Riddles about Road and Transport
What goes uphill and downhill, and always remains in the same place?
(A road.)
This belt stretches, long and wide.
Walk along it, run, or ride
In a bus, or in a car.
(It's for you to choose how far.)
(A road.)
It begins just where it ends,
And your lovely house there stands.
(A road.)
Houses run upon these rails,
Over hills, and over dales.
(A railway line and a train.)
Of our deep river it joins the two banks.
When it helped me cross it, I said, “Many thanks!”
(A bridge.)
As round as an apple,
As deep as a cup,
And all the king's horses
Cannot pull it up.
(A well.)
He follows you though remains on the place.
(A track.)
Wooden horses run over the snow without sinking into it.
They run along the ground with upturned noses.
Four maidens intersect a field of crying.
(A scratch of sprockets of a cart.)
When it is driven, it goes; when it stops, it falls down.
(A bicycle.)
This young foal looks nice and gay.
He eats neither oats nor hay.
Firmly grip the handlebar,
If you want to travel far.
(A bicycle.)
When I ride,
I'm all right.
When I stop,
I flop.
(A bicycle.)
What is it, that resembles a cart, but has no wheels, and leaves no tracks behind it?
(A boat.)
A steel horse drags much behind it.
(A locomotive.)
What is it that runs so fast,
Making a noise and smoking past,
Carrying us and giving a blast.
(A locomotive.)
What is always following the train? It cannot be seen, and the train cannot go without it.
What is it that can reap alone?
(A tractor.)
A thousand spades, and shovels, too,
Can never do what I can do.
(An excavator.)
In our kitchen, all the year round,
Lives old Jack Frost, all safe and sound.
(A refrigerator.)
We're half a tram and half a bus;
Will you come and ride in us?
Have a look at this fine steed.
He looks very strange, indeed:
Eats petrol, and never grazes,
Fast along the road he races.
(A motorcar.)
Put four tyres on her heels,
Which are round, for they are wheels.
Give her some petrol to drink:
It's a treat for her, I think.
(A motorcar.)
This house on wheels is running a race,
Taking people from place to place.
(A bus.)
Why should a bus be safe from lightning?
(Because it has а conductor.)
Примечание. Игра слов: а conductor 1. проводник (в вагоне, автобусе), 2. проводник (электричества).
Four sisters, each one like the other. Two run in front, and two follow behind.
(Wheels of а cart.)
Six legs, two heads, one tail. What is it?
(A horseman.)
What has two heads, four eyes, six legs and a tail?
(A horse and his rider.)
Three eyes have I, all in a row; when the red one opens, all freeze.
(Traffic lights.)
This wingless bird will soar, and soon
Land quite safely on the Moon.
(A rocket.)