The City University of New York
Office of the Provost
300 Jay Street, Namm 320
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Ph: (718) 260 – 5560
Fax: (718) 260 – 5542
Guidelines for Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) Travel Funding:
2015-2016, as of 11/11/15 – SUBJECT TO CHANGE
1. Overview
The mission of the Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) of New York City College of Technology is to support the professional development of City Tech’s faculty. PDAC awards travel funds for professional development activities such as conferences, workshops and seminar travel and limits funding to formal activities such as conferences, seminars and workshops. Applications are reviewed by PDAC and those that best support the advancement of scholarship aligned with the college mission are funded. The 2015-2016 maximum award will be based on available funding, and was $650 for the 2015-2016 in fall 2015.
Click here to apply for PDAC funding for spring 2016 travel (February 1, 2016 – June 30, 2015)
Important deadlines follow:
Table 1: Deadlines for PDAC Applications and Award Notification
Travel Dates / PDAC Application Due / Award Notification
10/1/2015-1/31/2016 / 9/22/2015 / 9/29/2015
2/1/2015-6/30/2016 / 2/1/2016 / 2/21/2015
Applications received after the deadlines may not be considered for PDAC funding.
For profession travel not supported by PDAC, additional sources of funding, such as the Dean’s Office, should be pursued
Please make sure that all presentations are included in your Faculty Scholarship Report submission. Evidence of the benefits of faculty professional travel helps to assure future funding.
2. Eligibility
Tenured faculty members and full-time lectures with Certificate of Continuous Employment (CCE) are eligible for 100% of allowable PDAC funding (see guidelines which follow) for active participation (presenter, chair of session, etc.) at an event and 50% of allowable PDAC funding for attendance only at an event (up to the 2015-2016 limit).
Untenured, tenure-track faculty members and instructors/lecturers before award of the CCE are eligible for reimbursement of 100% of the allowable PDAC funding for either attendance or participation (up to the 2015-2016 limit).
Full-time substitute faculty members are eligible for reimbursement of 50% of their conference/workshop registration fees for either attendance or participation (up to $300 limit).
Part-time faculty, while not eligible for PDAC funding, may apply for professional travel funds through PSC-CUNY’s Adjunct-CET Professional Development Fund.
Please note: Per NYS guidelines, faculty on fellowship leave are not eligible for PDAC professional travel funds.
3. Allowable PDAC Funding (may not equal actual expenses)
Travel requests to PDAC exceed available funding. Other sources of funding, particularly from academic deans, are often available. An allocation formula has been developed to assure reasonable access to funding. The formula set limits on conference registration fees, transportation costs, lodging, meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). Knowing what you are eligible to receive from PDAC will help you plan any additional requests for funding and make travel arrangements within your budget. The allowable PDAC funding is based on four categories of expenditures:
1.  Conference registration fees up to a maximum of $600.00
2.  Per Diem Lodging up to a maximum of four days (event days plus one travel evening). The default per diem lodging is $77/day, the allowed rate for international travel.
3.  Per Diem Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE), up to a maximum of five days (event days plus one travel day). The default M&IE per diem is $46/day, the allowed rate for international travel. Note: NYS will not reimburse for lunch expenses.
4. Transportation expenses up to $600. Travel should be by the most economical method and values used in the application based on estimated costs using websites such as kayak.com, Travelocity.com, etc. Coach and excursion fares should be used whenever possible. Air travel should be used only in those instances where it is clearly in the best interest to do so. While travelers may book first or business class tickets, the maximum reimbursement is the cost of a coach ticket. For personal automobile travel assume $.575/mile. Destinations within 35 miles of your home or the college are not eligible for travel funding. Other NYS funding restrictions may apply.
If applying for supplemental funding for professional travel in addition to PDAC awards, please get approval for reimbursements from whoever oversees the other funding source (Dean, Chair, etc.) prior to submitting the Travel Authorization request.
4. Applying for PDAC funding and reimbursements
1. Consult with your chairperson and confirm that the professional travel is approved, prior to submission of the PDAC application.
2. Submit the PDAC application by the deadline (see submission link and Table 1 above for deadlines). Late applications will only be reviewed if funding is still available.
2. PDAC will review applications and send award letters via email to those receiving funds. Those not receiving funds will also be notified. Please contact AP Brown, , 718.260.5560 if you do not receive notification by the deadline (see Table 1).
4.  Please create a Travel Authorization in CUNYfirst prior to travel (at least 2 weeks prior to professional travel). The Travel Authorization should be fully approved before travel commences in order to assure coverage through workmen’s compensation. Enter just $25 on the PDAC budget. For instructions on creating a Travel Authorization, please see: 5 Easy Steps to Create a Travel Authorization. Attachments to the Travel Authorization should include: (1) the completed class coverage form signed by the department chairperson and any supporting documentation required by supplemental funders (deans, etc. - please contact supplemental funders directly ASAP after receiving your PDAC award letter). Incomplete travel authorizations will be not be approved and will be sent back for revision.
After Travel
1. Within 15 days of your return or receiving your PDAC award letter, whichever is later, submit a reimbursement package to your dean’s office which includes the PDAC award letter, original receipts on 8.5”×11” paper and supporting conference / workshop documentation which includes the dates and location. Once processed, you will receive email confirmation and should pick up your PDAC reimbursement check at the City Tech Foundation Office, 16 Court Street, Suite 600, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5 pm.
2. If you received funding through the dean’s office apply for reimbursement in CUNYfirst following the instructions, “5 Steps to Enter Your Expenses.”Attach receipts for expenses not covered above and documentation to verify the dates and location of the conference/workshop.It is suggested that you arrange receipts on 8×11 paper and scan before attaching to the Expense Report.
The Expense Report should be submitted within 21 days of returning from travel and ALWAYS before June 30, 2016. Funding is not guaranteed if the deadline for submitting the Expense Reports is not met. Please include the following attachments:
a. All required receipts with allowable expenses showing a $0 balance for eligible travel completed as described in your PDAC application. The Business Office requires receipts in order to be reimbursed for meals. NY State does not allow reimbursement for lunch.
b. Event documentation showing the dates and location and any evidence of your participation in the program.
c. Any required documentation verifying an award from another source.
Incomplete Expense Reports will be send back for update.
Once the Expense Report is approved, a request is sent to NYS for reimbursement through your regular means of payment from the college (direct deposit, check at Bursar’s Office, etc.).
3. Within 15 days of your return please email your abstract (template link) to your school’s PDAC email address: Arts and ; Professional Studies –; Technology and Design –
If you decide not to travel, pleasecancel your Travel Authorizationand email your school’s email address, subject: CANCEL so that the funds can be reallocated to other faculty members.

NYCCT PDAC Travel Reimbursement Guidelines and Proposal, 11/11/15

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