Going Green: Friday
Kristen SingletonEDUC 356.002
Lesson/ Activity Topic: Classroom Recycling CenterGrade Level: 2nd Grade
Goal for the learner (AITSWBAT): The students will learn the importance of going green next by creating, organizing, and advertising a classroom-recycling center.
Assessment: The students will be graded upon their effort to help the school go green and all the work that they put into their project as a class.
Materials/ Media:
-Chart Paper
-What We Can do About Recycling Garbageby Donna Bailey.
-Large Empty boxes for collection of recyclable items (about 3 boxes)
-Large pieces of construction paper
-Art supplies
- Paint
- Markers
- Crayons
- Glue
- Etc.
-Classroom trashcan with one day's worth of trash
-Rubber Gloves (for teacher to pick through trash can)
Instruction: Reviewing the past weeks research and projects by discussing why helping the environment and going green is so important.
-Before starting the recycling center read to the students What We Can do About Recycling Garbageby Donna Bailey and start the discussion about how you can start a recycling center to be more environmental.
-While wearing rubber gloves, examine the trash thrown away in the classroom. Have the students observe whether there are any items that could be recycled. Also, have the students think about items that are thrown away at home or in other areas of the school. Ask them questions like: How could the class help the environment by recycling? (Bloom’s- Knowledge, Bloom’s- Analysis) (SPS- Classifying)
-Brainstorm with the students what would be needed to set up a classroom recycling area. Record their responses on the chalkboard or chart paper. Some suggestions may be:
- Containers to put the items in
- A place to take the recyclable items (a local recycling center)
- Signs to tell people where to put the items
- Etc. (Gardner’s- Logical- Mathematical, Gardner’s- Interpersonal)
-Carry out the students' plan for creating a recycling area. Some examples are:
- Label the boxes for the collection of items to be recycled – sample labels may be:
- Scrap paper (to be reused)
- Used paper (to be recycled)
- Printer cartridges and cell phones (Bloom’s- Knowledge)
- Using art supplies, create signs and posters to advertise the recycling area. These signs can be posted around the school.
- Bring your used printer cartridges to Room 12 for recycling!
- Bring your old cell phones to Room 12 for recycling!
- Keep the earth beautiful!
- Bring your used paper to Room 12 for recycling! (Bloom’s- Application) (Gardner’s- Visual- Spatial)
- Send home letters announcing the recycling collection area in the classroom. The letters will encourage families to send in printer cartridges and cell phones to raise money for the school. They will also encourage families to recycle items at home. Sample letters can be downloaded from the link in the materials section.
-Keep the classroom recycling center up and running throughout the school year
-"Indiana Standards and Resources." IN.gov. Dr. Tony Bennett, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Web. 18 Jan. 2010. <Academic Standards/StandardSearch.aspx>.
IN State Standards:
English/ Language Arts 2.2.3- Use knowledge of the author’s purpose(s) to comprehend informational text
Science 2.1.7- Recognize and describe ways that some materials, such as recycled paper, cans, and plastic jugs, can be used again.