental health."

1966 "Personality characteristics of professional poker players: A study of socialized deviants."

1967 "Parental identification and early memories of parents."

1970 "Youth drug abuse in San Francisco." San Francisco Mayor's Task force on Youth (with R. Hofer)

1971 "Utopians, mystics and skeptics: Ideologies of young drug users." (with A. Wallach and N. Wilner)

1973 "Dropping Down: The Hippies Then and Now." (with H. Miller)

1974 "The world of work: Plan for the development of a supported work program." Santa Clara County Department of Mental Health

1975 "An assessment strategy for supported work." Manpower Research Demonstration Corporation

1975 "Adult education in America: The case of the runaway bandwagon." William James Center for Research in Higher Education

1975 "Concerns, possibilities and opportunities for NIDA Regional Resource Centers." National Institute on Drug Abuse

1975 "Statewide survey of training needs in drug abuse treatment programs." California Office of Narcotics and Drug Abuse (with T. L. Foster

1976 "A management information system for drug abuse and alcoholism treatment, Referral, monitoring and program evaluation for San Diego County." Public Safety Systems, Inc. (with M. M. Collins)

1976 "Cluster evaluation of five drug education programs in California." California Office of Criminal Justice Planning (with M. M. Collins and Associates)

1976 "Perceived service needs of substance dependent inmates of Oregon State prisons. State of Oregon Division of Mental Health." (with G. Dakof, T. L. Foster and C. L. Hejinian)

1976 "Substance abuse services for correctional inmates." State of Oregon Division of Mental Health

1976 "The Oregon Re-entry Program: A comprehensive plan for the delivery of aftercare services to substance dependent correctional inmates and parolees." State of Oregon Division of Mental Health (with T. L. Foster)

1977 "Preliminary study of the fad drug PCP (Phencyclidine)." National Institute on Drug Abuse (with H. Feldman)

1978 "Five year plan for the primary prevention of alcohol abuse and alcoholism in San Francisco." San Francisco Department of Mental Health (with D. H. Barnett and T. L. Foster)

1978 "Drug abuse treatment needs of Alameda County." Alameda County Department of Mental Health (with D. H. Barnett and T. L. Foster)

1979 "Drug abuse treatment needs of Imperial County." Imperial County Department of Mental Health (with D. H. Barnett and T. L. Foster)

1979 "Evaluation of Sonoma County TASC program." Sonoma County Department of Mental Health (with D. H. Barnett and T. L. Foster)

1980 "Evaluation of Sonoma County TASC program." Sonoma County Department of Mental Health (with D. H. Barnett and T. L. Foster)

1982 "Substance abuse needs and services in Marin County: A report to the San Francisco Foundation." (with D. H. Barnett, J. Blume, T. L. Foster and E. M. Milwid)

1982 "Evaluation of the Peace Corps Center for Assessment and Training (CAST)." ACTION, Office of the Peace Corps (with F. J. Oeltjen)

1982 "Plan for the reduction of demand for heroin in Pakistan." U. S. State Department, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters and Pakistan Narcotics Control Board

1983 "The limits of giving. I. The concept of need." San Francisco Foundation

1983 "The limits of giving. II. Arguments for and against setting an upper limit on charitable giving." San Francisco Foundation

1983 "The limits of giving. III. Annotated bibliography, conclusions and recommendations." San Francisco Foundation

1984 "Community interventions against heroin abuse." U. S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics Matters

1985 "Treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependent persons (Project Document for the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan)." United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control

1988 “Employee attitudes and job turnover: Summary of findings from a national survey." Hillhaven Corporation


1970 "Youth alienation and the hippie culture." Southern California Society for Adolescent Psychiatry

1970 "In search of the hippies." American Orthopsychiatric Association

1971 "The shock is now!" American Association for Public Opinion Research

1971 "Problems and prospects of research in free clinic settings." National Free Clinic Conference