Medieval History

Unit One: Europe During Medieval Times

Presearch Two: The Legacy of the Roman Empire - To what extent have the contributions of ancient Rome influenced modern society?

"All roads lead to Rome.” ~ The Ancient Romans

“Rome perished, yet it lived on.” ~ anonymous historian

E pluribus unum(“Out of many, one”). ~ The United States motto

Themes: Scale, Cause & Effect, Stability & Change


  • Study the early strengths and lasting contributions of Rome and its ultimate internal weaknesses
  • Discuss the geographic borders of the empire at its height and the factors that threatened its territorial cohesion.
  • Describe the establishment by Constantine of the new capital in Constantinople and the development of the Byzantine Empire, with an emphasis on the consequences of the development of two distinct European civilizations, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic, and their two distinct views on church-state relations.

Essential questions:

  1. What are the outstanding geographic features of Europe? What advantages or constraints do these features have on human inhabitants?
  2. What natural resources does Europe offer its inhabitants? (Consider: food, water, shelter, minerals and timber) How do these resources support Europe’s carrying capacity?
  3. How and why did the Roman Empire ultimately fall? What happened to the eastern and western halves of the empire following the fall of Rome?
  4. What contributions did the Roman Empire make in the following areas: art, architecture and engineering, language and writing, philosophy, citizenship, and law?

All work should be recorded and filed in your ISN: Europe During Medieval Times.

This week:

Due / Points
9/9 / 50 / 1. In your assigned groups, pick one of the following contributions: language, law and justice, citizenship, road-building. Prepare to argue why your contribution has had the greatest impact on modern society. Your arguments should be written and should include:
  • a clear statement explaining why your contribution has most affected modern society
  • at least three specific examples of how your contribution is evident in today’s society
  • counterarguments for why two of the other contributions are NOT as significant
  • a closing sentence that re-states your position
You will present your final arguments in class on Tuesday.
(8th) 9/11
9/12 / 100 / 9. Chapter One Online Assessment – open note

Activity help:

Use these bridges to write your paragraph.

• I think the Roman influence that most affects today’s society is…

• One of the ways that this influence is important to today’s society is…

• A second way that this influence affects today’s society is…

  • Finally, this influence continues today because…

• Other Roman influences such as ______and ______are important but do not affect society as much because…

• In conclusion, I believe that the most important lasting contribution of the Romans is…

Grading for Contributions Argument Paper & Presentation

/1 / A clear statement explaining why your contribution has most affected modern society
/3 / At least three specific examples of how your contribution is evident in today’s society
/3 / Counterarguments for why the other three contributions are NOT as significant
/1 / A closing sentence that re-states their position
/1 / Correct spelling and mechanics.
/3 / Positive and equal group participation.
/3 / Oral Presentation – Organized, no slang, demonstrates understanding, all members prepared and participating.