The Village Hall, Markham Road, Langold, S81 9SW

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 12th May 2015 at 5.45pm

Held in the Committee room Langold Village Hall

Present: -, Cllr M Merrills, Cllr G Wood, Clerk A Lilley, Cllr G Payling, Cllr D Perkins, Cllr J Mclune, Cllr S Featherstone

Apologies: -. Cllr G Freeman, Cllr M Wichmann (left after the AGM at 17:45pm)

A)  Police Report – see attached report

B)  Parishioners Question Time – none

C)  LVHMC, Mrs. G Wallhead, report – report given in the annual meeting

D)  Cllr. G. Freeman, BDC, report - apologies

E)  Cllr. S. Place, NCC, report - DNA


051517  Attendance and apologies for absence – Cllr G Freeman

051518  Declarations of Interest. – to be declared as and when one arises

051519  Minutes of previous meetings passed as a true record. Meeting and any sub committees. – Cllr G Wood proposed the minutes and Cllr G Payling seconded them – Cllr M Merrills duly signed them.

051520  Matters arising from minutes - none

051521  Any nominations and applications for Hodsock/ Langold – Two letters were read out, one from Mrs K Walker and the second from Mrs M Nicholson. They are both to be invited to the next meeting.

051522  Planning applications –. Notification that the lights at 47 Riddell Avenue are being investigated. - Cllr S Featherstone reported that these lights were still a problem. A Lilley to report again.

Reported brick built construction at the back of the mobility shop. – It was reported that the owner had got planning permission so A Lilley to check.

051523  Cemetery items from cemetery meeting and any other items :-

a.  Memorial applications – all accepted

b.  Tenders – the three tenders were read out and it was agreed to accept Rent a Cuts two year tender for the cemetery maintenance and MG Oates tender for the tree maintenance.

c.  New Land – ongoing

d.  Remove wreaths – Mal Johnson completed

e.  Keyholder to pick up litter – it was agreed to pay Mal Johnson two hours more a week for littler picking and collection of wreaths. Cllr M Merrills asked for it to be minuted that she thanked Mal Johnson for his continued hard work.

f.  Organise cemetery inspection as vases need moving. – Tuesday 6th June 12pm.

g.  A Lilley was asked to contact probation to see if they would paint the railings again at the cemetery.

051524  Langold Country Park - Cllr S Featherstone reported that there was a lump of concrete at the barrier near the kiosk which was causing problems for mobility scooters and pushchairs. Cllr M Merrills reported that the big local was organising a music festival on 20th June 2pm – 10pm.

051525  Youth Issues – nothing to report

051526  Reports from Councillors –

051527  Village Matters –

a.  Village signs – Half funding been given – review design – it was asked if the diving board could be incorporated into the design. A Lilley to ask Malcolm Lane.

b.  Cllr S Featherstone stated she was still encountering problems in trying to get an appointment at the doctors.

c.  The councillors asked if A Lilley could report the need for the paths to be weed killed.

Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following items:

051528  Finance & Office Matters

a)  Finance report. - A lilley gave an overview of the bank balance and income and expenditure in the month.

b)  Acceptance of Statement of account. – The statement of account was proposed by Cllr J Mclune and seconded by Cllr S Featherstone. All councillors were in favour of accepting the statement of account.

c)  A Lilley asked if the council were in agreement to purchase a thank you gift a card for Cllr Brightmore who had stepped down this year after many years serving the parish. This was unanimously agreed.

051529  Correspondence received :-

d.  NOW Church – request for donation - After a discussion it was proposed by Cllr J Mclune that £2500 be donated to the NOW Church and Cllr D Perkins seconded this. A vote was taken and unanimously agreed.

e.  Letter regarding donation towards training equipment for the local boxing club. - It was agreed that A Lilley should ask for a list of ‘needs’ so that the council could maybe pick one to purchase.

f.  BDC – Dog control consultation - noted

g.  NCC – Hodsock bridleway 16 diversion - noted.

051530  Correspondence Sent :-

a.  Grants of burial

b.  Designs to Malcolm Lane

c.  Election papers delivered

051531  Cheques for signing-signed

a.  103744 – HM R&V – Paye - £ – approved and signed

b.  103745 – Rent a cut - April maint & inter £ – approved and signed

c.  103746 - SLCC – Subscription - £ – approved and signed

d.  103747- M Merrills – telephone exp - £ – approved and signed

e.  103748 – ICCM – Subscription - £ – approved and signed

f.  103749 – Community Lincs insurance - £ – insurance – approved and signed

g.  103750 – Reprotec – photocopies - £ – approved and signed

h.  103751 – M Johnson – cemetery keyholder- £ – approved and


i.  103752 – LVHMC – 1st half precept - £ – approved and signed.

j.  103753 – S Cross – internal audit fee - £ – approved and signed.

k.  103754 – Community Lincs insurance - £ – approved and signed.

l.  103755 – rent a cut – April maint etc - £ – approved and signed

m.  103821 – Viking – stationery £ – approved and signed.

Meeting closed 18:30pm

Signed as a true record ______