Evaluation of the psycho-social impact of distraction osteogenesis of the mandible with extra-oral appliance
Name:Age: Sex: Serial No:
Ortho No:
Filled by: self / parent / doctor
Part 1: Pre-distraction Phase
Have you understood the treatment procedure
- yes
- no
- not completely
What are your reasons for seeking surgery
- esthetics (appearance of your face / teeth)
- function ( chewing / speech / breathing )
- other reasons -
Specify the most important reason or give rank according to importance
What is the major motivating factor for your seeking this treatment
- self motivated
- on the advice of doctor/dentist/orthodontist
- on advice or pressure from family
- on advice or pressure from friends
- other reasons –
Specify the most important reason or give rank according to importance
Do you feel that surgery will change any aspect of your life
- yes
- no
- don’t know
Have you understood the other treatment modalities
- yes
- no
- not sure
What do you think about the distraction device / your reaction to the distraction device on a patient
- unaesthetic / bulky
- acceptable
- not sure
Part 2: Distraction Phase
Does the distraction appliance meet your expectations
- yes
- no
- if no, why
Do you have any of the following complaints
- pain/discomfort
- functional impairment (specify)
- numbness
- abnormal sensation
- any other
Do people in your day to day life comment about this device
- always
- never
- sometimes
If yes, then are these comments
- encouraging
- discouraging
- neutral
- not sure
If these comments are disturbing to you, do you feel
- irritated or annoyed
- angry
- ashamed
- ignore the comments
Do you think you are being made to suffer in any way because of this treatment
- yes
- no
- not sure
Do you think you made the right decision in going in for this sort of treatment
- yes
- no
- can’t say at this stage
Part 3: Post distraction phase
How do you feel about the results of your surgery
- totally satisfied
- satisfied
- unsatisfied
- totally unsatisfied
- don’t know
Do you feel a change in any of the following
- the appearance of your face
yes / no / can’t say : if yes, better or worse
- speech
yes / no / can’t say : if yes, better or worse
- breathing
yes / no / can’t say : if yes, better or worse
- chewing
yes / no / can’t say : if yes, better or worse
Which of the above is the most important change
Do you think the treatment was justifiable or worth it
- yes
- no
- can’t say
Do you think the treatment was worth the problems (if any) that you faced during the procedure
- yes
- no
- not sure
(Specify problems if possible)
Now that you know about the procedure, would you go through this operation again
- yes, no hesitation
- yes, some hesitation
- don’t know
- probably not
- certainly not
Would you recommend this operation to other patients who require treatment
- yes, no hesitation
- yes, some hesitation
- don’t know
- probably not
- certainly not